list: API endpoint for returning a list of spells. retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular spell.

GET /v2/spells/?format=api&ordering=level&page=26
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1435,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_enrage-architecture",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Enrage Architecture",
            "desc": "You animate and enrage a target building that lashes out at its inhabitants and surroundings. As a bonus action you may command the target to open, close, lock, or unlock any nonmagical doors or windows, or to thrash about and attempt to crush its inhabitants. While the target is thrashing, any creature inside or within 30 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10+5 bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. When the spell ends, the target returns to its previous state, magically repairing any damage it sustained during the spell's duration.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_etherealness",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Etherealness",
            "desc": "Until the spell ends or you use an action to end it, you step into the border regions of the Ethereal Plane where it overlaps with your current plane. While on the Ethereal Plane, you can move in any direction, but vertical movement is considered difficult terrain. You can see and hear the plane you originated from, but everything looks desaturated and you can see no further than 60 feet.\n\nWhile on the Ethereal Plane, you can only affect and be affected by other creatures on that plane. Creatures not on the Ethereal Plane can't perceive you unless some special ability or magic explicitly allows them to.\n\nWhen the spell ends, you immediately return to the plane you originated from in the spot you currently occupy. If you occupy the same spot as a solid object or creature when this happens, you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and you take force damage equal to twice the number of feet you are moved.\n\nThe spell has no effect if you cast it while you are on the Ethereal Plane or a plane that doesn't border it, such as an Outer Plane.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "You can target up to 3 willing creatures within 10 feet (including you) for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "8 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_finger-of-death",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Finger of Death",
            "desc": "Negative energy wracks the target and deals 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage. A humanoid killed by this spell turns into a zombie at the start of your next turn. It is permanently under your control and follows your spoken commands.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "The damage increases by 2d8 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_fire-storm",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Fire Storm",
            "desc": "Flames roar, dealing 7d10 fire damage to creatures and objects in the area and igniting unattended flammable objects. If you choose, plant life in the area is unaffected. This spell's area consists of a contiguous group of ten 10-foot cubes in an arrangement you choose, with each cube adjacent to at least one other cube.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "The damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_size": 10.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_forcecage",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Forcecage",
            "desc": "An opaque cube of banded force surrounds the area, preventing any matter or spells from passing through it, though creatures can breathe inside it. Creatures that make a Dexterity saving throw and creatures that are only partially inside the area are pushed out of the area. Any other creature is trapped and can't leave by nonmagical means. The cage also traps creatures on the Ethereal Plane, and can only be destroyed by being dealt at least 25 force damage at once or by a _dispel magic_ spell cast using an 8th-level or higher spell slot.\n\nIf a trapped creature tries to teleport or travel to another plane, it makes a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the attempt fails and the spell or effect is wasted.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "The spell's area increases to a 20-foot cube when using a 9th-level spell slot.",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_inescapable-malady",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Inescapable Malady",
            "desc": "You infect your target with an arcane disease. At any time after you cast this spell, as long as you are on the same plane of existence as the target, you can use an action to deal 7d10 necrotic damage to the target. If this damage would reduce the target to 0 hit points, you can choose to leave it with 1 hit point.\n\nAs part of dealing the damage, you may expend a 7th-level spell slot to sustain the disease. Otherwise, the spell ends. The spell ends when you die.\n\nCasting remove curse, greater restoration, or heal on the target allows the target to make a Constitution saving throw against the disease. Otherwise the disease can only be cured by a wish spell.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "The damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "special",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_magnificent-mansion",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Magnificent Mansion",
            "desc": "You conjure an extradimensional residence within range. It has one entrance that is in a place of your choosing, has a faint luster to it, and is 5 feet wide and 10 feet tall. You and any designated creature may enter your mansion while the portal is open. You may open and close the portal while you are within 30 feet of it. Once closed the entrance is invisible.\n\nThe entrance leads to an opulent entrance hall, with many doors and halls coming from it. The atmosphere is welcoming, warm, and comfortable, and the whole place is sparkling clean.\n\nThe floor plan of the residence is up to you, but it must be made up of fifty or fewer 10-foot cubes.\n\nThe furniture and decor are chosen by you. The residence contains enough food to provide Supply for a number of people equal to 5 × your proficiency bonus. A staff of translucent, lustrous servants dwell within the residence. They may otherwise look how you wish. These servants obey your commands without question, and can perform the same nonhostile actions as a human servant—they might carry objects, prepare and serve food and drinks, clean, make simple repairs, and so on. Servants have access to the entire mansion but may not leave.\n\nAll objects and furnishings belonging to the mansion evaporate into shimmering smoke when they leave it. Any creature within the mansion when the spell ends is expelled into an unoccupied space near the entrance.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "300 feet",
            "range": 300.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_size": 10.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_mirage-arcane",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Mirage Arcane",
