list: API endpoint for returning a list of spells. retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular spell.

GET /v2/spells/?format=api&ordering=level&page=21
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1435,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_conjure-fey-hound",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Conjure Fey Hound",
            "desc": "You summon a fey hound to fight by your side. A [hound of the night]( appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The hound disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.\n\nThe summoned hound is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned hound, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to the hound, it stands by your side and attacks nearby creatures that are hostile to you but otherwise takes no actions.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you summon two hounds. When you cast this spell using a 9th-level spell slot, you summon three hounds.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a wooden or metal whistle",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_conjure-minor-voidborn",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Conjure Minor Voidborn",
            "desc": "You summon fiends or aberrations that appear in unoccupied spaces you can see within range. You choose one of the following options:\n* One creature of challenge rating 2 or lower\n* Two creatures of challenge rating 1 or lower\n* Four creatures of challenge rating 1/2 or lower\n* Eight creatures of challenge rating 1/4 or lower\nSummoned creatures disappear when they drop to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.\n\nThe summoned creatures do not directly attack you or your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a group; they take their own turns on their initiative result. They attack your enemies and try to stay within 90 feet of you, but they control their own actions. The summoned creatures despise being bound, so they might harm or impede you and your companions with secondary effects (but not direct attacks) if the opportunity arises. At the beginning of the creatures’ turn, you can use your reaction to verbally command them. They obey your commands on that turn, and you take 1d6 psychic damage at the end of the turn.\n\nIf your concentration is broken, the spell ends but the creatures don’t disappear. Instead, you can no longer command them, and they become hostile to you and your companions. They will attack you and your allies if they believe they have a chance to win the fight or to inflict meaningful harm, but they won’t fight if they fear it would mean their own death. You can’t dismiss the creatures, but they disappear 1 hour after being summoned.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a 7th‑or 9th-level spell slot, you choose one of the summoning options above, and more creatures appear­—twice as many with a 7th-level spell slot and three times as many with a 9th-level spell slot.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "90 feet",
            "range": 90.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_curse-of-yig",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Curse of Yig",
            "desc": "This spell transforms a Small, Medium, or Large creature that you can see within range into a [servant of Yig]( An unwilling creature can attempt a Wisdom saving throw, negating the effect with a success. A willing creature is automatically affected and remains so for as long as you maintain concentration on the spell.\n\nThe transformation lasts for the duration or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The target’s statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of a servant of Yig. The transformed creature’s alignment becomes neutral evil, and it is both friendly to you and reverent toward the Father of Serpents. Its equipment is unchanged. If the transformed creature was unwilling, it makes a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the spell ends, the creature’s alignment and personality return to normal, and it regains its former attitude toward you and toward Yig.\n\nWhen it reverts to its normal form, the creature has the number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to its normal form.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a drop of snake venom",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_curse-ring",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Curse Ring",
            "desc": "You lay a curse upon a ring you touch that isn’t being worn or carried. When you cast this spell, select one of the possible effects of [bestow curse]( The next creature that willingly wears the ring suffers the chosen effect with no saving throw. The curse transfers from the ring to the wearer once the ring is put on; the ring becomes a mundane ring that can be taken off, but the curse remains on the creature that wore the ring until the curse is removed or dispelled. An [identify]( spell cast on the cursed ring reveals the fact that it is cursed.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "250 gp worth of diamond dust, which the spell consumes",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent until discharged",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_dark-dementing",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Dark Dementing",
            "desc": "A dark shadow creeps across the target’s mind and leaves a small bit of shadow essence behind, triggering a profound fear of the dark. A creature you designate within range must make a Charisma saving throw. If it fails, the target becomes frightened of you for the duration. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw each time it takes damage, ending the effect on a success. While frightened in this way, the creature will not willingly enter or attack into a space that isn’t brightly lit. If it’s in dim light or darkness, the creature must either move toward bright light or create its own (by lighting a lantern, casting a [light]( spell, or the like).",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a moonstone",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_dragon-breath",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Dragon Breath",
            "desc": "You summon draconic power to gain a breath weapon. When you cast dragon breath, you can immediately exhale a cone or line of elemental energy, depending on the type of dragon you select. While the spell remains active, roll a d6 at the start of your turn. On a roll of 5 or 6, you can take a bonus action that turn to use the breath weapon again.\n\nWhen you cast the spell, choose one of the dragon types listed below. Your choice determines the affected area and the damage of the breath attack for the spell’s duration.\n\n| Dragon Type | Area | Damage |\n|---|---|---|\n| Black | 30-foot line, 5 feet wide | 6d6 acid damage |\n| Blue | 30-foot line, 5 feet wide | 6d6 lightning damage |\n| Green | 15-foot cone | 6d6 poison damage |\n| Red | 15-foot cone | 6d6 fire damage |\n| White | 15-foot cone | 6d6 cold damage |\n\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a piece of a dragon’s tooth",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "line",
