list: API endpoint for returning a list of spells. retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular spell.

GET /v2/spells/?format=api&ordering=-higher_level&page=2
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1435,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_talons-of-a-hungry-land",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Talons of a Hungry Land",
            "desc": "You cause three parallel lines of thick, flared obsidian spikes to erupt from the ground. They appear within range on a solid surface, last for the duration, and provide three‐quarters cover to creatures behind them. You can make lines (up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick) or form a circle (20 feet in diameter, up to 15 feet high and 5 feet thick).\n\nWhen the lines appear, each creature in their area must make a Dexterity saving throw. Creatures takes 8d8 slashing damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.\n\nA creature can move through the lines at the risk of cutting itself on the exposed edges. For every 1 foot a creature moves through the lines, it must spend 4 feet of movement. Furthermore, the first time a creature enters the lines on a turn or ends its turn there, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 8d8 slashing damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success.\n\nWhen you stop concentrating on the spell, you can cause the obsidian spikes to explode, dealing 5d8 slashing damage to any creature within 15 feet, or half as much damage on a successful Dexterity save.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the damage from all effects of the lines increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "8d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_conjure-voidborn",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Conjure Voidborn",
            "desc": "You summon a fiend or aberration of challenge rating 6 or lower, which appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.\n\nRoll initiative for the creature, which takes its own turns. It attacks the nearest creature on its turn. At the start of the fiend’s turn, you can use your reaction to command the creature by speaking in Void Speech. It obeys your verbal command, and you take 2d6 psychic damage at the end of the creature’s turn.\n\nIf your concentration is broken, the spell ends but the creature doesn’t disappear. Instead, you can no longer issue commands to the fiend, and it becomes hostile to you and your companions. It will attack you and your allies if it believes it has a chance to win the fight or to inflict meaningful harm, but it won’t fight if it fears doing so would mean its own death. You can’t dismiss the creature, but it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the challenge rating increases by 1 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "90 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_starry-vision",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Starry Vision",
            "desc": "This spell acts as [compelling fate](, except as noted above (**starry** vision can be cast as a reaction, has twice the range of [compelling fate](, and lasts up to 1 minute). At the end of each of its turns, the target repeats the Charisma saving throw, ending the effect on a success.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the bonus to AC increases by 1 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "100 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a sprinkle of gold dust worth 400 gp",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_delayed-blast-fireball",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Delayed Blast Fireball",
            "desc": "A beam of yellow light flashes from your pointing finger, then condenses to linger at a chosen point within range as a glowing bead for the duration. When the spell ends, either because your concentration is broken or because you decide to end it, the bead blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame that spreads around corners. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a dexterity saving throw. A creature takes fire damage equal to the total accumulated damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The spell's base damage is 12d6. If at the end of your turn the bead has not yet detonated, the damage increases by 1d6. If the glowing bead is touched before the interval has expired, the creature touching it must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the spell ends immediately, causing the bead to erupt in flame. On a successful save, the creature can throw the bead up to 40 feet. When it strikes a creature or a solid object, the spell ends, and the bead explodes. The fire damages objects in the area and ignites flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the base damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "150 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_magnitude": 20,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_geas",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "1 year",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "1 year",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "Until dispelled",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Geas",
            "desc": "You place a magical command on a creature that you can see within range, forcing it to carry out some service or refrain from some action or course of activity as you decide. If the creature can understand you, it must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for the duration. While the creature is charmed by you, it takes 5d10 psychic damage each time it acts in a manner directly counter to your instructions, but no more than once each day. A creature that can't understand you is unaffected by the spell. You can issue any command you choose, short of an activity that would result in certain death. Should you issue a suicidal command, the spell ends. You can end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it. A remove curse, greater restoration, or wish spell also ends it.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th or 8th level, the duration is 1 year. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level, the spell lasts until it is ended by one of the spells mentioned above.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "5d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "30 days",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_conjure-fey-hound",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Conjure Fey Hound",
            "desc": "You summon a fey hound to fight by your side. A [hound of the night]( appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The hound disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.\n\nThe summoned hound is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned hound, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to the hound, it stands by your side and attacks nearby creatures that are hostile to you but otherwise takes no actions.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you summon two hounds. When you cast this spell using a 9th-level spell slot, you summon three hounds.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a wooden or metal whistle",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_ally-aegis",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 2,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 3,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 4,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Ally Aegis",
