list: API endpoint for returning a list of spells. retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular spell.

GET /v2/spells/?format=api&ordering=-higher_level&page=22
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1435,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_clairvoyance",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "miles",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Clairvoyance",
            "desc": "An invisible sensor is created within the spell's range. The sensor remains there for the duration, and it cannot be targeted or attacked.\n\nChoose seeing or hearing when you cast the spell.\n\nYou may use that sense through the sensor as if you were there. As an action, you may switch which sense you are using through the sensor.\n\nA creature able to see invisible things (from the see invisibility spell or truesight, for instance) sees a 4-inch diameter glowing, ethereal orb.",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "1 mile",
            "range": 1.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_clone",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Clone",
            "desc": "This spell grows a duplicate of the target that remains inert indefinitely as long as its vessel is sealed.\n\nThe clone grows inside the sealed vessel and matures over the course of 120 days. You can choose to have the clone be a younger version of the target.\n\nOnce the clone has matured, when the target dies its soul is transferred to the clone so long as it is free and willing. The clone is identical to the target (except perhaps in age) and has the same personality, memories, and abilities, but it is without the target's equipment. The target's original body cannot be brought back to life by magic since its soul now resides within the cloned body.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_commune",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Commune",
            "desc": "You contact your deity, a divine proxy, or a personified source of divine power and ask up to 3 questions that could be answered with a yes or a no. You must complete your questions before the spell ends. You receive a correct answer for each question, unless the being does not know. When the being does not know, you receive \"unclear\" as an answer. The being does not try to deceive, and the Narrator may offer a short phrase as an answer if necessary.\n\nWhen you cast this spell again before finishing a long rest, the chance of getting a no answer increases.\n\nThe Narrator makes the following roll in secret: second casting —25%, third casting —50%, fourth casting—75%, fifth casting—100%.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_commune-with-nature",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Commune with Nature",
            "desc": "Until the spell ends, your spirit bonds with that of nature and you learn about the surrounding land.\n\nWhen cast outdoors the spell reaches 3 miles around you, and in natural underground settings it reaches only 300 feet. The spell fails if you are in a heavily constructed area, such as a dungeon or town.\n\nYou learn up to 3 facts of your choice about the surrounding area:\n\n* Terrain and bodies of water\n* Common flora, fauna, minerals, and peoples\n* Any unnatural creatures in the area\n* Weaknesses in planar boundaries\n* Built structures",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_contact-other-plane",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Contact Other Plane",
            "desc": "You consult an otherworldly entity, risking your very mind in the process. Make a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, you take 6d6 psychic damage and suffer four levels of strife until you finish a long rest. A _greater restoration_ spell ends this effect.\n\nOn a successful save, you can ask the entity up to 5 questions before the spell ends. When possible the entity responds with one-word answers: yes, no, maybe, never, irrelevant, or unclear. At the Narrator's discretion, it may instead provide a brief but truthful answer when necessary.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "intelligence",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_contagion",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Contagion",
            "desc": "Your touch inflicts a hideous disease. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, you afflict the target with a disease chosen from the list below.\n\nThe target must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. After three failed saves, the disease lasts for the duration and the creature stops making saves, or after three successful saves, the creature recovers and the spell ends. A greater restoration spell or similar effect also ends the disease.\n\n* **Blinding Sickness:** The target's eyes turn milky white. It is blinded and has disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws.\n* **Filth Fever:** The target is wracked by fever. It has disadvantage when using Strength for an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.\n* **Flesh Rot:** The target's flesh rots. It has disadvantage on Charisma ability checks and becomes vulnerable to all damage.\n* **Mindfire:** The target hallucinates. During combat it is confused, and it has disadvantage when using Intelligence for an ability check or saving throw.\n* **Rattling Cough:** The target becomes discombobulated as it hacks with body-wracking coughs. It is rattled and has disadvantage when using Dexterity for an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.\n* **Slimy Doom:** The target bleeds uncontrollably. It has disadvantage when using Constitution for an ability check or saving throw. Whenever it takes damage, the target is stunned until the end of its next turn.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "7 days",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_contingency",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Contingency",