            "shape_size": 15.0,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_eidetic-memory",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Eidetic Memory",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, you can recall any piece of information you’ve ever read or heard in the past. This ability translates into a +10 bonus on Intelligence checks for the duration of the spell.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a string tied in a knot",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_eldritch-communion",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Eldritch Communion",
            "desc": "You contact a Great Old One and ask one question that can be answered with a one-sentence reply no more than twenty words long. You must ask your question before the spell ends. There is a 25 percent chance that the answer contains a falsehood or is misleading in some way. (The GM determines this secretly.)\n\nGreat Old Ones have vast knowledge, but they aren’t omniscient, so if your question pertains to information beyond the Old One’s knowledge, the answer might be vacuous, gibberish, or an angry, “I don’t know.”\n\nThis also reveals the presence of all aberrations within 300 feet of you. There is a 1-in-6 chance that each aberration you become aware of also becomes aware of you.\n\nIf you cast **eldritch communion** two or more times before taking a long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each casting after the first that you receive no answer and become afflicted with short-term madness.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "corvid entrails, a dried opium poppy, and a glass dagger",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_energy-absorption",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Energy Absorption",
            "desc": "A creature you touch has resistance to acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, and thunder damage until the spell ends.\n\nIf the spell is used against an unwilling creature, you must make a melee spell attack with a reach of 5 feet. If the attack hits, for the duration of the spell the affected creature must make a saving throw using its spellcasting ability whenever it casts a spell that deals one of the given damage types. On a failed save, the spell is not cast but its slot is expended; on a successful save, the spell is cast but its damage is halved before applying the effects of saving throws, resistance, and other factors.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_essence-instability",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Essence Instability",
            "desc": "You cause the target to radiate a harmful aura. Both the target and every creature beginning or ending its turn within 20 feet of the target suffer 2d6 poison damage per round. The target can make a Constitution saving throw each round to negate the damage and end the affliction. Success means the target no longer takes damage from the aura, but the aura still persists around the target for the full duration.\n\nCreatures affected by the aura must make a successful Constitution saving throw each round to negate the damage. The aura moves with the original target and is unaffected by [gust of wind]( and similar spells.\n\nThe aura does not detect as magical or poison, and is invisible, odorless, and intangible (though the spell’s presence can be detected on the original target). [Protection from poison]( negates the spell’s effects on targets but will not dispel the aura. A foot of metal or stone, two inches of lead, or a force effect such as [mage armor]( or [wall of force]( will block it.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the aura lasts 1 minute longer and the poison damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_exsanguinate",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 2,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 3,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 4,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 5,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Exsanguinate",
            "desc": "You cause the body of a creature within range to become engorged with blood or ichor. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, it takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage. On a failed save, it takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage each round, it is incapacitated, and it cannot speak, as it vomits up torrents of blood or ichor. In addition, its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.\n\nAt the end of each of its turns, a creature can make a Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on a success—except for the reduction of its hit point maximum, which lasts until the creature finishes a long rest.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a desiccated horse heart",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "2d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_exsanguinating-cloud",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Exsanguinating Cloud",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, a rose-colored mist billows up in a 20-foot radius, centered on a point you indicate within range, making the area heavily obscured and draining blood from living creatures in the cloud. The cloud spreads around corners. It lasts for the duration or until strong wind disperses it, ending the spell.\n\nThis cloud leaches the blood or similar fluid from creatures in the area. It doesn’t affect undead or constructs. Any creature in the cloud when it’s created or at the start of your turn takes 6d6 necrotic damage and gains one level of exhaustion; a successful Constitution saving throw halves the damage and prevents the exhaustion.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "100 feet",
            "range": 100.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "6d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "5 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_fey-crown",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Fey Crown",
            "desc": "By channeling the ancient wards of the Seelie Court, you create a crown of five flowers on your head. While wearing this crown, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects and are immune to being charmed. As a bonus action, you can choose a creature within 30 feet of you (including yourself). Until the end of its next turn, the chosen creature is invisible and has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Each time a chosen creature becomes invisible, one of the blossoms in the crown closes. After the last of the blossoms closes, the spell ends at the start of your next turn and the crown disappears.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the crown can have one additional flower for each slot level above 5th. One additional flower is required as a material component for each additional flower in the crown.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "five flowers of different colors",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_frostbite",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Frostbite",