            "desc": "When you see an ally within range in imminent danger, you can use your reaction to protect that creature with a shield of magical force. Until the start of your next turn, your ally has a +5 bonus to AC and is immune to force damage. In addition, if your ally must make a saving throw against an enemy’s spell that deals damage, the ally takes half as much damage on a failed saving throw and no damage on a successful save. Ally aegis offers no protection, however, against psychic damage from any source.\n",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can target one additional ally for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 round",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_animate-greater-undead",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Animate Greater Undead",
            "desc": "**Animate greater undead** creates an undead servant from a pile of bones or from the corpse of a Large or Huge humanoid within range. The spell imbues the target with a foul mimicry of life, raising it as an undead skeleton or zombie. A skeleton uses the stat block of a minotaur skeleton, or a zombie uses the stat block of an ogre zombie, unless a more appropriate stat block is available.\n\nThe creature is under your control for 24 hours, after which it stops obeying your commands. To maintain control of the creature for another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on it again while you have it controlled. Casting the spell for this purpose reasserts your control over up to four creatures you have previously animated rather than animating a new one.\n",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can reanimate one additional creature for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "15 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a pint of blood, a pound of flesh, and an ounce of bone dust, all of which the spell consumes",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_walk-the-twisted-path",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Walk the Twisted Path",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, you and up to five creatures you can see within 20 feet of you enter a shifting landscape of endless walls and corridors that connect to many places throughout the world.\n\nYou can find your way to a destination within 100 miles, as long as you know for certain that your destination exists (though you don’t need to have seen or visited it before), and you must make a successful DC 20 Intelligence check. If you have the ability to retrace a path you have previously taken without making a check (as a minotaur or a goristro can), this check automatically succeeds. On a failed check, you don't find your path this round, and you and your companions each take 4d6 psychic damage as the madness of the shifting maze exacts its toll. You must repeat the check at the start of each of your turns until you find your way to your destination or until you die. In either event, the spell ends.\n\nWhen the spell ends, you and those traveling with you appear in a safe location at your destination.\n",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can bring along two additional creatures or travel an additional 100 miles for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a map",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 5,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "special",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_firewalk",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Firewalk",
            "desc": "The creature you cast **firewalk** on becomes immune to fire damage. In addition, that creature can walk along any burning surface, such as a burning wall or burning oil spread on water, as if it were solid and horizontal. Even if there is no other surface to walk on, the creature can walk along the tops of the flames.\n",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, two additional creatures can be affected for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_life-drain",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Life Drain",
            "desc": "With a snarled word of Void Speech, you create a swirling vortex of purple energy. Choose a point you can see within range. Creatures within 15 feet of the point take 10d6 necrotic damage, or half that damage with a successful Constitution saving throw. For each creature damaged by the spell, you can choose one other creature within range, including yourself, that is not a construct or undead. The secondary targets regain hit points equal to half the necrotic damage you dealt.\n",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the vortex’s damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "90 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_encroaching-shadows",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "24 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "36 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "48 hours",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Encroaching Shadows",
            "desc": "You cause menacing shadows to invade an area 200 feet on a side and 50 feet high, centered on a point within range. Illumination in the area drops one step (from bright light to dim, or from dim light to darkness). Any spell that creates light in the area that is cast using a lower-level spell slot than was used to cast encroaching shadows is dispelled, and a spell that creates light doesn’t function in the area if that spell is cast using a spell slot of 5th level or lower. Nonmagical effects can’t increase the level of illumination in the affected area.\n\nA spell that creates darkness or shadow takes effect in the area as if the spell slot expended was one level higher than the spell slot actually used.\n",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the effect lasts for an additional 12 hours for each slot level above 6th.\n\n***Ritual Focus.*** If you expend your ritual focus, the spell’s duration increases by 12 hours, and it cannot be dispelled by a spell that creates light, even if that spell is cast using a higher-level spell slot.",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range": "150 feet",
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a drop of blood smeared on a silver rod worth 100 gp",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "12 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_wall-of-ice",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Wall of Ice",