            "desc": "You make terrain within the spell's area appear as another kind of terrain, tricking all senses (including touch).\n\nThe general shape of the terrain remains the same, however. A small town could resemble a woodland, a smooth road could appear rocky and overgrown, a deep pit could resemble a shallow pond, and so on.\n\nStructures may be altered in the similar way, or added where there are none. Creatures are not disguised, concealed, or added by the spell.\n\nThe illusion appears completely real in all aspects, including physical terrain, and can be physically interacted with. Clear terrain becomes difficult terrain, and vice versa. Any part of the illusory terrain such as a boulder, or water collected from an illusory stream, disappears immediately upon leaving the spell's area.\n\nCreatures with truesight see through the illusion, but are not immune to its effects. They may know that the overgrown path is in fact a well maintained road, but are still impeded by illusory rocks and branches.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "Sight",
            "range": 2020.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 days",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_plane-shift",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Plane Shift",
            "desc": "Willing targets are transported to a plane of existence that you choose. If the destination is generally described, targets arrive near that destination in a location chosen by the Narrator. If you know the correct sequence of an existing teleportation circle (see teleportation circle), you can choose it as the destination (when the designated circle is too small for all targets to fit, any additional targets are shunted to the closest unoccupied spaces).\n\nAlternatively this spell can be used offensively to banish an unwilling target. You make a melee spell attack and on a hit the target makes a Charisma saving throw or is transported to a random location on a plane of existence that you choose. Once transported, you must spend 1 minute concentrating on this spell or the target returns to the last space it occupied (otherwise it must find its own way back).",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 8,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "special",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_prismatic-spray",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Prismatic Spray",
            "desc": "You unleash 8 rays of light, each with a different purpose and effect. For each target in the area, roll a d8 to determine the ray that affects it.\n\n1—Red: The target takes 10d6 fire damage.\n\n2—Orange: The target takes 10d6 acid damage.\n\n3—Yellow: The target takes 10d6 lightning damage.\n\n4—Green: The target takes 10d6 poison damage.\n\n5—Blue: The target takes 10d6 cold damage.\n\n6—Indigo: The target is restrained and at the end of each of its turns it makes a Constitution saving throw. Once it accumulates two failed saves it permanently turns to stone, or when it accumulates two successful saves the effect ends.\n\n7—Violet: The target is blinded. At the start of your next turn, the target makes a Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect on a success.\n\nOn a failed save, the target is banished to another random plane and is no longer blind. If it originated from another plane it returns there, while other creatures are generally cast into the Astral Plane or Ethereal Plane.\n\n8—Special: The target is hit by two rays.\n\nRoll a d8 twice to determine which rays, rerolling any 8s.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "10d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_project-image",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Project Image",
            "desc": "You create an illusory duplicate of yourself that looks and sounds like you but is intangible. The duplicate can appear anywhere within range as long as you have seen the space before (it ignores any obstacles in the way).\n\nYou can use an action to move this duplicate up to twice your Speed and make it speak and behave in whatever way you choose, mimicking your mannerism with perfect accuracy. You can use a bonus action to see through your duplicate's eyes and hear through its ears until the beginning of your next turn. During this time, you are blind and deaf to your body's surroundings.\n\nA creature can use an action to attempt an Investigation check against your spell save DC to reveal the spell's illusory nature. Physical interactions reveal the illusion for what it is as things can pass through it with ease. A creature aware of the illusion perceives the image as transparent and the sounds it generates hollow.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 day",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_regenerate",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Regenerate",
            "desc": "You touch a creature, causing its body to spontaneously heal itself. The target immediately regains 4d8 + 15 hit points and regains 10 hit points per minute (1 hit point at the start of each of its turns).\n\nIf the target is missing any body parts, the lost parts are restored after 2 minutes. If a severed part is held against the stump, the limb instantaneously reattaches itself.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_resurrection",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Resurrection",
            "desc": "Provided the target's soul is willing and able to return to its body, so long as it is not undead it returns to life with all of its hit points.\n\nThe spell cures any poisons and nonmagical diseases that affected the target at the time of death.\n\nIt does not remove any magical diseases, curses, or other magical effects; these must be removed prior to the spell being cast, otherwise they immediately take effect when the target returns to life. The spell closes all mortal wounds and restores any missing body parts.\n\nBeing raised from the dead takes a toll on the body, mind, and spirit. The target takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks.\n\nAt the conclusion of each long rest, the penalty is reduced by 1 until the target completely recovers.\n\nResurrecting a creature that has been dead for one year or longer is exhausting. Until you finish a long rest, you can't cast spells again and you have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_reverse-gravity",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Reverse Gravity",
            "desc": "Gravity reverses in the area. Any creatures or objects not anchored to the ground fall upward until they reach the top of the area. A creature may make a Dexterity saving throw to prevent the fall by grabbing hold of something. If a solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered, the affected creatures and objects impact against it with the same force as a downward fall. When an object or creature reaches the top of the area, it remains suspended there until the spell ends.\n\nWhen the spell ends, all affected objects and creatures fall back down.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_sequester",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Sequester",