            "desc": "Biting cold settles onto a creature you can see. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 4d8 cold damage. In addition, for the duration of the spell, the creature’s speed is halved, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, and it takes another 4d8 cold damage at the start of each of its turns.\n\nAn affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. The effect ends when the creature makes its third successful save.\n\nCreatures that are immune to cold damage are unaffected by **frostbite**.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target two additional creatures for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "90 feet",
            "range": 90.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a strip of dried flesh that has been frozen at least once",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "4d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_grasp-of-the-tupilak",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Grasp of the Tupilak",
            "desc": "This spell functions only against an arcane or divine spellcaster that prepares spells in advance and that has at least one unexpended spell slot of 6th level or lower. If you make a successful melee attack against such a creature before the spell ends, in addition to the usual effect of that attack, the target takes 2d4 necrotic damage and one or more of the victim’s available spell slots are transferred to you, to be used as your own. Roll a d6; the result equals the total levels of the slots transferred. Spell slots of the highest possible level are transferred before lower-level slots.\n\nFor example, if you roll a 5 and the target has at least one 5th-level spell slot available, that slot transfers to you. If the target’s highest available spell slot is 3rd level, then you might receive a 3rd-level slot and a 2nd-level slot, or a 3rd-level slot and two 1st-level slots if no 2nd-level slot is available.\n\nIf the target has no available spell slots of an appropriate level—for example, if you roll a 2 and the target has expended all of its 1st- and 2nd-level spell slots—then **grasp of the tupilak** has no effect, including causing no necrotic damage. If a stolen spell slot is of a higher level than you’re able to use, treat it as of the highest level you can use.\n\nUnused stolen spell slots disappear, returning whence they came, when you take a long rest or when the creature you stole them from receives the benefit of [remove curse]([greater restoration](, or comparable magic.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "tupilak idol",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "2d4",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 hour or until triggered",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_harrying-hounds",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "12 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "16 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "20 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "24 hours",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Harrying Hounds",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, choose a direction (north, south, northeast, or the like). Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw when you cast this spell or be affected by it. When an affected creature travels, it travels at a fast pace in the opposite direction of the direction you chose as it believes a pack of dogs or wolves follows it from the chosen direction.\n  When an affected creature isn't traveling, it is frightened of your chosen direction. The affected creature occasionally hears howls or sees glowing eyes in the darkness at the edge of its vision in that direction. An affected creature will not stop at a destination, instead pacing half-circles around the destination until the effect ends, terrified the pack will overcome it if it stops moving.\n  An affected creature can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each 4-hour period, ending the effect on itself on a success. An affected creature moves along the safest available route unless it has nowhere to move, such as if it arrives at the edge of a cliff. When an affected creature can't safely move in the opposite direction of your chosen direction, it cowers in place, defending itself from hostile creatures but otherwise taking no actions. In such circumstances, the affected creature can repeat the saving throw every minute, ending the effect on itself on a success. The spell's effect is suspended when an affected creature is engaged in combat, allowing it to move as necessary to face hostile creatures.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration increases by 4 hours for each slot level above 5th. If an affected creature travels for more than 8 hours, it risks exhaustion as if on a forced march.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "180 feet",
            "range": 180.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a tuft of fur from a hunting dog",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_size": 20.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_holy-ground",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Holy Ground",
            "desc": "You invoke divine powers to bless the ground within 60 feet of you. Creatures slain in the affected area cannot be raised as undead by magic or by the abilities of monsters, even if the corpse is later removed from the area. Any spell of 4th level or lower that would summon or animate undead within the area fails automatically. Such spells cast with spell slots of 5th level or higher function normally.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the level of spells that are prevented from functioning increases by 1 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a vial of holy water that is consumed in the casting",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_ice-fortress",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Ice Fortress",
            "desc": "A gleaming fortress of ice springs from a square area of ground that you can see within range. It is a 10-foot cube (including floor and roof). The fortress can’t overlap any other structures, but any creatures in its space are harmlessly lifted up as the ice rises into position. The walls are made of ice (AC 13), have 120 hit points each, and are immune to cold, necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. Reducing a wall to 0 hit points destroys it and has a 50 percent chance to cause the roof to collapse. A damaged wall can be repaired by casting a spell that deals cold damage on it, on a point-for-point basis.\n\nEach wall has two arrow slits. One wall also includes an ice door with an [arcane lock]( You designate at the time of the fort’s creation which creatures can enter the fortification. The door has AC 18 and 60 hit points, or it can be broken open with a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check (DC 15 if the [arcane lock]( is dispelled).\n\nThe fortress catches and reflects light, so that creatures outside the fortress who rely on sight have disadvantage on Perception checks and attack rolls made against those within the fortress if it’s in an area of bright sunlight.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can increase the length or width of the fortification by 5 feet for every slot level above 5th. You can make a different choice (width or length) for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a miniature keep carved from ice or glass that is consumed in the casting",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "until dispelled or destroyed",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_size": 10.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_instant-fortification",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Instant Fortification",