            "desc": "You create a wall of ice on a solid surface within range. You can form it into a hemispherical dome or a sphere with a radius of up to 10 feet, or you can shape a flat surface made up of ten 10-foot-square panels. Each panel must be contiguous with another panel. In any form, the wall is 1 foot thick and lasts for the duration. If the wall cuts through a creature's space when it appears, the creature within its area is pushed to one side of the wall and must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 10d6 cold damage, or half as much damage on a successful save. The wall is an object that can be damaged and thus breached. It has AC 12 and 30 hit points per 10-foot section, and it is vulnerable to fire damage. Reducing a 10-foot section of wall to 0 hit points destroys it and leaves behind a sheet of frigid air in the space the wall occupied. A creature moving through the sheet of frigid air for the first time on a turn must make a constitution saving throw. That creature takes 5d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage the wall deals when it appears increases by 2d6, and the damage from passing through the sheet of frigid air increases by 1d6, for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "120 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A small piece of quartz.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "10d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_disintegrate",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "13d6+40",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "16d6+40",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "19d6+40",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Disintegrate",
            "desc": "A thin green ray springs from your pointing finger to a target that you can see within range. The target can be a creature, an object, or a creation of magical force, such as the wall created by wall of force. A creature targeted by this spell must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 10d6 + 40 force damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. The creature can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell. This spell automatically disintegrates a Large or smaller nonmagical object or a creation of magical force. If the target is a Huge or larger object or creation of force, this spell disintegrates a 10-foot-cube portion of it. A magic item is unaffected by this spell.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage increases by 3d6 for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A lodestone and a pinch of dust.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "10d6+40",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_circle-of-death",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "10d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "12d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "14d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Circle of Death",
            "desc": "A sphere of negative energy ripples out in a 60-foot-radius sphere from a point within range. Each creature in that area must make a constitution saving throw. A target takes 8d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "150 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "The powder of a crushed black pearl worth at least 500 gp.",
            "material_cost": "500.00",
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "8d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_magnitude": 60,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_freezing-sphere",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "11d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "12d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "13d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Freezing Sphere",
            "desc": "A frigid globe of cold energy streaks from your fingertips to a point of your choice within range, where it explodes in a 60-foot-radius sphere. Each creature within the area must make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 10d6 cold damage. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage. If the globe strikes a body of water or a liquid that is principally water (not including water-based creatures), it freezes the liquid to a depth of 6 inches over an area 30 feet square. This ice lasts for 1 minute. Creatures that were swimming on the surface of frozen water are trapped in the ice. A trapped creature can use an action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC to break free. You can refrain from firing the globe after completing the spell, if you wish. A small globe about the size of a sling stone, cool to the touch, appears in your hand. At any time, you or a creature you give the globe to can throw the globe (to a range of 40 feet) or hurl it with a sling (to the sling's normal range). It shatters on impact, with the same effect as the normal casting of the spell. You can also set the globe down without shattering it. After 1 minute, if the globe hasn't already shattered, it explodes.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "300 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A small crystal sphere.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "10d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_magnitude": 60,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_catapult",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Catapult",
            "desc": "You magically hurl an object or creature weighing 500 pounds or less 40 feet through the air in a direction of your choosing (including straight up). Objects hurled at specific targets require a spell attack roll to hit. A thrown creature takes 6d10 bludgeoning damage from the force of the throw, plus any appropriate falling damage, and lands prone. If the target of the spell is thrown against another creature, the total damage is divided evenly between them and both creatures are knocked prone.\n",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10, the distance thrown increases by 10 feet, and the weight thrown increases by 100 pounds for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range": "400 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a small platinum lever and fulcrum worth 400 gp",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "6d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_pincer",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "6d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "7d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "8d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Pincer",
            "desc": "You force your enemies into a tight spot. Choose two points you can see within range. The points must be at least 30 feet apart from each other. Each point then emits a thunderous boom in a 30-foot cone in the direction of the other point. The boom is audible out to 300 feet.\n  Each creature within a cone must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d10 thunder damage and is pushed up to 10 feet away from the point that emitted the cone. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed. Objects that aren't being worn or carried within each cone are automatically pushed.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "120 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 2,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "5d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": "cone",
            "shape_magnitude": 30,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_black-well",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Black Well",