            "desc": "You magically hide away a willing creature or object. The target becomes invisible, and it cannot be traced or detected by divination or scrying sensors. If the target is a living creature, it falls into a state of suspended animation and stops aging.\n\nThe spell ends when the target takes damage or a condition you set occurs. The condition can be anything you choose, like a set amount of time or a specific event, but it must occur within or be visible within 1 mile of the target.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_simulacrum",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Simulacrum",
            "desc": "You sculpt an illusory duplicate of the target from ice and snow. The duplicate looks exactly like the target and uses all the statistics of the original, though it is formed without any gear, and has only half of the target's hit point maximum. The duplicate is a creature, can take actions, and be affected like any other creature. If the target is able to cast spells, the duplicate cannot cast spells of 7th-level or higher.\n\nThe duplicate is friendly to you and creatures you designate. It follows your spoken commands, and moves and acts on your turn in combat. It is a static creature and it does not learn, age, or grow, so it never increases in levels and cannot regain any spent spell slots.\n\nWhen the simulacrum is damaged you can repair it in an alchemy lab using components worth 100 gold per hit point it regains. The simulacrum remains until it is reduced to 0 hit points, at which point it crumbles into snow and melts away immediately.\n\nIf you cast this spell again, any existing simulacrum you have created with this spell is instantly destroyed.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_sporesight",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Sporesight",
            "desc": "You throw a mushroom at a point within range and detonate it, creating a cloud of spores that fills the area. The cloud of spores travels around corners, and the area is considered lightly obscured for everyone except you. Creatures and objects within the area are covered in spores.\n\nUntil the spell ends, you know the exact location of all affected objects and creatures. Any attack roll you make against an affected creature or object has advantage, and the affected creatures and objects can't benefit from being invisible.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_symbol",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Symbol",
            "desc": "You inscribe a potent glyph on the target, setting a magical trap for your enemies. If the glyph is moved more than 10 feet from its original position, or if it comes within 20 feet of another glyph that you have cast, the spell ends. Finding the Tiny glyph requires an Investigation check against your spell save DC.\n\nDescribe the actions a creature must perform to trigger the spell, such as approaching within a certain distance, opening or touching the object the glyph is inscribed on, or seeing or reading the glyph. The creature must have a clear path to the glyph to trigger it. You can specify certain creatures which don't trigger the spell, such as those with a certain appearance or those who speak a certain phrase. Once the glyph is triggered, the spell ends.\n\nWhen triggered, the glyph sheds dim light in a 60-foot radius for 10 minutes, after which the spell ends. Each creature within the sphere's area is targeted by the glyph, as are creatures that enter the sphere for the first time on a turn.\n\nWhen you cast the spell, choose one of the following effects.\n\nDeath: Creatures in the area make a Constitution saving throw, taking 10d10 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save.\n\nDiscord: Creatures in the area make a Constitution saving throw or bicker and argue with other creatures for 1 minute. While bickering, a creature cannot meaningfully communicate and it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.\n\nConfused: Creatures in the area make an Intelligence saving throw or become confused for 1 minute.\n\nFear: Creatures in the area make a Wisdom saving throw or are frightened for 1 minute.\n\nWhile frightened, a creature drops whatever it is holding and must move at least 30 feet away from the glyph on each of its turns.\n\nHopelessness: Creatures in the area make a Charisma saving throw or become overwhelmed with despair for 1 minute. While despairing, a creature can't attack or target any creature with harmful features, spells, traits, or other magical effects.\n\nPain: Creatures in the area make a Constitution saving throw or become incapacitated for 1 minute.\n\nSleep: Creatures in the area make a Wisdom saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes.\n\nA sleeping creature awakens if it takes damage or an action is used to wake it.\n\nStunning: Creatures in the area make a Wisdom saving throw or become stunned for 1 minute.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_teleport",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Teleport",
            "desc": "You teleport the targets instantly across vast distances. When you cast this spell, choose a destination. You must know the location you're teleporting to, and it must be on the same plane of existence.\n\nTeleportation is difficult magic and you may arrive off-target or somewhere else entirely depending on how familiar you are with the location you're teleporting to. When you teleport, the Narrator rolls 1d100 and consults Table: Teleport Familiarity.\n\nFamiliarity is determined as follows: Permanent Circle: A permanent teleportation circle whose sigil sequence you know (see teleportation circle).\n\nAssociated Object: You have an object taken from the target location within the last 6 months, such as a piece of wood from the pew in a grand temple or a pinch of grave dust from a vampire's hidden redoubt.\n\nVery Familiar: A place you have frequented, carefully studied, or can see at the time you cast the spell.\n\nSeen Casually: A place you have seen more than once but don't know well. This could be a castle you've passed by but never visited, or the farms you look down on from your tower of ivory.\n\nViewed Once: A place you have seen once, either in person or via magic.\n\nDescription: A place you only know from someone else's description (whether spoken, written, or even marked on a map).\n\nFalse Destination: A place that doesn't actually exist. This typically happens when someone deceives you, either intentionally (like a wizard creating an illusion to hide their actual tower) or unintentionally (such as when the location you attempt to teleport to no longer exists).\n\nYour arrival is determined as follows: On Target: You and your targets arrive exactly where you mean to.\n\nOff Target: You and your targets arrive some distance away from the target in a random direction. The further you travel, the further away you are likely to arrive. You arrive off target by a number of miles equal to 1d10 × 1d10 percent of the total distance of your trip.\n\nIf you tried to travel 1, 000 miles and roll a 2 and 4 on the d10s, you land 6 percent off target and arrive 60 miles away from your intended destination in a random direction. Roll 1d8 to randomly determine the direction: 1—north, 2 —northeast, 3 —east, 4 —southeast, 5—south, 6 —southwest, 7—west, 8—northwest.\n\nSimilar Location: You and your targets arrive in a different location that somehow resembles the target area. If you tried to teleport to your favorite inn, you might end up at a different inn, or in a room with much of the same decor.\n\nTypically you appear at the closest similar location, but that is not always the case.\n\nMishap: The spell's magic goes awry, and each teleporting creature or object takes 3d10 force damage. The Narrator rerolls on the table to determine where you arrive. When multiple mishaps occur targets take damage each time.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range_text": "Special",