            "desc": "Through this spell, you transform a miniature statuette of a keep into an actual fort. The fortification springs from the ground in an unoccupied space within range. It is a 10- foot cube (including floor and roof).\n\nEach wall has two arrow slits. One wall also includes a metal door with an [arcane lock]( effect on it. You designate at the time of the fort’s creation which creatures can ignore the lock and enter the fortification. The door has AC 20 and 60 hit points, and it can be broken open with a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check. The walls are made of stone (AC 15) and are immune to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. Each 5-foot-square section of wall has 90 hit points. Reducing a section of wall to 0 hit points destroys it, allowing access to the inside of the fortification.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can increase the length or width of the fortification by 5 feet for each slot level above 5th. You can make a different choice (width or length) for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a statuette of a keep worth 250 gp, which is consumed in the casting",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_killing-fields",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Killing Fields",
            "desc": "You invoke primal spirits of nature to transform natural terrain in a 100-foot cube in range into a private hunting preserve. The area can't include manufactured structures and if such a structure exists in the area, the spell ends.\n  While you are conscious and within the area, you are aware of the presence and direction, though not exact location, of each beast and monstrosity with an Intelligence of 3 or lower in the area. When a beast or monstrosity with an Intelligence of 3 or lower tries to leave the area, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it is disoriented, uncertain of its surroundings or direction, and remains within the area for 1 hour. On a success, it leaves the area.\n  When you cast this spell, you can specify individuals that are helped by the area's effects. All other creatures in the area are hindered by the area's effects. You can also specify a password that, when spoken aloud, gives the speaker the benefits of being helped by the area's effects.\n  *Killing fields* creates the following effects within the area.\n   ***Pack Hunters.*** A helped creature has advantage on attack rolls against a hindered creature if at least one helped ally is within 5 feet of the hindered creature and the helped ally isn't incapacitated. Slaying. Once per turn, when a helped creature hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 damage of its type to a hindered creature. Tracking. A helped creature has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks against a hindered creature.\n  You can create a permanent killing field by casting this spell in the same location every day for one year. Structures built in the area after the killing field is permanent don't end the spell.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "300 feet",
            "range": 300.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a game animal, which must be sacrificed as part of casting the spell",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "intelligence",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_size": 100.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_kiss-of-the-succubus",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": "6d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "7d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "8d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "9d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Kiss of the Succubus",
            "desc": "You kiss a willing creature or one you have charmed or held spellbound through spells or abilities such as [dominate person]( The target must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 5d10 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken; this reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": false,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "5d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_labyrinthine-howl",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": "9d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "11d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "13d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "15d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Labyrinthine Howl",
            "desc": "You let loose the howl of a ravenous beast, causing each enemy within range that can hear you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature believes it has been transported into a labyrinth and is under attack by savage beasts. An affected creature must choose either to face the beasts or to curl into a ball for protection. A creature that faces the beasts takes 7d8 psychic damage, and then the spell ends on it. A creature that curls into a ball falls prone and is stunned until the end of your next turn.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 2d8 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a dead mouse",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "7d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 round",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_lay-to-rest",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Lay to Rest",
            "desc": "A pulse of searing light rushes out from you. Each undead creature within 15 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 8d6 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n  An undead creature reduced to 0 hit points by this spell disintegrates in a burst of radiant motes, leaving anything it was wearing or carrying in a space it formerly occupied.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a pinch of grave dirt",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "8d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_living-shadows",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Living Shadows",