            "desc": "You summon a seething sphere of dark energy 5 feet in diameter at a point within range. The sphere pulls creatures toward it and devours the life force of those it envelops. Every creature other than you that starts its turn within 90 feet of the black well must make a successful Strength saving throw or be pulled 50 feet toward the well. A creature pulled into the well takes 6d8 necrotic damage and is stunned; a successful Constitution saving throw halves the damage and causes the creature to become incapacitated. A creature that starts its turn inside the well also makes a Constitution saving throw; the creature is stunned on a failed save or incapacitated on a success. An incapacitated creature that leaves the well recovers immediately and can take actions and reactions on that turn. A creature takes damage only upon entering the well—it takes no additional damage for remaining there—but if it leaves the well and is pulled back in again, it takes damage again. A total of nine Medium creatures, three Large creatures, or one Huge creature can be inside the well’s otherdimensional space at one time. When the spell’s duration ends, all creatures inside it tumble out in a heap, landing prone.\n",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage dealt by the well increases by 1d8—and the well pulls creatures an additional 5 feet—for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "300 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "6d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_conjure-fey",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Conjure Fey",
            "desc": "You summon a fey creature of challenge rating 6 or lower, or a fey spirit that takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 6 or lower. It appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The fey creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. The fey creature is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the creature, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you), as long as they don't violate its alignment. If you don't issue any commands to the fey creature, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions. If your concentration is broken, the fey creature doesn't disappear. Instead, you lose control of the fey creature, it becomes hostile toward you and your companions, and it might attack. An uncontrolled fey creature can't be dismissed by you, and it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it. The DM has the fey creature's statistics.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the challenge rating increases by 1 for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "90 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_conjure-construct",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Conjure Construct",
            "desc": "You summon a construct of challenge rating 5 or lower to harry your foes. It appears in an unoccupied space you can see within range. It disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.\n  The construct is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the construct, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don't issue any commands to the construct, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions.\n  If your concentration is broken, the construct doesn't disappear. Instead, you lose control of the construct, it becomes hostile toward you and your companions, and it might attack. An uncontrolled construct can't be dismissed by you, and it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.\n  The construct deals double damage to objects and structures.\n  The GM has the construct's statistics.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the challenge rating increases by 1 for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_globe-of-invulnerability",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Globe of Invulnerability",
            "desc": "An immobile, faintly shimmering barrier springs into existence in a 10-foot radius around you and remains for the duration. Any spell of 5th level or lower cast from outside the barrier can't affect creatures or objects within it, even if the spell is cast using a higher level spell slot. Such a spell can target creatures and objects within the barrier, but the spell has no effect on them. Similarly, the area within the barrier is excluded from the areas affected by such spells.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the barrier blocks spells of one level higher for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A glass or crystal bead that shatters when the spell ends.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_heal",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Heal",
            "desc": "Choose a creature that you can see within range. A surge of positive energy washes through the creature, causing it to regain 70 hit points. This spell also ends blindness, deafness, and any diseases affecting the target. This spell has no effect on constructs or undead.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the amount of healing increases by 10 for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_chain-lightning",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Chain Lightning",
            "desc": "You create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within range. Three bolts then leap from that target to as many as three other targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts. A target must make a dexterity saving throw. The target takes 10d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, one additional bolt leaps from the first target to another target for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "150 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A bit of fur; a piece of amber, glass, or a crystal rod; and three silver pins.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "10d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "kp_lesser-ley-protection",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "1 hour",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "1 hour",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "1 hour",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Lesser Ley Protection",
            "desc": "Deep Magic: forest-bound You create a 10-foot cube of antimagic within range that specifically protects against ley line magic. Ley line spells and magical effects up to level 5 that target a creature within the cube have no effect on that target. Any active ley line spells or magical effects up to level 5 on a creature or an object in the cube is suppressed while the creature or object is in it. The area of a ley line spell or magical effect up to level 5 can't extend into the cube. If the cube overlaps an area of ley line magic, such as lesser ley pulse, the part of the area that is covered by the cube is suppressed. The cube has no effect on other types of magic or spells. You can exclude specific individuals within the cube from the protection.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, its duration is concentration, up to 1 hour.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "30 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "line",
            "shape_magnitude": 10,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_wall-of-thorns",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Wall of Thorns",