            "range": 0.2,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "3d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_unholy-star",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Unholy Star",
            "desc": "A meteor ripped from diabolical skies streaks through the air and explodes at a point you can see 100 feet directly above you. The spell fails if you can't see the point where the meteor explodes.\n\nEach creature within range that can see the meteor (other than you) makes a Dexterity saving throw or is blinded until the end of your next turn. Fiery chunks of the meteor then plummet to the ground at different areas you choose within range. Each creature in an area makes a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 fire damage and 6d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature in more than one area is affected only once.\n\nThe spell damages objects in the area and ignites flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_anomalous-object",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Anomalous Object",
            "desc": "Deep Magic: temporal By touching an object, you retrieve another version of the object from elsewhere in time. If the object is attended, you must succeed on a melee spell attack roll against the creature holding or controlling the object. Any effect that affects the original object also affects the duplicate (charges spent, damage taken, etc.) and any effect that affects the duplicate also affects the original object. If either object is destroyed, both are destroyed. This spell does not affect sentient items or unique artifacts.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_greater-ley-pulse",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Greater Ley Pulse",
            "desc": "You set up ley energy vibrations in a 20-foot cube within range, and name one type of damage. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or lose immunity to the chosen damage type for the duration.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a 9th-level spell slot, choose two damage types instead of one.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_size": 20.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_hellforging",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Hellforging",
            "desc": "Deep Magic: clockwork You spend an hour calling forth a disembodied evil spirit. At the end of that time, the summoned spirit must make a Charisma saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds, you take 2d10 psychic damage plus 2d10 necrotic damage from waves of uncontrolled energy rippling out from the disembodied spirit. You can maintain the spell, forcing the subject to repeat the saving throw at the end of each of your turns, with the same consequence to you for each failure. If you choose not to maintain the spell or are unable to do so, the evil spirit returns to its place of torment and cannot be recalled. If the saving throw fails, the summoned spirit is transferred into the waiting soul gem and immediately animates the constructed body. The subject is now a hellforged; it loses all of its previous racial traits and gains gearforged traits except as follows: Vulnerability: Hellforged are vulnerable to radiant damage. Evil Mind: Hellforged have disadvantage on saving throws against spells and abilities of evil fiends or aberrations that effect the mind or behavior. Past Life: The hellforged retains only a vague sense of who it was in its former existence, but these memories are enough for it to gain proficiency in one skill. Languages: Hellforged speak Common, Machine Speech, and Infernal or Abyssal Up to four other spellcasters of at least 5th level can assist you in the ritual. Each assistant increases the DC of the Charisma saving throw by 1. In the event of a failed saving throw, the spellcaster and each assistant take damage. An assistant who drops out of the casting can't rejoin.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_molechs-blessing",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Molech's Blessing",
            "desc": "Deep Magic: clockwork ritual You call upon the dark blessings of the furnace god Molech. In an hour-long ritual begun at midnight, you dedicate a living being to Molech by branding the deity's symbol onto the victim's forehead. If the ritual is completed and the victim fails to make a successful Wisdom saving throw (or the victim chooses not to make one), the being is transformed into an avatar of Molech under your control. The avatar is 8 feet tall and appears to be made of black iron wreathed in flames. Its eyes, mouth, and a portion of its torso are cut away to show the churning fire inside that crackles with wailing voices. The avatar has all the statistics and abilities of an earth elemental, with the following differences: Alignment is Neutral Evil; Speed is 50 feet and it cannot burrow or use earth glide; it gains the fire form ability of a fire elemental, but it cannot squeeze through small spaces; its Slam does an additional 1d10 fire damage. This transformation lasts for 24 hours. At the end of that time, the subject returns to its normal state and takes 77 (14d10) fire damage, or half damage with a successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "77",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_timeless-engine",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Timeless Engine",
            "desc": "Deep Magic: clockwork You halt the normal processes of degradation and wear in a nonmagical clockwork device, making normal maintenance unnecessary and slowing fuel consumption to 1/10th of normal. For magical devices and constructs, the spell greatly reduces wear. A magical clockwork device, machine, or creature that normally needs daily maintenance only needs care once a year; if it previously needed monthly maintenance, it now requires attention only once a decade.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "until dispelled",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_clear-the-board",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Clear the Board",