            "desc": "You whisper sibilant words of void speech that cause shadows to writhe with unholy life. Choose a point you can see within range. Writhing shadows spread out in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on that point, grasping at creatures in the area. A creature that starts its turn in the area or that enters the area for the first time on its turn must make a successful Strength saving throw or be restrained by the shadows. A creature that starts its turn restrained by the shadows must make a successful Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.\n\nA restrained creature can use its action to make a Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_size": 15.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_maim",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Maim",
            "desc": "Your hands become claws bathed in necrotic energy. Make a melee spell attack against a creature you can reach. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 necrotic damage and a section of its body of your choosing withers:\n   ***Upper Limb.*** The target has disadvantage on Strength checks, and, if it has the Multiattack action, it has disadvantage on its first attack roll each round.\n   ***Lower Limb.*** The target's speed is reduced by 10 feet, and it has disadvantage on Dexterity checks.\n   ***Body.*** Choose one damage type: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. The target loses its resistance to that damage type. If the target doesn't have resistance to the chosen damage type, it is vulnerable to that damage type instead.\n  The effect is permanent until removed by *remove curse*, *greater restoration*, or similar magic.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "4d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_mass-surge-dampener",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Mass Surge Dampener",
            "desc": "Using your strength of will, you protect up to three creatures other than yourself from the effect of a chaos magic surge. A protected creature can make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw to negate the effect of a chaos magic surge that does not normally allow a saving throw, or it gains advantage on a saving throw that is normally allowed. Once a protected creature makes a successful saving throw allowed by **mass surge dampener**, the spell’s effect ends for that creature.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 3,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute, or until expended",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_not-this-day",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Not This Day!",
            "desc": "The creature you touch gains protection against either a specific damage type (slashing, poison, fire, radiant, and the like) or a category of creature (giant, beast, elemental, monstrosity, and so forth) that you name when the spell is cast. For the next 24 hours, the target has advantage on saving throws involving that type of damage or kind of creature, including death saving throws if the attack that dropped the target to 0 hit points is affected by this spell. A character can be under the effect of only a single **not this day!** spell at one time; a second casting on the same target cancels the preexisting protection.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_primal-infusion",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Primal Infusion",
            "desc": "You channel the fury of nature, drawing on its power. Until the spell ends, you gain the following benefits:\n* You gain 30 temporary hit points. If any of these remain when the spell ends, they are lost.\n* You have advantage on attack rolls when one of your allies is within 5 feet of the target and the ally isn’t incapacitated.\n* Your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d10 damage of the same type dealt by the weapon on a hit.\n* You gain a +2 bonus to AC.\n* You have proficiency on Constitution saving throws.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a bit of fur from a carnivorous animal",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_prismatic-ray",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Prismatic Ray",
            "desc": "A ray of shifting color springs from your hand. Make a ranged spell attack against a single creature you can see within range. The ray’s effect and the saving throw that applies to it depend on which color is dominant when the beam strikes its target, determined by rolling a d8.\n\n| d8 | Color | Effect | Saving Throw |\n|---|---|---|---|\n| 1 | Red | 8d10 fire damage | Dexterity |\n| 2 | Orange | 8d10 acid damage | Dexterity |\n| 3 | Yellow | 8d10 lightning damage | Dexterity |\n| 4 | Green | Target Poisoned | Constitution |\n| 5 | Blue | Target Deafened | Constitution |\n| 6 | Indigo | Target Frightened | Wisdom |\n| 7 | Violet | Target Stunned | Constitution |\n| 8 | Shifting Ray | Target Blinded | Constitution |\n\nA target takes half as much damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw. A successful Constitution or Wisdom saving throw negates the effect of a ray that inflicts a condition on the target; on a failed save, the target is affected for 5 rounds or until the effect is negated. If the result of your attack roll is a critical hit, you can choose the color of the beam that hits the target, but the attack does not deal additional damage.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "100 feet",
            "range": 100.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_rain-of-blades",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Rain of Blades",
            "desc": "You call down a rain of swords, spears, and axes. The blades fill 150 square feet (six 5-foot squares, a circle 15 feet in diameter, or any other pattern you want as long as it forms one contiguous space at least 5 feet wide in all places. The blades deal 6d6 slashing damage to each creature in the area at the moment the spell is cast, or half as much damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw. An intelligent undead injured by the blades is frightened for 1d4 rounds if it fails a Charisma saving throw. Most of the blades break or are driven into the ground on impact, but enough survive intact that any single piercing or slashing melee weapon can be salvaged from the affected area and used normally if it is claimed before the spell ends. When the duration expires, all the blades (including the one that was salvaged) disappear.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, an unbroken blade can be picked up and used as a magical +1 weapon until it disappears.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "25 feet",
            "range": 25.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "shard of metal from a weapon",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "4 rounds",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_sanguine-horror",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Sanguine Horror",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, you prick yourself with the material component, taking 1 piercing damage. The spell fails if this damage is prevented or negated in any way. From the drop of blood, you conjure a [blood elemental]( The blood elemental is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. It disappears when it’s reduced to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.\n\nRoll initiative for the elemental, which has its own turns. It obeys verbal commands from you (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to the blood elemental, it defends itself but otherwise takes no actions. If your concentration is broken, the blood elemental doesn’t disappear, but you lose control of it and it becomes hostile to you and your companions. An uncontrolled blood elemental cannot be dismissed by you, and it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "5 feet",