            "desc": "You create a wall of tough, pliable, tangled brush bristling with needle-sharp thorns. The wall appears within range on a solid surface and lasts for the duration. You choose to make the wall up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick or a circle that has a 20-foot diameter and is up to 20 feet high and 5 feet thick. The wall blocks line of sight. When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 7d8 piercing damage, or half as much damage on a successful save. A creature can move through the wall, albeit slowly and painfully. For every 1 foot a creature moves through the wall, it must spend 4 feet of movement. Furthermore, the first time a creature enters the wall on a turn or ends its turn there, the creature must make a dexterity saving throw. It takes 7d8 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, both types of damage increase by 1d8 for each slot level above 6th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "120 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A handful of thorns.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "7d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_emanation-of-yoth",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Emanation of Yoth",
            "desc": "You call forth a [ghost]( that takes the form of a spectral, serpentlike assassin. It appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The ghost disappears when it’s reduced to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.\n\nThe ghost is friendly to you and your companions for the duration of the spell. Roll initiative for the ghost, which takes its own turns. It obeys verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue a command to it, the ghost defends itself from hostile creatures but doesn’t move or take other actions.\n\nYou are immune to the ghost’s Horrifying Visage action but can willingly become the target of the ghost’s Possession ability. You can end this effect on yourself as a bonus action.\n",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th or 7th level, you call forth two ghosts. If you cast it using a spell slot of 8th or 9th level, you call forth three ghosts.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "90 feet",
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a fistful of grave earth and a vial of child’s blood",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_instant-siege-weapon",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Instant Siege Weapon",
            "desc": "With this spell, you instantly transform raw materials into a siege engine of Large size or smaller (the GM has information on this topic). The raw materials for the spell don’t need to be the actual components a siege weapon is normally built from; they just need to be manufactured goods made of the appropriate substances (typically including some form of finished wood and a few bits of worked metal) and have a gold piece value of no less than the weapon’s hit points.\n\nFor example, a mangonel has 100 hit points. **Instant siege weapon** will fashion any collection of raw materials worth at least 100 gp into a mangonel. Those materials might be lumber and fittings salvaged from a small house, or 100 gp worth of finished goods such as three wagons or two heavy crossbows. The spell also creates enough ammunition for ten shots, if the siege engine uses ammunition.\n",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level, a Huge siege engine can be made; at 8th level, a Gargantuan siege engine can be made. In addition, for each slot level above 4th, the spell creates another ten shots’ worth of ammunition.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "raw materials with a value in gp equal to the hit points of the siege weapon to be created",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_frostbite",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Frostbite",
            "desc": "Biting cold settles onto a creature you can see. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 4d8 cold damage. In addition, for the duration of the spell, the creature’s speed is halved, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, and it takes another 4d8 cold damage at the start of each of its turns.\n\nAn affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. The effect ends when the creature makes its third successful save.\n\nCreatures that are immune to cold damage are unaffected by **frostbite**.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target two additional creatures for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "90 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a strip of dried flesh that has been frozen at least once",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "4d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_exsanguinate",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 2,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 3,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 4,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 5,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Exsanguinate",
            "desc": "You cause the body of a creature within range to become engorged with blood or ichor. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, it takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage. On a failed save, it takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage each round, it is incapacitated, and it cannot speak, as it vomits up torrents of blood or ichor. In addition, its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.\n\nAt the end of each of its turns, a creature can make a Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on a success—except for the reduction of its hit point maximum, which lasts until the creature finishes a long rest.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "30 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a desiccated horse heart",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "2d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "kp_reset-red-portal",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Reset Red Portal",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, you can reset the destination of a Red Portal within range, diverting the shadow road so it leads to a location of your choosing. This destination must be in the present day. You can specify the target destination in general terms such as the City of the Fire Snakes, Mammon's home, the Halls of Avarice, or in the Eleven Hells, and anyone stepping through the portal while the spell is in effect will appear in or near that destination. If you reset the destination to the City of the Fire Snakes, for example, the portal might now lead to the first inner courtyard inside the city, or to the marketplace just outside at the GM's discretion. Once the spell's duration expires, the Red Portal resets to its original destination (50% chance) or to a new random destination (roll on the Destinations table).",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can specify a destination up to 100 years in the past for each slot level beyond 5th.",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range": "10 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_ice-fortress",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Ice Fortress",