            "desc": "You send your allies and your enemies to opposite sides of the battlefield. Pick a cardinal direction. With a shout and a gesture, you and up to five willing friendly creatures within range are teleported up to 90 feet in that direction to spaces you can see. At the same time, up to six hostile creatures within range must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the hostile creature is teleported up to 90 feet in the opposite direction of where you teleport yourself and the friendly creatures to spaces you can see. You can't teleport a target into dangerous terrain, such as lava or off the edge of a cliff, and each target must be teleported to an unoccupied space that is on the ground or on a floor.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_conjure-spectral-allies",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "7d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "8d10",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Conjure Spectral Allies",
            "desc": "You sprinkle some graveyard dirt before you and call forth vengeful spirits. The spirits erupt from the ground at a point you choose within range and sweep outward. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d10 necrotic damage and becomes frightened for 1 minute. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't frightened.\n  At the end of each of its turns, a creature frightened by this spell can make another saving throw. On a success, this spell ends on the creature.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "6d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_size": 30.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_immolating-gibbet",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Immolating Gibbet",
            "desc": "You cause up to three creatures you can see within range to be yanked into the air where their blood turns to fire, burning them from within. Each target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be magically pulled up to 60 into the air. The creature is restrained there until the spell ends. A restrained creature must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. The creature takes 7d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n  At the end of each of its turns, a restrained creature can make another Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the creature, and the creature falls to the ground, taking falling damage as normal. Alternatively, the restrained creature or someone else who can reach it can use an action to make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against your spell save DC. On a success, the restrained effect ends, and the creature falls to the ground, taking falling damage as normal.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 3,
            "saving_throw_ability": "dexterity",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "7d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_long-game",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Long Game",
            "desc": "While casting this spell, you must engage your target in conversation. At the completion of the casting, the target must make a Charisma saving throw. If it fails, you place a latent magical effect in the target's mind for the duration. If the target succeeds on the saving throw, it realizes that you used magic to affect its mind and might become hostile toward you, at the GM's discretion.\n  Once before the spell ends, you can use an action to trigger the magical effect in the target's mind, provided you are on the same plane of existence as the target. When the effect is triggered, the target takes 5d8 psychic damage plus an extra 1d8 psychic damage for every 24 hours that has passed since you cast the spell, up to a total of 12d8 psychic damage. The spell has no effect on the target if it ends before you trigger the magical effect.\n  *A greater restoration* or *wish* spell cast on the target ends the spell early. You know if the spell is ended early, provided you are on the same plane of existence as the target.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "5d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "7 days",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_wild-hunt",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Wild Hunt",
            "desc": "While casting this spell, you must chant and drum, calling forth the spirit of the hunt. Up to nine other creatures can join you in the chant.\n  For the duration, each creature that participated in the chant is filled with the fervent bloodlust of the wild hunt and gains several benefits. The creature is immune to being charmed and frightened, it deals one extra die of damage on the first weapon or spell attack it makes on each of its turns, it has advantage on Strength or Dexterity saving throws (the creature's choice), and its Armor Class increases by 1.\n  When this spell ends, a creature affected by it suffers one level of exhaustion.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "wz_mirror-realm",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Mirror Realm",
            "desc": "You transform a mirror into a magical doorway to an extradimensional realm. You and any creatures you designate when you cast the spell can move through the doorway into the realm beyond. For the spell's duration, the mirror remains anchored in the plane of origin, where it can't be broken or otherwise damaged by any mundane means. No creatures other than those you designate can pass through the mirror or see into the mirror realm.\n  The realm within the mirror is an exact reflection of the location you left. The temperature is comfortable, and any environmental threats (lava, poisonous gas, or similar) are inert, harmless facsimiles of the real thing. Likewise, magic items reflected in the mirror realm have no magical properties, but those carried into it work normally. Food, drink, and other beneficial items within the mirror realm (reflections of originals in the real world) function as normal, real items; food can be eaten, wine can be drunk, and so on. Only items that were reflected in the mirror at the moment the spell was cast exist inside the mirror realm. Items placed in front of the mirror afterward don't appear in the mirror realm, and creatures never do unless they are allowed in by you. Items found in the mirror realm dissolve into nothingness when they leave it, but the effects of food and drink remain.\n  Sound passes through the mirror in both directions. Creatures in the mirror realm can see what's happening in the world, but creatures in the world see only what the mirror reflects. Objects can cross the mirror boundary only while worn or carried by a creature, and spells can't cross it at all. You can't stand in the mirror realm and shoot arrows or cast spells at targets in the world or vice versa.\n  The boundaries of the mirror realm are the same as the room or location in the plane of origin, but the mirror realm can't exceed 50,000 square feet (for simplicity, imagine 50 cubes, each cube being 10 feet on a side). If the original space is larger than this, such as an open field or a forest, the boundary is demarcated with an impenetrable, gray fog.\n  Any creature still inside the mirror realm when the spell ends is expelled through the mirror into the nearest empty space.\n  If this spell is cast in the same spot every day for a year, it becomes permanent. Once permanent, the mirror can't be moved or destroyed through mundane means. You can allow new creatures into the mirror realm (and disallow previous creatures) by recasting the spell within range of the permanent mirror. Casting the spell elsewhere doesn't affect the creation or the existence of a permanent mirror realm; a determined spellcaster could have multiple permanent mirror realms to use as storage spaces, hiding spots, and spy vantages.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "90 feet",