            "range": 5.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a miniature dagger",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_see-beyond",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "See Beyond",
            "desc": "This spell enables a willing creature you touch to see through any obstructions as if they were transparent. For the duration, the target can see into and through opaque objects, creatures, spells, and effects that obstruct line of sight to a range of 30 feet. Inside that distance, the creature can choose what it perceives as opaque and what it perceives as transparent as freely and as naturally as it can shift its focus from nearby to distant objects.\n\nAlthough the creature can see any target within 30 feet of itself, all other requirements must still be satisfied before casting a spell or making an attack against that target. For example, the creature can see an enemy that has total cover but can’t shoot that enemy with an arrow because the cover physically prevents it. That enemy could be targeted by a [geas]( spell, however, because [geas]( needs only a visible target.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a transparent crystal",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_starfall",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 6,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 7,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 8,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 9,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Starfall",
            "desc": "You cause bolts of shimmering starlight to fall from the heavens, striking up to five creatures that you can see within range. Each bolt strikes one target, dealing 6d6 radiant damage, knocking the target prone, and blinding it until the start of your next turn. A creature that makes a successful Dexterity saving throw takes half the damage, is not knocked prone, and is not blinded. If you name fewer than five targets, excess bolts strike the ground harmlessly.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can create one additional bolt for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 5,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_summon-eldritch-servitor",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Summon Eldritch Servitor",
            "desc": "You summon eldritch aberrations that appear in unoccupied spaces you can see within range. Choose one of the following options for what appears:\n* Two [ghasts of Leng](\n* One [shantak](\n\nWhen the summoned creatures appear, you must make a Charisma saving throw. On a success, the creatures are friendly to you and your allies. On a failure, the creatures are friendly to no one and attack the nearest creatures, pursuing and fighting for as long as possible.\n\nRoll initiative for the summoned creatures, which take their own turns as a group. If friendly to you, they obey your verbal commands (no action required by you to issue a command), or they attack the nearest living creature if they are not commanded otherwise.\n\nEach round when you maintain concentration on the spell, you must make a successful DC 15 Wisdom saving throw at the end of your turn or take 1d4 psychic damage. If the total of this damage exceeds your Wisdom score, you gain 1 point of Void taint and you are afflicted with a form of short-term madness. The same penalty applies when the damage exceeds twice your Wisdom score, three times your Wisdom score, and so forth, if you maintain concentration for that long.\n\nA summoned creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. If you stop concentrating on the spell before 1 hour has elapsed, the creatures become uncontrolled and hostile until they disappear 1d6 rounds later or until they are killed.\n",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a 7th- or 8th-level spell slot, you can summon four [ghasts of Leng]( or a [hound of Tindalos]( When you cast it with a 9th-level spell slot, you can summon five [ghasts of Leng]( or a [nightgaunt](",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a vial of the caster’s blood and a silver dagger",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_surprise-blessing",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Surprise Blessing",
            "desc": "You touch a willing creature and choose one of the conditions listed below that the creature is currently subjected to. The condition’s normal effect on the target is suspended, and the indicated effect applies instead. This spell’s effect on the target lasts for the duration of the original condition or until the spell ends. If this spell ends before the original condition’s duration expires, you become affected by the condition for as long as it lasts, even if you were not the original recipient of the condition.\n\n***Blinded:*** The target gains truesight out to a range of 10 feet and can see 10 feet into the Ethereal Plane.\n\n***Charmed:*** The target’s Charisma score becomes 19, unless it is already higher than 19, and it gains immunity to charm effects.\n\n***Frightened:*** The target emits a 10-foot-radius aura of dread. Each creature the target designates that starts its turn in the aura must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the target. A creature frightened in this way that starts its turn outside the aura repeats the saving throw, ending the condition on itself on a success.\n\n***Paralyzed:*** The target can use one extra bonus action or reaction per round.\n\n***Petrified:*** The target gains a +2 bonus to AC.\n\n***Poisoned:*** The target heals 2d6 hit points at the start of its next turn, and it gains immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition.\n\n***Stunned:*** The target has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_thunderstorm",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Thunderstorm",
            "desc": "You touch a willing creature, and it becomes surrounded by a roiling storm cloud 30 feet in diameter, erupting with (harmless) thunder and lightning. The creature gains a flying speed of 60 feet. The cloud heavily obscures the creature inside it from view, though it is transparent to the creature itself.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a piece of lightning-fused glass",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_tongue-tied",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Tongue Tied",
            "desc": "You make a choking motion while pointing at a target, which must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or become unable to communicate verbally. The target’s speech becomes garbled, and it has disadvantage on Charisma checks that require speech. The creature can cast a spell that has a verbal component only by making a successful Constitution check against your spell save DC. On a failed check, the creature’s action is used but the spell slot isn’t expended.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_wall-of-time",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Wall of Time",