            "desc": "A gleaming fortress of ice springs from a square area of ground that you can see within range. It is a 10-foot cube (including floor and roof). The fortress can’t overlap any other structures, but any creatures in its space are harmlessly lifted up as the ice rises into position. The walls are made of ice (AC 13), have 120 hit points each, and are immune to cold, necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. Reducing a wall to 0 hit points destroys it and has a 50 percent chance to cause the roof to collapse. A damaged wall can be repaired by casting a spell that deals cold damage on it, on a point-for-point basis.\n\nEach wall has two arrow slits. One wall also includes an ice door with an [arcane lock]( You designate at the time of the fort’s creation which creatures can enter the fortification. The door has AC 18 and 60 hit points, or it can be broken open with a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check (DC 15 if the [arcane lock]( is dispelled).\n\nThe fortress catches and reflects light, so that creatures outside the fortress who rely on sight have disadvantage on Perception checks and attack rolls made against those within the fortress if it’s in an area of bright sunlight.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can increase the length or width of the fortification by 5 feet for every slot level above 5th. You can make a different choice (width or length) for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a miniature keep carved from ice or glass that is consumed in the casting",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "until dispelled or destroyed",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_magnitude": 10,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_instant-fortification",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Instant Fortification",
            "desc": "Through this spell, you transform a miniature statuette of a keep into an actual fort. The fortification springs from the ground in an unoccupied space within range. It is a 10- foot cube (including floor and roof).\n\nEach wall has two arrow slits. One wall also includes a metal door with an [arcane lock]( effect on it. You designate at the time of the fort’s creation which creatures can ignore the lock and enter the fortification. The door has AC 20 and 60 hit points, and it can be broken open with a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check. The walls are made of stone (AC 15) and are immune to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. Each 5-foot-square section of wall has 90 hit points. Reducing a section of wall to 0 hit points destroys it, allowing access to the inside of the fortification.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can increase the length or width of the fortification by 5 feet for each slot level above 5th. You can make a different choice (width or length) for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a statuette of a keep worth 250 gp, which is consumed in the casting",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_starfall",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 6,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 7,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 8,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 9,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Starfall",
            "desc": "You cause bolts of shimmering starlight to fall from the heavens, striking up to five creatures that you can see within range. Each bolt strikes one target, dealing 6d6 radiant damage, knocking the target prone, and blinding it until the start of your next turn. A creature that makes a successful Dexterity saving throw takes half the damage, is not knocked prone, and is not blinded. If you name fewer than five targets, excess bolts strike the ground harmlessly.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can create one additional bolt for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 5,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "wz_ethereal-stairs",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Ethereal Stairs",
            "desc": "You create a staircase out of the nothingness of the air. A shimmering staircase 10 feet wide appears and remains for the duration. The staircase ascends at a 45-degree angle to a point as much as 60 feet above the ground. The staircase consists only of steps with no apparent support, unless you choose to have it resemble a stone or wooden structure. Even then, its magical nature is obvious, as it has no color and is translucent, and only the steps have solidity; the rest of it is no more solid than air. The staircase can support up to 10 tons of weight. It can be straight, spiral, or switchback. Its bottom must connect to solid ground, but its top need not connect to anything.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the staircase extends an additional 20 feet for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "30 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_ley-leech",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": "9d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "10d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "11d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "12d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Ley Leech",
            "desc": "You channel destructive ley energy through your touch. Make a melee spell attack against a creature within your reach. The target takes 8d10 necrotic damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. An affected creature repeats the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself with a success. This spell has no effect against constructs or undead.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the spell's damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "8d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_major-image",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Major Image",
            "desc": "You create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. The image appears at a spot that you can see within range and lasts for the duration. It seems completely real, including sounds, smells, and temperature appropriate to the thing depicted. You can't create sufficient heat or cold to cause damage, a sound loud enough to deal thunder damage or deafen a creature, or a smell that might sicken a creature (like a troglodyte's stench). As long as you are within range of the illusion, you can use your action to cause the image to move to any other spot within range. As the image changes location, you can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the image. For example, if you create an image of a creature and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be walking. Similarly, you can cause the illusion to make different sounds at different times, even making it carry on a conversation, for example. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the creature can see through the image, and its other sensory qualities become faint to the creature.",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the spell lasts until dispelled, without requiring your concentration.",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range": "120 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A bit of fleece.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_magnitude": 20,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_staff-of-violet-fire",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": "5d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": "6d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "6d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "7d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "7d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Staff of Violet Fire",