            "range": 90.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": false,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "wz_zymurgic-aura",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Zymurgic Aura",
            "desc": "A wave of putrefaction surges from you, targeting creatures of your choice within a 30-foot radius around you, speeding the rate of decay in those it touches. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 10d6 necrotic damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful save. Its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature takes a long rest.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "10d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "kp_greater-ley-protection",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "1 hour",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Greater Ley Protection",
            "desc": "Deep Magic: forest-bound You create a 20-foot cube of antimagic within range that specifically protects against ley line magic. Ley line spells and magical effects up to level 7 that target a creature within the cube have no effect on that target. Any active ley line spells or magical effects up to level 7 on a creature or an object in the cube is suppressed while the creature or object is in it. The area of a ley line spell or magical effect up to level 7 can't extend into the cube. If the cube overlaps an area of ley line magic, such as greater ley pulse, the part of the area that is covered by the cube is suppressed. The cube has no effect on other types of magic or spells. You can exclude specific individuals within the cube from the protection.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level or higher, its duration is concentration, up to 1 hour.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "line",
            "shape_size": 20.0,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "kp_morphic-flux",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Morphic Flux",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, your body becomes highly mutable, your flesh constantly shifting and quivering, occasionally growing extra parts-limbs and eyes-only to reabsorb them soon afterward. While under the effect of this spell, you have resistance to slashing and piercing damage and ignore the additional damage done by critical hits. You can squeeze through Tiny spaces without penalty. In addition, once per round, as a bonus action, you can make an unarmed attack with a newly- grown limb. Treat it as a standard unarmed attack, but you choose whether it does bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_acid-gate",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Acid Gate",
            "desc": "You create a portal of swirling, acidic green vapor in an unoccupied space you can see. This portal connects with a target destination within 100 miles that you are personally familiar with and have seen with your own eyes, such as your wizard’s tower or an inn you have stayed at. You and up to three creatures of your choice can enter the portal and pass through it, arriving at the target destination (or within 10 feet of it, if it is currently occupied). If the target destination doesn’t exist or is inaccessible, the spell automatically fails and the gate doesn’t form.\n\nAny creature that tries to move through the gate, other than those selected by you when the spell was cast, takes 10d6 acid damage and is teleported 1d100 × 10 feet in a random, horizontal direction. If the creature makes a successful Intelligence saving throw, it can’t be teleported by this portal, but it still takes acid damage when it enters the acid-filled portal and every time it ends its turn in contact with it.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, you can allow one additional creature to use the gate for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a vial of acid and a polished silver mirror worth 125 gp",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 3,
            "saving_throw_ability": "intelligence",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "10d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_amplify-gravity",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Amplify Gravity",
            "desc": "This spell intensifies gravity in a 50-foot-radius area within range. Inside the area, damage from falling is quadrupled (2d6 per 5 feet fallen) and maximum damage from falling is 40d6. Any creature on the ground in the area when the spell is cast must make a successful Strength saving throw or be knocked prone; the same applies to a creature that enters the area or ends its turn in the area. A prone creature in the area must make a successful Strength saving throw to stand up. A creature on the ground in the area moves at half speed and has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and ranged attack rolls.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "100 feet",
            "range": 100.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a piece of lead",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_aspect-of-the-dragon",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Aspect of the Dragon",
            "desc": "This spell draws out the ancient nature within your blood, allowing you to assume the form of any dragon-type creature of challenge 10 or less.\n\nYou assume the hit points and Hit Dice of the new form. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. If you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn’t reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren’t knocked unconscious.\n\nYou retain the benefits of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them, provided that your new form is physically capable of doing so. You can speak only if the dragon can normally speak.\n\nWhen you transform, you choose whether your equipment falls to the ground, merges into the new form, or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions normally, but equipment doesn’t change shape or size to match the new form. Any equipment that the new form can’t wear must either fall to the ground or merge into the new form. The GM has final say on whether the new form can wear or use a particular piece of equipment. Equipment that merges has no effect in that state.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Self",
            "range": 0.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a dragon scale",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_blizzard",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Blizzard",
            "desc": "A howling storm of thick snow and ice crystals appears in a cylinder 40 feet high and 40 feet in diameter within range. The area is heavily obscured by the swirling snow. When the storm appears, each creature in the area takes 8d8 cold damage, or half as much damage with a successful Constitution saving throw. A creature also makes this saving throw and takes damage when it enters the area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there. In addition, a creature that takes cold damage from this spell has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration until the start of its next turn.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "100 feet",