            "desc": "As part of this spell, cast a spell of 5th-level or lower that has a casting time of 1 action, expending spell slots for both. The second spell must target you, and doesn't target others even if it normally would.\n\nDescribe the circumstances under which the second spell should be cast. It is automatically triggered the first time these circumstances are met. This spell ends when the second spell is triggered, when you cast _contingency_ again, or if the material component for it is not on your person. For example, when you cast _contingency_ with _blur_ as a second spell you might make the trigger be when you see a creature target you with a weapon attack, or you might make it be when you make a weapon attack against a creature, or you could choose for it to be when you see an ally make a weapon attack against a creature.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 days",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_continual-flame",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Continual Flame",
            "desc": "A magical torch-like flame springs forth from the target. The flame creates no heat, doesn't consume oxygen, and can't be extinguished, but it can be covered.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_control-water",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Control Water",
            "desc": "Water inside the area is yours to command. On the round you cast it, and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends, you can choose one of the following effects. When you choose a different effect, the current one ends.\n\n* **Flood:** The standing water level rises by up to 20 feet. The flood water spills onto land if the area includes a shore, but when the area is in a large body of water you instead create a 20-foottall wave. The wave travels across the area and crashes down, carrying Huge or smaller vehicles to the other side, each of which has a 25% chance of capsizing. The wave repeats on the start of your next turn while this effect continues.\n* **Part Water:** You create a 20-foot wide trench spanning the area with walls of water to either side. When this effect ends, the trench slowly refills over the course of the next round.\nRedirect Flow: Flowing water in the area moves in a direction you choose, including up. Once the water moves beyond the spell's area, it resumes its regular flow based on the terrain.\n* **Whirlpool:** If the affected body of water is at least 50 feet square and 25 feet deep, a whirlpool forms within the area in a 50-foot wide cone that is 25 feet long. Creatures and objects that are in the area and within 25 feet of the whirlpool make an Athletics check against your spell save DC or are pulled 10 feet toward it. Once within the whirlpool, checks made to swim out of it have disadvantage. When a creature first enters the whirlpool on a turn or starts its turn there, it makes a Strength saving throw or takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is pulled into the center of the whirlpool. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and isn't pulled.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "2d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": "cone",
            "shape_size": 50.0,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_control-weather",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Control Weather",
            "desc": "You must be outdoors to cast this spell, and it ends early if you don't have a clear path to the sky.\n\nUntil the spell ends, you change the weather conditions in the area from what is normal for the current climate and season. Choose to increase or decrease each weather condition (precipitation, temperature, and wind) up or down by one stage on the following tables. Whenever you change the wind, you can also change its direction. The new conditions take effect after 1d4 × 10 minutes, at which point you can change the conditions again. The weather gradually returns to normal when the spell ends.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_dancing-lights",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Dancing Lights",
            "desc": "You create up to four hovering lights which appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs that can be combined into a glowing Medium-sized humanoid form. Each sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius.\n\nYou can use a bonus action to move the lights up to 60 feet so long as each remains within 20 feet of another light created by this spell. A dancing light winks out when it exceeds the spell's range.",
            "level": 0,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_darklight",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Darklight",
            "desc": "You create an enchanted flame that surrounds your hand and produces no heat, but sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius around you and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Only you and up to 6 creatures of your choice can see this light.",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_darkness",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Darkness",
            "desc": "Magical darkness heavily obscures darkvision and blocks nonmagical light in the area. The darkness spreads around corners. If any of the area overlaps with magical light created by a spell of 2nd-level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.\n\nWhen cast on an object that is in your possession or unattended, the darkness emanates from it and moves with it. Completely covering the object with something that is not transparent blocks the darkness.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_daylight",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Daylight",