            "desc": "You create a wall of shimmering, transparent blocks on a solid surface within range. You can make a straight wall up to 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a cylindrical wall up to 20 feet high, 1 foot thick, and 20 feet in diameter. Nonmagical ranged attacks that cross the wall vanish into the time stream with no other effect. Ranged spell attacks and ranged weapon attacks made with magic weapons that pass through the wall are made with disadvantage. A creature that intentionally enters or passes through the wall is affected as if it had just failed its initial saving throw against a [slow]( spell.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "an hourglass",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_babble",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Babble",
            "desc": "This spell causes the speech of affected creatures to sound like nonsense. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw when you cast this spell or be affected by it.\n  An affected creature cannot communicate in any spoken language that it knows. When it speaks, the words come out as gibberish. Spells with verbal components cannot be cast. The spell does not affect telepathic communication, nonverbal communication, or sounds emitted by any creature that does not have a spoken language. As an action, a creature under the effect of this spell can attempt another Intelligence saving throw against the effect. On a successful save, the spell ends.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "intelligence",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_size": 30.0,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_battle-mind",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Battle Mind",
            "desc": "You gain a preternatural sense of the surrounding area, allowing you insights you can share with comrades to provide them with an edge in combat. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made when determining surprise at the beginning of a combat encounter. If you are not surprised, then neither are your allies. When you are engaged in combat while the spell is active, you can use a bonus action on your turn to produce one of the following effects (allies must be able to see or hear you in order to benefit):\n* One ally gains advantage on its next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.\n* An enemy has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes against you or an ally.\n* You divine the location of an invisible or hidden creature and impart that knowledge to any allies who can see or hear you. This knowledge does not negate any advantages the creature has, it only allows your allies to be aware of its location at the time. If the creature moves after being detected, its new location is not imparted to your allies.\n* Three allies who can see and hear you on your turn are given the benefit of a *bless*, *guidance*, or *resistance spell* on their turns; you choose the benefit individually for each ally. An ally must use the benefit on its turn, or the benefit is lost.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_convey-inner-peace",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Convey Inner Peace",
            "desc": "You imbue yourself and up to five willing creatures within range with the ability to enter a meditative trance like an elf. Once before the spell ends, an affected creature can complete a long rest in 4 hours, meditating as an elf does while in trance. After resting in this way, each creature gains the same benefit it would normally gain from 8 hours of rest.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_deadly-salvo",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Deadly Salvo",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, the ammunition flies from your hand with a loud bang, targeting up to five creatures or objects you can see within range. You can launch the bullets at one target or several. Make a ranged spell attack for each bullet. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 piercing damage. This damage can experience a burst, as described in the gunpowder weapon property (see the Adventuring Gear chapter), but this spell counts as a single effect for the purposes of determining how many times the damage can burst, regardless of the number of targets affected.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 5,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "3d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_enchanted-bloom",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "7 days",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "30 days",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "180 days",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "1 year",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Enchanted Bloom",
            "desc": "You spend an hour anointing a rose with scented oils and imbuing it with fey magic. The first creature other than you that touches the rose before the spell ends pricks itself on the thorns and must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature falls into a deep slumber for 24 hours, and it can be awoken only by the greater restoration spell or similar magic or if you choose to end the spell as an action. While slumbering, the creature doesn't need to eat or drink, and it doesn't age.\n  Each time the creature takes damage, it makes a new Charisma saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the creature.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of a higher level, the duration of the slumber increases to 7 days with a 6th-level slot, to 30 days with a 7th-level slot, to 180 days with an 8th-level slot, and to a year with a 9th-level spell slot.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_life-burst",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Life Burst",
            "desc": "You make a jubilant shout when you cast this spell, releasing your stores of divine energy in a wave of healing. You distribute the remaining power of your Lay on Hands to allies within 30 feet of you, restoring hit points and curing diseases and poisons. This healing energy removes diseases and poisons first (starting with the nearest ally), removing 5 hit points from the hit point total for each disease or poison cured, until all the points are spent or all diseases and poisons are cured. If any hit points remain, you regain hit points equal to that amount.\n  This spell expends all of the healing energy in your Lay on Hands, which replenishes, as normal, when you finish a long rest.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_animate-objects",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Animate Objects",