            "range": 100.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "8d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_celebration",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Celebration",
            "desc": "You create a 30-foot-radius area around a point that you choose within range. An intelligent creature that enters the area or starts its turn there must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature starts to engage in celebratory revelry: drinking, singing, laughing, and dancing. Affected creatures are reluctant to leave the area until the spell ends, preferring to continue the festivities. They forsake appointments, cease caring about their woes, and generally behave in a cordial (if not hedonistic) manner. This preoccupation with merrymaking occurs regardless of an affected creature’s agenda or alignment. Assassins procrastinate, servants join in the celebration rather than working, and guards abandon their posts.\n\nThe effect ends on a creature when it is attacked, takes damage, or is forced to leave the area. A creature that makes a successful saving throw can enter or leave the area without danger of being enchanted. A creature that fails the saving throw and is forcibly removed from the area must repeat the saving throw if it returns to the area.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the spell lasts for an additional hour for each slot level above 7th.\n\n***Ritual Focus.*** If you expend your ritual focus, an unaffected intelligent creature must make a new saving throw every time it starts its turn in the area, even if it has previously succeeded on a save against the spell.",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range_text": "90 feet",
            "range": 90.0,
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a small party favor",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_conjure-greater-spectral-dead",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Conjure Greater Spectral Dead",
            "desc": "You summon an incorporeal undead creature that appears in an unoccupied space you can see within range. You choose one of the following options for what appears:\n* One [wraith](\n* One [spectral guardian](\n* One [wolf spirit swarm](\nSummoned creatures disappear when they drop to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.\n\nThe summoned creature doesn’t attack you or your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the summoned creature, which has its own turns. The creature attacks your enemies and tries to stay within 60 feet of you, but it otherwise controls its own actions. The summoned creature despises being bound and might harm or impede you and your companions by any means at its disposal other than direct attacks if the opportunity arises. At the beginning of the creature’s turn, you can use your reaction to verbally command it. The creature obeys your commands for that turn, and you take 1d6 psychic damage at the end of the turn. If your concentration is broken, the creature doesn’t disappear. Instead, you can no longer command it, it becomes hostile to you and your companions, and it attacks you and your allies if it believes it has a chance to win the fight or to inflict meaningful harm; otherwise it flees. You can’t dismiss the uncontrolled creature, but it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a 9th‐level spell slot, you summon a [deathwisp]( or two [ghosts]( instead.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a handful of bone dust, a crystal prism worth at least 100 gp, and a platinum coin",
            "material_cost": "100.00",
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_conjure-shadow-titan",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Conjure Shadow Titan",
            "desc": "You summon a shadow titan, which appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The shadow titan’s statistics are identical to a [stone giant’s](, with two differences: its camouflage ability works in dim light instead of rocky terrain, and the “rocks” it hurls are composed of shadow-stuff and cause cold damage.\n\nThe shadow titan is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the shadow titan; it acts on its own turn. It obeys verbal or telepathic commands that you issue to it (giving a command takes no action on your part). If you don’t issue any commands to the shadow titan, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions.\n\nThe shadow titan disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "90 feet",
            "range": 90.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_conjure-voidborn",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Conjure Voidborn",
            "desc": "You summon a fiend or aberration of challenge rating 6 or lower, which appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.\n\nRoll initiative for the creature, which takes its own turns. It attacks the nearest creature on its turn. At the start of the fiend’s turn, you can use your reaction to command the creature by speaking in Void Speech. It obeys your verbal command, and you take 2d6 psychic damage at the end of the creature’s turn.\n\nIf your concentration is broken, the spell ends but the creature doesn’t disappear. Instead, you can no longer issue commands to the fiend, and it becomes hostile to you and your companions. It will attack you and your allies if it believes it has a chance to win the fight or to inflict meaningful harm, but it won’t fight if it fears doing so would mean its own death. You can’t dismiss the creature, but it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the challenge rating increases by 1 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "90 feet",
            "range": 90.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_create-thunderstaff",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Create Thunderstaff",
            "desc": "After you cast **create thunderstaff** on a normal quarterstaff, the staff must then be mounted in a noisy location, such as a busy marketplace, and left there for 60 days. During that time, the staff gradually absorbs ambient sound.\n\nAfter 60 days, the staff is fully charged and can’t absorb any more sound. At that point, it becomes a **thunderstaff**, a +1 quarterstaff that has 10 charges. When you hit on a melee attack with the staff and expend 1 charge, the target takes an extra 1d8 thunder damage. You can cast a [thunderwave]( spell from the staff as a bonus action by expending 2 charges. The staff cannot be recharged.\n\nIf the final charge is not expended within 60 days, the staff becomes nonmagical again.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a quarterstaff",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "1d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_curse-of-dust",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Curse of Dust",