            "desc": "Magical light fills the area. The area is brightly lit and sheds dim light for an additional 60 feet. If any of the area overlaps with magical darkness created by a spell of 3rd-level or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.\n\nWhen cast on an object that is in your possession or unattended, the light shines from it and moves with it. Completely covering the object with something that is not transparent blocks the light.",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_deadweight",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Deadweight",
            "desc": "The target object's weight is greatly increased. Any creature holding the object must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop it. A creature which doesn't drop the object has disadvantage on attack rolls until the start of your next turn as it figures out the object's new balance.\n\nCreatures that attempt to push, drag, or lift the object must succeed on a Strength check against your spell save DC to do so.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_death-ward",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Death Ward",
            "desc": "The first time damage would reduce the target to 0 hit points, it instead drops to 1 hit point. If the target is subjected to an effect that would kill it instantaneously without dealing damage, that effect is negated. The spell ends immediately after either of these conditions occur.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_demiplane",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Demiplane",
            "desc": "You create a shadowy door on the target. The door is large enough for Medium creatures to pass through. The door leads to a demiplane that appears as an empty, 30-foot-cube chamber made of wood or stone. When the spell ends, the door disappears from both sides, trapping any creatures or objects inside the demiplane.\n\nEach time you cast this spell, you can either create a new demiplane, conjure the door to a demiplane you have previously created, or make a door leading to a demiplane whose nature or contents you are familiar with.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": false,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_detect-evil-and-good",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Detect Evil and Good",
            "desc": "You attempt to sense the presence of otherworldly forces. You automatically know if there is a place or object within range that has been magically consecrated or desecrated. In addition, on the round you cast it and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends, you may make a Wisdom (Religion) check against the passive Deception score of any aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, or undead creature within range. On a success, you sense the creature's presence, as well as where the creature is located.\n\nThe spell penetrates most barriers but is blocked by 3 feet of wood or dirt, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or a thin sheet of lead.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_detect-poison-and-disease",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Detect Poison and Disease",
            "desc": "On the round you cast it, and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends, you can attempt to sense the presence of poisons, poisonous creatures, and disease by making a Perception check. On a success you identify the type of each poison or disease within range. Typically noticing and identifying a poison or disease is a DC 10 check, but the Narrator may use DC 15 for uncommon afflictions, DC 20 for rare afflictions, or DC 25 for afflictions that are truly unique. On a failed check, this casting of the spell cannot sense that specific poison or disease.\n\nThe spell penetrates most barriers but is blocked by 3 feet of wood or dirt, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or a thin sheet of lead.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_dimension-door",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Dimension Door",
            "desc": "You teleport to any place you can see, visualize, or describe by stating distance and direction such as 200 feet straight downward or 400 feet upward at a 30-degree angle to the southeast.\n\nYou can bring along objects if their weight doesn't exceed what you can carry. You can also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller, provided it isn't carrying gear beyond its carrying capacity and is within 5 feet.\n\nIf you would arrive in an occupied space the spell fails, and you and any creature with you each take 4d6 force damage.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range_text": "500 feet",
            "range": 500.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_divination",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Divination",
            "desc": "Your offering and magic put you in contact with the higher power you serve or its representatives.\n\nYou ask a single question about something that will (or could) happen in the next 7 days. The Narrator offers a truthful reply, which may be cryptic or even nonverbal as appropriate to the being in question.\n\nThe reply does not account for possible circumstances that could change the outcome, such as making additional precautions.\n\nWhen you cast this spell again before finishing a long rest, the chance of getting a random reading from the above options increases. The Narrator makes the following roll in secret: second casting—25%, third casting—50%, fourth casting—75%, fifth casting—100%.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_divine-favor",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Divine Favor",
            "desc": "You imbue divine power into your strikes. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage with your weapon attacks.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_divine-word",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Divine Word",