            "desc": "You create a quarterstaff of pure necrotic energy that blazes with intense purple light; it appears in your chosen hand. If you let it go, it disappears, though you can evoke it again as a bonus action if you have maintained concentration on the spell.\n\nThis staff is an extremely unstable and impermanent magic item; it has 10 charges and does not require attunement. The wielder can use one of three effects:\n\n* By using your action to make a melee attack and expending 1 charge, you can attack with it. On a hit, the target takes 5d10 necrotic damage.\n* By expending 2 charges, you can release bolts of necrotic fire against up to 3 targets as ranged attacks for 1d8+4 necrotic damage each.\n\nThe staff disappears and the spell ends when all the staff's charges have been expended or if you stop concentrating on the spell.\n",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the melee damage increases by 1d10 for every two slot levels above 4th, or you add one additional ranged bolt for every two slot levels above 4th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "mummy dust",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "5d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "special",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_bottled-arcana",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Bottled Arcana",
            "desc": "By touching an empty, stoppered glass container such as a vial or flask, you magically enable it to hold a single spell. To be captured, the spell must be cast within 1 round of casting **bottled arcana** and it must be intentionally cast into the container. The container can hold one spell of 3rd level or lower. The spell can be held in the container for as much as 24 hours, after which the container reverts to a mundane vessel and any magic inside it dissipates harmlessly.\n\nAs an action, any creature can unstop the container, thereby releasing the spell. If the spell has a range of self, the creature opening the container is affected; otherwise, the creature opening the container designates the target according to the captured spell’s description. If a creature opens the container unwittingly (not knowing that the container holds a spell), the spell targets the creature opening the container or is centered on its space instead (whichever is more appropriate). [Dispel magic]( cast on the container targets **bottled arcana**, not the spell inside. If **bottled arcana** is dispelled, the container becomes mundane and the spell inside dissipates harmlessly.\n\nUntil the spell in the container is released, its caster can’t regain the spell slot used to cast that spell. Once the spell is released, its caster regains the use of that slot normally.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the level of the spell the container can hold increases by one for every slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "an empty glass container",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "see below",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_holy-ground",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Holy Ground",
            "desc": "You invoke divine powers to bless the ground within 60 feet of you. Creatures slain in the affected area cannot be raised as undead by magic or by the abilities of monsters, even if the corpse is later removed from the area. Any spell of 4th level or lower that would summon or animate undead within the area fails automatically. Such spells cast with spell slots of 5th level or higher function normally.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the level of spells that are prevented from functioning increases by 1 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a vial of holy water that is consumed in the casting",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_mass-cure-wounds",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Mass Cure Wounds",
            "desc": "A wave of healing energy washes out from a point of your choice within range. Choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each target regains hit points equal to 3d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_magnitude": 30,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_flame-strike",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": "5d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "6d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "7d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "8d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Flame Strike",
            "desc": "A vertical column of divine fire roars down from the heavens in a location you specify. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range must make a dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 fire damage and 4d6 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the fire damage or the radiant damage (your choice) increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "Pinch of sulfur.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "4d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_hods-gift",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "2 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "3 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "4 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "5 hours",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Hod's Gift",
            "desc": "The target gains blindsight to a range of 60 feet.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration is increased by 1 hour for every slot above 5th level.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_harrying-hounds",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "12 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "16 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "20 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "24 hours",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Harrying Hounds",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, choose a direction (north, south, northeast, or the like). Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw when you cast this spell or be affected by it. When an affected creature travels, it travels at a fast pace in the opposite direction of the direction you chose as it believes a pack of dogs or wolves follows it from the chosen direction.\n  When an affected creature isn't traveling, it is frightened of your chosen direction. The affected creature occasionally hears howls or sees glowing eyes in the darkness at the edge of its vision in that direction. An affected creature will not stop at a destination, instead pacing half-circles around the destination until the effect ends, terrified the pack will overcome it if it stops moving.\n  An affected creature can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each 4-hour period, ending the effect on itself on a success. An affected creature moves along the safest available route unless it has nowhere to move, such as if it arrives at the edge of a cliff. When an affected creature can't safely move in the opposite direction of your chosen direction, it cowers in place, defending itself from hostile creatures but otherwise taking no actions. In such circumstances, the affected creature can repeat the saving throw every minute, ending the effect on itself on a success. The spell's effect is suspended when an affected creature is engaged in combat, allowing it to move as necessary to face hostile creatures.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration increases by 4 hours for each slot level above 5th. If an affected creature travels for more than 8 hours, it risks exhaustion as if on a forced march.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "180 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a tuft of fur from a hunting dog",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_magnitude": 20,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_labyrinthine-howl",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": "9d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "11d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "13d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "15d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Labyrinthine Howl",
            "desc": "You let loose the howl of a ravenous beast, causing each enemy within range that can hear you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature believes it has been transported into a labyrinth and is under attack by savage beasts. An affected creature must choose either to face the beasts or to curl into a ball for protection. A creature that faces the beasts takes 7d8 psychic damage, and then the spell ends on it. A creature that curls into a ball falls prone and is stunned until the end of your next turn.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 2d8 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a dead mouse",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "7d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 round",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_dragon-breath",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Dragon Breath",
            "desc": "You summon draconic power to gain a breath weapon. When you cast dragon breath, you can immediately exhale a cone or line of elemental energy, depending on the type of dragon you select. While the spell remains active, roll a d6 at the start of your turn. On a roll of 5 or 6, you can take a bonus action that turn to use the breath weapon again.\n\nWhen you cast the spell, choose one of the dragon types listed below. Your choice determines the affected area and the damage of the breath attack for the spell’s duration.\n\n| Dragon Type | Area | Damage |\n|-|-|-|\n| Black | 30-foot line, 5 feet wide | 6d6 acid damage |\n| Blue | 30-foot line, 5 feet wide | 6d6 lightning damage |\n| Green | 15-foot cone | 6d6 poison damage |\n| Red | 15-foot cone | 6d6 fire damage |\n| White | 15-foot cone | 6d6 cold damage |\n\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a piece of a dragon’s tooth",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "line",
            "shape_magnitude": 15,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_cloudkill",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": "6d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "7d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "8d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "9d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Cloudkill",
            "desc": "You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of poisonous, yellow-green fog centered on a point you choose within range. The fog spreads around corners. It lasts for the duration or until strong wind disperses the fog, ending the spell. Its area is heavily obscured. When a creature enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a constitution saving throw. The creature takes 5d8 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures are affected even if they hold their breath or don't need to breathe. The fog moves 10 feet away from you at the start of each of your turns, rolling along the surface of the ground. The vapors, being heavier than air, sink to the lowest level of the land, even pouring down openings.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "120 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "5d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_magnitude": 20,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_cone-of-cold",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": "9d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "10d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "11d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "12d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Cone of Cold",
            "desc": "A blast of cold air erupts from your hands. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must make a constitution saving throw. A creature takes 8d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature killed by this spell becomes a frozen statue until it thaws.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A small crystal or glass cone.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "8d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": "cone",
            "shape_magnitude": 60,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_clash-of-glaciers",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Clash of Glaciers",
            "desc": "You conjure up icy boulders that crush creatures in a line 100 feet long. Each creature in the area takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage plus 5d6 cold damage, or half the damage with a successful Dexterity saving throw.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th. You decide whether each extra die deals bludgeoning or cold damage.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a piece of cracked glass",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "5d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_acid-rain",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Acid Rain",
            "desc": "You unleash a storm of swirling acid in a cylinder 20 feet wide and 30 feet high, centered on a point you can see. The area is heavily obscured by the driving acidfall. A creature that starts its turn in the area or that enters the area for the first time on its turn takes 6d6 acid damage, or half as much damage if it makes a successful Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes half as much damage from the acid (as if it had made a successful saving throw) at the start of its first turn after leaving the affected area.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "150 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a drop of acid",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "6d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""