            "desc": "Objects come to life at your command just like you dreamt of when you were an apprentice! Choose up to 6 unattended nonmagical Small or Tiny objects. You may also choose larger objects; treat Medium objects as 2 objects, Large objects as 3 objects, and Huge objects as 6 objects. You can't animate objects larger than Huge.\n\nUntil the spell ends or a target is reduced to 0 hit points, you animate the targets and turn them into constructs under your control.\n\nEach construct has Constitution 10, Intelligence 3, Wisdom 3, and Charisma 1, as well as a flying speed of 30 feet and the ability to hover (if securely fastened to something larger, it has a Speed of 0), and blindsight to a range of 30 feet (blind beyond that distance). Otherwise a construct's statistics are determined by its size.\n\nIf you animate 4 or more Small or Tiny objects, instead of controlling each construct individually they function as a construct swarm. Add together all swarm's total hit points. Attacks against a construct swarm deal half damage. The construct swarm reverts to individual constructs when it is reduced to 15 hit points or less.\n\nYou can use a bonus action to mentally command any construct made with this spell while it is within 500 feet. When you command multiple constructs using this spell, you may simultaneously give them all the same command. You decide the action the construct takes and where it moves during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as guarding an area. Without commands the construct only defends itself. The construct continues to follow a command until its task is complete.\n\nWhen you command a construct to attack, it makes a single slam melee attack against a creature within 5 feet of it. On a hit the construct deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage appropriate to its shape.\n\nWhen the construct drops to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to its normal object form.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "You can animate 2 additional Small or Tiny objects for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_antilife-shell",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Antilife Shell",
            "desc": "A barrier that glimmers with an oily rainbow hue pops into existence around you. The barrier moves with you and prevents creatures other than undead and constructs from passing or reaching through its surface.\n\nThe barrier does not prevent spells or attacks with ranged or reach weapons from passing through the barrier.\n\nThe spell ends if you move so that a Tiny or larger living creature is forced to pass through the barrier.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_arcane-hand",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Arcane Hand",
            "desc": "You create a Large hand of shimmering, translucent force that mimics the appearance and movements of your own hand.\n\nThe hand doesn't fill its space and has AC 20, Strength 26 (+8), Dexterity 10 (+0), maneuver DC 18, and hit points equal to your hit point maximum. The spell ends early if it is dropped to 0 hit points.\n\nWhen you cast the spell and as a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can move the hand up to 60 feet and then choose one of the following.\n\n* **_Shove:_** The hand makes a Strength saving throw against the maneuver DC of a creature within 5 feet of it, with advantage if the creature is Medium or smaller. On a success, the hand pushes the creature in a direction of your choosing for up to 5 feet plus a number of feet equal to 5 times your spellcasting ability modifier, and remains within 5 feet of it.\n* **_Smash:_** Make a melee spell attack against a creature or object within 5 feet of the hand. On a hit, the hand deals 4d8 force damage.\n* **_Snatch:_** The hand makes a Strength saving throw against the maneuver DC of a creature within 5 feet of it, with advantage if the creature is Medium or smaller. On a success, the creature is grappled by the hand. You can use a bonus action to crush a creature grappled by the hand, dealing bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.\n* **_Stop:_** Until the hand is given another command it moves to stay between you and a creature of your choice, providing you with three-quarters cover against the chosen creature. A creature with a Strength score of 26 or less cannot move through the hand's space, and stronger creatures treat the hand as difficult terrain.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "The damage from Smash increases by 2d8 and the damage from Snatch increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_awaken",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Awaken",
            "desc": "You impart sentience in the target, granting it an Intelligence of 10 and proficiency in a language you know. A plant targeted by this spell gains the ability to move, as well as senses identical to those of a human. The Narrator assigns awakened plant statistics (such as an awakened shrub or awakened tree).\n\nThe target is charmed by you for 30 days or until you or your companions harm it. Depending on how you treated the target while it was charmed, when the condition ends the awakened creature may choose to remain friendly to you.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "Target an additional creature for each slot level above 5th. Each target requires its own material component.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_cloudkill",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": "6d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": "7d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "8d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "9d8",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Cloudkill",
            "desc": "You create a sphere of poisonous, sickly green fog, which can spread around corners but not change shape. The area is heavily obscured. A strong wind disperses the fog, ending the spell early.\n\nUntil the spell ends, when a creature enters the area for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there, it takes 5d8 poison damage.\n\nThe fog moves away from you 10 feet at the start of each of your turns, flowing along the ground. The fog is thicker than air, sinks to the lowest level in the land, and can even flow down openings and pits.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "The damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "5d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_commune",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Commune",
            "desc": "You contact your deity, a divine proxy, or a personified source of divine power and ask up to 3 questions that could be answered with a yes or a no. You must complete your questions before the spell ends. You receive a correct answer for each question, unless the being does not know. When the being does not know, you receive \"unclear\" as an answer. The being does not try to deceive, and the Narrator may offer a short phrase as an answer if necessary.\n\nWhen you cast this spell again before finishing a long rest, the chance of getting a no answer increases.\n\nThe Narrator makes the following roll in secret: second casting —25%, third casting —50%, fourth casting—75%, fifth casting—100%.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": "",
            "classes": []