            "desc": "You utter a primordial imprecation that brings woe upon your enemies. A target suffers an effect based on its current hit points.\n\n* Fewer than 50 hit points: deafened for 1 minute.\n* Fewer than 40 hit points: blinded and deafened for 10 minutes.\n* Fewer than 30 hit points: stunned, blinded, and deafened for 1 hour.\n* Fewer than 20 hit points: instantly killed outright.\n\nAdditionally, when a celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend is affected by this spell it is immediately forced back to its home plane and for 24 hours it is unable to return to your current plane by any means less powerful than a wish spell. Such a creature does not suffer this effect if it is already on its plane of origin.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_dream",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Dream",
            "desc": "Until the spell ends, you manipulate the dreams of another creature. You designate a messenger, which may be you or a willing creature you touch, to enter a trance. The messenger remains aware of its surroundings while in the trance but cannot take actions or move.\n\nIf the target is sleeping the messenger appears in its dreams and can converse with the target as long as it remains asleep and the spell remains active. The messenger can also manipulate the dream, creating objects, landscapes, and various other sensory sensations. The messenger can choose to end the trance at any time, ending the spell. The target remembers the dream in perfect detail when it wakes. The messenger knows if the target is awake when you cast the spell and can either end the trance (and the spell) or wait for the target to fall asleep, at which point the spell works as described.\n\nYou can choose to let the messenger terrorize the target. The messenger can deliver a message of 10 words or fewer and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If you have a portion of the target's body (some hair or a drop of blood) it has disadvantage on its saving throw. On a failed save, echoes of the messenger's fearful aspect create a nightmare that lasts the duration of the target's sleep and prevents it from gaining any benefit from the rest. In addition, upon waking the target suffers a level of fatigue or strife (your choice), up to a maximum of 3 in either condition.\n\nCreatures that don't sleep or don't dream (such as elves) cannot be contacted by this spell.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Special",
            "range": 0.2,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_druidcraft",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Druidcraft",
            "desc": "You call upon your mastery of nature to produce one of the following effects within range:\n\n* You create a minor, harmless sensory effect that lasts for 1 round and predicts the next 24 hours of weather in your current location. For example, the effect might create a miniature thunderhead if storms are predicted.\n* You instantly make a plant feature develop, but never to produce Supply. For example, you can cause a flower to bloom or a seed pod to open.\n* You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect such as the sound of running water, birdsong, or the smell of mulch. The effect must fit in a 5-foot cube.\n* You instantly ignite or extinguish a candle, torch, smoking pipe, or small campfire.",
            "level": 0,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_size": 5.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_earth-barrier",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Earth Barrier",
            "desc": "Choose an unoccupied space between you and the source of the attack which triggers the spell. You call forth a pillar of earth or stone (3 feet diameter, 20 feet tall, AC 10, 20 hit points) in that space that provides you with three-quarters cover (+5 to AC, Dexterity saving throws, and ability checks made to hide).",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "reaction",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_earthquake",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Earthquake",
            "desc": "You create a seismic disturbance in the spell's area. Until the spell ends, an intense tremor rips through the ground and shakes anything in contact with it.\n\nThe ground in the spell's area becomes difficult terrain as it warps and cracks.\n\nWhen you cast this spell and at the end of each turn you spend concentrating on it, each creature in contact with the ground in the spell's area must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.\n\nAdditionally, any creature that is concentrating on a spell while in contact with the ground in the spell's area must make a Constitution saving throw or lose concentration.\n\nAt the Narrator's discretion, this spell may have additional effects depending on the terrain in the area.\n\n* **Fissures:** Fissures open within the spell's area at the start of your next turn after you cast the spell. A total of 1d6 such fissures open in locations you choose. Each is 1d10 × 10 feet deep, 10 feet wide, and extends from one edge of the spell's area to the opposite side. A creature standing on a spot where a fissure opens makes a Dexterity saving throw or falls in. On a successful save, a creature moves with the fissure's edge as it opens.\n* A structure automatically collapses if a fissure opens beneath it (see below).\n* **Structures:** A structure in contact with the ground in the spell's area takes 50 bludgeoning damage when you cast the spell and again at the start of each of your turns while the spell is active. A structure reduced to 0 hit points this way collapses.\n* Creatures within half the distance of a collapsing structure's height make a Dexterity saving throw or take 5d6 bludgeoning damage, are knocked prone, and are buried in the rubble, requiring a DC 20 Acrobatics or Athletics check as an action to escape. A creature inside (instead of near) a collapsing structure has disadvantage on its saving throw. The Narrator can adjust the DC higher or lower depending on the composition of the rubble. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and doesn't fall prone or become buried.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "500 feet",