            "desc": "You cast a curse on a creature within range that you’re familiar with, causing it to be unsatiated by food no matter how much it eats. This effect isn’t merely an issue of perception; the target physically can’t draw sustenance from food. Within minutes after the spell is cast, the target feels constant hunger no matter how much food it consumes. The target must make a Constitution saving throw 24 hours after the spell is cast and every 24 hours thereafter. On a failed save, the target gains one level of exhaustion. The effect ends when the duration expires or when the target makes two consecutive successful saves.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "500 feet",
            "range": 500.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a piece of spoiled food",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "5 days",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_curse-of-the-grave",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Curse of the Grave",
            "desc": "You tap your connection to death to curse a humanoid, making the grim pull of the grave stronger on that creature’s soul.\n\nChoose one humanoid you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become cursed. A [remove curse]( spell or similar magic ends this curse. While cursed in this way, the target suffers the following effects:\n\n* The target fails death saving throws on any roll but a 20.\n* If the target dies while cursed, it rises 1 round later as a vampire spawn under your control and is no longer cursed.\n* The target, as a vampire spawn, seeks you out in an attempt to serve its new master. You can have only one vampire spawn under your control at a time through this spell. If you create another, the existing one turns to dust. If you or your companions do anything harmful to the target, it can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, it is no longer under your control.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a pinch of dirt from a freshly dug grave",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "until dispelled",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_death-gods-touch",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Death God’s Touch",
            "desc": "This spell allows you to shred the life force of a creature you touch. You become invisible and make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 10d10 necrotic damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target dies. Whether the attack hits or misses, you remain invisible until the start of your next turn.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the damage increases by 2d10 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "Touch",
            "range": 0.1,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "10d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_defile-healing",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Defile Healing",
            "desc": "You attempt to reverse the energy of a healing spell so that it deals damage instead of healing. If the healing spell is being cast with a spell slot of 5th level or lower, the slot is expended but the spell restores no hit points. In addition, each creature that was targeted by the healing spell takes necrotic damage equal to the healing it would have received, or half as much damage with a successful Constitution saving throw.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level, it can reverse a healing spell being cast using a spell slot of 6th level or lower. If you use a 9th-level spell slot, it can reverse a healing spell being cast using a spell slot of 7th level or lower.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "60 feet",
            "range": 60.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_glacial-fog",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": "13d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": "14d6",
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Glacial Fog",
            "desc": "As you cast this spell, a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point within range becomes covered in a frigid fog. Each creature that is in the area at the start of its turn while the spell remains in effect must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 12d6 cold damage and gains one level of exhaustion, and it has disadvantage on Perception checks until the start of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half the damage and ignores the other effects.\n\nStored devices and tools are all frozen by the fog: crossbow mechanisms become sluggish, weapons are stuck in scabbards, potions turn to ice, bag cords freeze together, and so forth. Such items require the application of heat for 1 round or longer in order to become useful again.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 7th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range_text": "100 feet",
            "range": 100.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "crystalline statue of a polar bear worth at least 25 gp",
            "material_cost": "25.00",
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "12d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_size": 30.0,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_ice-soldiers",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 2,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 3,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Ice Soldiers",
            "desc": "You pour water from the vial and cause two [ice soldiers]( to appear within range. The ice soldiers cannot form if there is no space available for them. The ice soldiers act immediately on your turn. You can mentally command them (no action required by you) to move and act where and how you desire. If you command an ice soldier to attack, it attacks that creature exclusively until the target is dead, at which time the soldier melts into a puddle of water. If an ice soldier moves farther than 30 feet from you, it immediately melts.\n",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, you create one additional ice soldier.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "30 feet",
            "range": 30.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "vial of water",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_icy-grasp-of-the-void",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "range_unit": "feet",
            "shape_size_unit": "feet",
            "name": "Icy Grasp of the Void",
            "desc": "You summon the cold, inky darkness of the Void into being around a creature that you can see. The target takes 10d10 cold damage and is restrained for the duration; a successful Constitution saving throw halves the damage and negates the restrained condition. A restrained creature gains one level of exhaustion at the start of each of its turns. Creatures immune to cold and that do not breathe do not gain exhaustion. A creature restrained in this way can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the spell on a success.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range_text": "120 feet",
            "range": 120.0,
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "constitution",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "10d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_size": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""