list: API endpoint for returning a list of feats. retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular feat.

GET /v2/languages/?format=api&ordering=-is_exotic
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 19,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "key": "void-speech",
            "name": "Void Speech",
            "desc": "Void speech is a rename of Deep Speech from Tome of Beasts.",
            "is_exotic": true,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "tob",
            "script_language": null
            "key": "abyssal",
            "name": "Abyssal",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are demons.",
            "is_exotic": true,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "infernal"
            "key": "celestial",
            "name": "Celestial",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are celestials",
            "is_exotic": true,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "celestial"
            "key": "deep-speech",
            "name": "Deep Speech",
            "desc": "Typical speakers include aboleths and cloakers. It is only spoken.",
            "is_exotic": true,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": null
            "key": "draconic",
            "name": "Draconic",
            "desc": "Typical speakers include dragons and dragonborn.",
            "is_exotic": true,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "draconic"
            "key": "infernal",
            "name": "Infernal",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are devils.",
            "is_exotic": true,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "infernal"
            "key": "primordial",
            "name": "Primordial",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are elementals.",
            "is_exotic": true,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "dwarvish"
            "key": "sylvan",
            "name": "Sylvan",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are fey creatures.",
            "is_exotic": true,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "elvish"
            "key": "undercommon",
            "name": "Undercommon",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are underworld traders.",
            "is_exotic": true,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "elvish"
            "key": "common",
            "name": "Common",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are Humans.",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "common"
            "key": "druidic",
            "name": "Druidic",
            "desc": "The secret language of druids. Those who know it can speak the language and use it to leave hidden\r\nmessages. Those who know this language automatically spot such a message. Others spot the message’s presence with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check but can’t decipher it without magic.",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": true,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": null
            "key": "dwarvish",
            "name": "Dwarvish",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are dwarves.",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "dwarvish"
            "key": "elvish",
            "name": "Elvish",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are elves.",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "elvish"
            "key": "giant",
            "name": "Giant",
            "desc": "Typical speakers include ogres, and giants.",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "dwarvish"
            "key": "gnomish",
            "name": "Gnomish",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are gnomes.",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "dwarvish"
            "key": "goblin",
            "name": "Goblin",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are goblinoids.",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "dwarvish"
            "key": "halfling",
            "name": "Halfling",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are halflings.",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "common"
            "key": "orc",
            "name": "Orc",
            "desc": "Typical speakers are orcs",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": false,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": "dwarvish"
            "key": "thieves-cant",
            "name": "Thieves' Cant",
            "desc": "A secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows the speaker to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves’ cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.",
            "is_exotic": false,
            "is_secret": true,
            "document": "srd",
            "script_language": null