            "range": 500.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "50",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_eldritch-cube",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Eldritch Cube",
            "desc": "A black, nonreflective, incorporeal 10-foot cube appears in an unoccupied space that you can see. Its space can be in midair if you so desire. When a creature starts its turn in the cube or enters the cube for the first time on its turn it must make an Intelligence saving throw, taking 5d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half damage on a success.\n\nAs a bonus action, you can move the cube up to 10 feet in any direction to a space you can see. The cube cannot be made to pass through other creatures in this way.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "intelligence",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_size": 10.0,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_enrage-architecture",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Enrage Architecture",
            "desc": "You animate and enrage a target building that lashes out at its inhabitants and surroundings. As a bonus action you may command the target to open, close, lock, or unlock any nonmagical doors or windows, or to thrash about and attempt to crush its inhabitants. While the target is thrashing, any creature inside or within 30 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10+5 bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. When the spell ends, the target returns to its previous state, magically repairing any damage it sustained during the spell's duration.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_entangle",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Entangle",
            "desc": "Constraining plants erupt from the ground in the spell's area, wrapping vines and tendrils around creatures. Until the spell ends, the area is difficult terrain.\n\nA creature in the area when you cast the spell makes a Strength saving throw or it becomes restrained as the plants wrap around it. A creature restrained in this way can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC, freeing itself on a success.\n\nWhen the spell ends, the plants wither away.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_enthrall",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Enthrall",
            "desc": "You weave a compelling stream of words that captivates your targets. Any target that can't be charmed automatically succeeds on its saving throw, and targets fighting you or creatures friendly to you have advantage on the saving throw.\n\nUntil the spell ends or a target can no longer hear you, it has disadvantage on Perception checks made to perceive any creature other than you. The spell ends if you are incapacitated or can no longer speak.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_eyebite",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Eyebite",
            "desc": "Your eyes become an inky void imbued with fell power. One creature of your choice within 60 feet of you that you can see and that can see you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted by one of the following effects for the duration. Until the spell ends, on each of your turns you can use an action to target a creature that has not already succeeded on a saving throw against this casting of _eyebite_.\n\n* **Asleep:** The target falls unconscious, waking if it takes any damage or another creature uses an action to rouse it.\n* **Panicked:** The target is frightened of you. On each of its turns, the frightened creature uses its action to take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest and shortest available route unless there is nowhere for it to move. If the target moves to a place at least 60 feet away from you where it can no longer see you, this effect ends.\n* **Sickened:** The target has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. At the end of each of its turns, it can make another Wisdom saving throw, ending this effect on a successful save.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_fabricate",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Fabricate",
            "desc": "You convert raw materials into finished items of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a pitcher from a lump of clay, a bridge from a pile of lumber or group of trees, or rope from a patch of hemp.\n\nWhen you cast the spell, select raw materials you can see within range. From them, the spell fabricates a Large or smaller object (contained within a single 10-foot cube or up to eight connected 5-foot cubes) given a sufficient quantity of raw material. When fabricating with metal, stone, or another mineral substance, the fabricated object can be no larger than Medium (contained within a single 5-foot cube). The quality of any objects made with the spell is equivalent to the quality of the raw materials.\n\nCreatures or magic items can't be created or used as materials with this spell. It also may not be used to create items that require highly-specialized craftsmanship such as armor, weapons, clockworks, glass, or jewelry unless you have proficiency with the type of artisan's tools needed to craft such objects.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_size": 5.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_faerie-fire",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Faerie Fire",
            "desc": "Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in light (your choice of color). Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined unless it makes a Dexterity saving throw. Until the spell ends, affected objects and creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius.\n\nAny attack roll against an affected object or creature has advantage. The spell also negates the benefits of invisibility on affected creatures and objects.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_size": 20.0,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_faithful-hound",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Faithful Hound",
            "desc": "You conjure a phantasmal watchdog. Until the spell ends, the hound remains in the area unless you spend an action to dismiss it or you move more than 100 feet away from it.\n\nThe hound is invisible except to you and can't be harmed. When a Small or larger creature enters the area without speaking a password you specify when casting the spell, the hound starts barking loudly. The hound sees invisible creatures, can see into the Ethereal Plane, and is immune to illusions.\n\nAt the start of each of your turns, the hound makes a bite attack against a hostile creature of your choice that is within the area, using your spell attack bonus and dealing 4d8 piercing damage on a hit.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_fear",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Fear",
            "desc": "You project a phantasmal image into the minds of each creature in the area showing them what they fear most. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened until the spell ends and must drop whatever it is holding.\n\nOn each of its turns, a creature frightened by this spell uses its action to take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route. If there is nowhere it can move, it remains stationary. When the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line of sight to you, the creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the spell's effects on it on a successful save.",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_feeblemind",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Feeblemind",
            "desc": "You blast the target's mind, attempting to crush its intellect and sense of self. The target takes 4d6 psychic damage.\n\nOn a failed save, until the spell ends the creature's Intelligence and Charisma scores are both reduced to 1\\. The creature can't cast spells, activate magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way, but it is still able to recognize, follow, and even protect its allies.\n\nAt the end of every 30 days, the creature can repeat its saving throw against this spell, ending it on a success.\n\n_Greater restoration_, _heal_, or _wish_ can also be used to end the spell.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "intelligence",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "4d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_find-familiar",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Find Familiar",
            "desc": "Your familiar, a spirit that takes the form of any CR 0 beast of Small or Tiny size, appears in an unoccupied space within range. It has the statistics of the chosen form, but is your choice of a celestial, fey, or fiend (instead of a beast).\n\nYour familiar is an independent creature that rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn in combat (but cannot take the Attack action). However, it is loyal to you and always obeys your commands.\n\nWhen the familiar drops to 0 hit points, it vanishes without a trace. Casting the spell again causes it to reappear.\n\nYou are able to communicate telepathically with your familiar when it is within 100 feet. As long as it is within this range, you can use an action to see through your familiar's eyes and hear through its ears until the beginning of your next turn, gaining the benefit of any special senses it has. During this time, you are blind and deaf to your body's surroundings.\n\nYou can use an action to either permanently dismiss your familiar or temporarily dismiss it to a pocket dimension where it awaits your summons. While it is temporarily dismissed, you can use an action to call it back, causing it to appear in any unoccupied space within 30 feet of you.\n\nYou can't have more than one familiar at a time, but if you cast this spell while you already have a familiar, you can cause it to adopt a different form.\n\nFinally, when you cast a spell with a range of Touch and your familiar is within 100 feet of you, it can deliver the spell as if it was the spellcaster. Your familiar must use its reaction to deliver the spell when you cast it. If the spell requires an attack roll, use your attack bonus for the spell.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_find-the-path",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Find the Path",
            "desc": "Name a specific, immovable location that you have visited before. If no such location is within range, the spell fails. For the duration, you know the location's direction and distance. While you are traveling there, you have advantage on ability checks made to determine the shortest path.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "Special",
            "range": 0.2,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 day",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_find-traps",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Find Traps",
            "desc": "This spell reveals whether there is at least one trap within range and within line of sight. You don't learn the number, location, or kind of traps detected. For the purpose of this spell, a trap is a hidden mechanical device or magical effect which is designed to harm you or put you in danger, such as a pit trap, symbol spell, or alarm bell on a door, but not a natural hazard.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_forbiddance",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Forbiddance",
            "desc": "You protect the target area against magical travel. Creatures can't teleport into the area, use a magical portal to enter it, or travel into it from another plane of existence, such as the Astral or Ethereal Plane. The spell's area can't overlap with another _forbiddance_ spell.\n\nThe spell damages specific types of trespassing creatures. Choose one or more of celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. When a chosen creature first enters the area on a turn or starts its turn there, it takes 5d10 radiant or necrotic damage (your choice when you cast the spell). You may designate a password. A creature speaking this password as it enters takes no damage from the spell.\n\nAfter casting this spell on the same area for 30 consecutive days it becomes permanent until dispelled. This final casting to make the spell permanent consumes its material components.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "5d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 day",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_foresight",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Foresight",
            "desc": "You impart the ability to see flashes of the immediate future. The target can't be surprised and has advantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws. Other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target.",
            "level": 9,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_forest-army",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Forest Army",
            "desc": "While casting and concentrating on this spell, you enter a deep trance and awaken an army of trees and plants within range. These plants rise up under your control as a grove swarm and act on your initiative. Although you are in a trance and deaf and blind with regard to your own senses, you see and hear through your grove swarm's senses. You can command your grove swarm telepathically, ordering it to advance, attack, or retreat. If the grove swarm enters your space, you can order it to carry you.\n\nIf you take any action other than continuing to concentrate on this spell, the spell ends and the trees and plants set down roots wherever they are currently located.",
            "level": 9,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_friends",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Friends",
            "desc": "Once before the start of your next turn, when you make a Charisma ability check against the target, you gain an expertise die. If you roll a 1 on the ability or skill check, the target realizes its judgment was influenced by magic and may become hostile.",
            "level": 0,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": false,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 round",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_gate",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Gate",
            "desc": "You create a magic portal, a door between a space you can see and a specific place on another plane of existence. Each portal is a one-sided circular opening from 5 to 25 feet in diameter. Entering either portal transports you to the portal on the other plane. Deities and other planar rulers can prevent portals from opening in their domains.\n\nWhen you cast this spell, you can speak the true name of a specific creature (not its nickname or title). If that creature is on another plane, the portal opens next to it and draws it through to your side of the portal. This spell gives you no power over the creature, and it might choose to attack you, leave, or listen to you.",
            "level": 9,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_glibness",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Glibness",
            "desc": "When you make a Charisma check, you can replace the number you rolled with 15\\. Also, magic that prevents lying has no effect on you, and magic cannot determine that you are lying.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_grapevine",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "miles",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Grapevine",
            "desc": "You cause a message in Druidic to appear on a tree or plant within range which you have seen before.\n\nYou can cast the spell again to erase the message.",
            "level": 0,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range_text": "100 miles",
            "range": 100.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_grease",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Grease",
            "desc": "Grease erupts from a point that you can see within range and coats the ground in the area, turning it into difficult terrain until the spell ends.\n\nWhen the grease appears, each creature within the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature that enters or ends its turn in the area must also succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_greater-invisibility",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Greater Invisibility",
            "desc": "The target is invisible. Anything the target is carrying or wearing is also invisible as long as it remains in the target's possession.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_greater-restoration",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Greater Restoration",
            "desc": "Healing energy rejuvenates a creature you touch and undoes a debilitating effect. You can remove one of:\n\n* a level of fatigue.\n* a level of strife.\n* a charm or petrification effect.\n* a curse or cursed item attunement.\n* any reduction to a single ability score.\n* an effect that has reduced the target's hit point maximum.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []