list: API endpoint for returning a list of spells. retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular spell.

GET /v2/spells/?format=api&ordering=name&page=2
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1435,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_animate-objects",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Animate Objects",
            "desc": "Objects come to life at your command just like you dreamt of when you were an apprentice! Choose up to 6 unattended nonmagical Small or Tiny objects. You may also choose larger objects; treat Medium objects as 2 objects, Large objects as 3 objects, and Huge objects as 6 objects. You can't animate objects larger than Huge.\n\nUntil the spell ends or a target is reduced to 0 hit points, you animate the targets and turn them into constructs under your control.\n\nEach construct has Constitution 10, Intelligence 3, Wisdom 3, and Charisma 1, as well as a flying speed of 30 feet and the ability to hover (if securely fastened to something larger, it has a Speed of 0), and blindsight to a range of 30 feet (blind beyond that distance). Otherwise a construct's statistics are determined by its size.\n\nIf you animate 4 or more Small or Tiny objects, instead of controlling each construct individually they function as a construct swarm. Add together all swarm's total hit points. Attacks against a construct swarm deal half damage. The construct swarm reverts to individual constructs when it is reduced to 15 hit points or less.\n\nYou can use a bonus action to mentally command any construct made with this spell while it is within 500 feet. When you command multiple constructs using this spell, you may simultaneously give them all the same command. You decide the action the construct takes and where it moves during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as guarding an area. Without commands the construct only defends itself. The construct continues to follow a command until its task is complete.\n\nWhen you command a construct to attack, it makes a single slam melee attack against a creature within 5 feet of it. On a hit the construct deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage appropriate to its shape.\n\nWhen the construct drops to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to its normal object form.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "You can animate 2 additional Small or Tiny objects for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range": "120 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_animated-scroll",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_1",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_2",
                    "damage_roll": null,
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                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_3",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "48 hours",
                    "range": null
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                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "48 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "48 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "48 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
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                    "duration": "48 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_10",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "48 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_11",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "72 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_12",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "72 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_13",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "72 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_14",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "72 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_15",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "72 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_16",
                    "damage_roll": null,
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                    "duration": "72 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_17",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "96 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_18",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "96 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_19",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "96 hours",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "player_level_20",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "96 hours",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Animated Scroll",
            "desc": "The paper or parchment must be folded into the shape of an animal before casting the spell. It then becomes an animated paper animal of the kind the folded paper most closely resembles. The creature uses the stat block of any beast that has a challenge rating of 0. It is made of paper, not flesh and bone, but it can do anything the real creature can do: a paper owl can fly and attack with its talons, a paper frog can swim without disintegrating in water, and so forth. It follows your commands to the best of its ability, including carrying messages to a recipient whose location you know.",
            "level": 0,
            "higher_level": "The duration increases by 24 hours at 5th level (48 hours), 11th level (72 hours), and 17th level (96 hours).",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "intricately folded paper or parchment",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_anomalous-object",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Anomalous Object",
            "desc": "Deep Magic: temporal By touching an object, you retrieve another version of the object from elsewhere in time. If the object is attended, you must succeed on a melee spell attack roll against the creature holding or controlling the object. Any effect that affects the original object also affects the duplicate (charges spent, damage taken, etc.) and any effect that affects the duplicate also affects the original object. If either object is destroyed, both are destroyed. This spell does not affect sentient items or unique artifacts.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_anticipate-arcana",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Anticipate Arcana",
            "desc": "Your foresight gives you an instant to ready your defenses against a magical attack. When you cast **anticipate arcana**, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects until the start of your next turn.",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_anticipate-attack",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Anticipate Attack",
            "desc": "In a flash of foreknowledge, you spot an oncoming attack with enough time to avoid it. Upon casting this spell, you can move up to half your speed without provoking opportunity attacks. The oncoming attack still occurs but misses automatically if you are no longer within the attack’s range, are in a space that's impossible for the attack to hit, or can’t be targeted by that attack in your new position. If none of those circumstances apply but the situation has changed—you have moved into a position where you have cover, for example—then the attack is made after taking the new situation into account.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_anticipate-weakness",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Anticipate Weakness",
            "desc": "With a quick glance into the future, you pinpoint where a gap is about to open in your foe’s defense, and then you strike. After casting **anticipate weakness**, you have advantage on attack rolls until the end of your turn.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_antilife-shell",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Antilife Shell",
            "desc": "A shimmering barrier extends out from you in a 10-foot radius and moves with you, remaining centered on you and hedging out creatures other than undead and constructs. The barrier lasts for the duration. The barrier prevents an affected creature from passing or reaching through. An affected creature can cast spells or make attacks with ranged or reach weapons through the barrier. If you move so that an affected creature is forced to pass through the barrier, the spell ends.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_antilife-shell",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Antilife Shell",
            "desc": "A barrier that glimmers with an oily rainbow hue pops into existence around you. The barrier moves with you and prevents creatures other than undead and constructs from passing or reaching through its surface.\n\nThe barrier does not prevent spells or attacks with ranged or reach weapons from passing through the barrier.\n\nThe spell ends if you move so that a Tiny or larger living creature is forced to pass through the barrier.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_antimagic-field",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Antimagic Field",
            "desc": "A 10-foot-radius invisible sphere of antimagic surrounds you. This area is divorced from the magical energy that suffuses the multiverse. Within the sphere, spells can't be cast, summoned creatures disappear, and even magic items become mundane. Until the spell ends, the sphere moves with you, centered on you. Spells and other magical effects, except those created by an artifact or a deity, are suppressed in the sphere and can't protrude into it. A slot expended to cast a suppressed spell is consumed. While an effect is suppressed, it doesn't function, but the time it spends suppressed counts against its duration.\n\n**Targeted Effects.** Spells and other magical effects, such as magic missile and charm person, that target a creature or an object in the sphere have no effect on that target.\n\n**Areas of Magic.** The area of another spell or magical effect, such as fireball, can't extend into the sphere. If the sphere overlaps an area of magic, the part of the area that is covered by the sphere is suppressed. For example, the flames created by a wall of fire are suppressed within the sphere, creating a gap in the wall if the overlap is large enough.\n\n**Spells.** Any active spell or other magical effect on a creature or an object in the sphere is suppressed while the creature or object is in it.\n\n**Magic Items.** The properties and powers of magic items are suppressed in the sphere. For example, a +1 longsword in the sphere functions as a nonmagical longsword. A magic weapon's properties and powers are suppressed if it is used against a target in the sphere or wielded by an attacker in the sphere. If a magic weapon or a piece of magic ammunition fully leaves the sphere (for example, if you fire a magic arrow or throw a magic spear at a target outside the sphere), the magic of the item ceases to be suppressed as soon as it exits.\n\n**Magical Travel.** Teleportation and planar travel fail to work in the sphere, whether the sphere is the destination or the departure point for such magical travel. A portal to another location, world, or plane of existence, as well as an opening to an extradimensional space such as that created by the rope trick spell, temporarily closes while in the sphere.\n\n**Creatures and Objects.** A creature or object summoned or created by magic temporarily winks out of existence in the sphere. Such a creature instantly reappears once the space the creature occupied is no longer within the sphere.\n\n**Dispel Magic.** Spells and magical effects such as dispel magic have no effect on the sphere. Likewise, the spheres created by different antimagic field spells don't nullify each other.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A pinch of powdered iron or iron filings.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_magnitude": 10,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_antimagic-field",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Antimagic Field",
            "desc": "An invisible sphere of antimagic forms around you, moving with you and suppressing all magical effects within it. At the Narrator's discretion, sufficiently powerful artifacts and deities may be able to ignore the sphere's effects.\n\n* **Area Suppression:** When a magical effect protrudes into the sphere, that part of the effect's area is suppressed. For example, the ice created by a wall of ice is suppressed within the sphere, creating a gap in the wall if the overlap is large enough.\n* **Creatures and Objects:** While within the sphere, any creatures or objects created or conjured by magic temporarily wink out of existence, reappearing immediately once the space they occupied is no longer within the sphere.\n* **Dispel Magic:** The sphere is immune to dispel magic and similar magical effects, including other antimagic field spells.\n* **Magic Items:** While within the sphere, magic items function as if they were mundane objects. Magic weapons and ammunition cease to be suppressed when they fully leave the sphere.\n* **Magical Travel:** Whether the sphere includes a destination or departure point, any planar travel or teleportation within it automatically fails. Until the spell ends or the sphere moves, magical portals and extradimensional spaces (such as that created by a bag of holding) within the sphere are closed.\n* **Spells:** Any spell cast within the sphere or at a target within the sphere is suppressed and the spell slot is consumed. Active spells and magical effects are also suppressed within the sphere. If a spell or magical effect has a duration, time spent suppressed counts against it.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_antipathysympathy",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Antipathy/Sympathy",
            "desc": "This spell attracts or repels creatures of your choice. You target something within range, either a Huge or smaller object or creature or an area that is no larger than a 200-foot cube. Then specify a kind of intelligent creature, such as red dragons, goblins, or vampires. You invest the target with an aura that either attracts or repels the specified creatures for the duration. Choose antipathy or sympathy as the aura's effect.\n\n**Antipathy.** The enchantment causes creatures of the kind you designated to feel an intense urge to leave the area and avoid the target. When such a creature can see the target or comes within 60 feet of it, the creature must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or become frightened. The creature remains frightened while it can see the target or is within 60 feet of it. While frightened by the target, the creature must use its movement to move to the nearest safe spot from which it can't see the target. If the creature moves more than 60 feet from the target and can't see it, the creature is no longer frightened, but the creature becomes frightened again if it regains sight of the target or moves within 60 feet of it.\n\n **Sympathy.** The enchantment causes the specified creatures to feel an intense urge to approach the target while within 60 feet of it or able to see it. When such a creature can see the target or comes within 60 feet of it, the creature must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or use its movement on each of its turns to enter the area or move within reach of the target. When the creature has done so, it can't willingly move away from the target. If the target damages or otherwise harms an affected creature, the affected creature can make a wisdom saving throw to end the effect, as described below.\n\n**Ending the Effect.** If an affected creature ends its turn while not within 60 feet of the target or able to see it, the creature makes a wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the creature is no longer affected by the target and recognizes the feeling of repugnance or attraction as magical. In addition, a creature affected by the spell is allowed another wisdom saving throw every 24 hours while the spell persists. A creature that successfully saves against this effect is immune to it for 1 minute, after which time it can be affected again.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "Either a lump of alum soaked in vinegar for the antipathy effect or a drop of honey for the sympathy effect.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 days",
            "shape_type": "cube",
            "shape_magnitude": 200,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_antipathysympathy",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Antipathy/Sympathy",
            "desc": "You mystically impart great love or hatred for a place, thing, or creature. Designate a kind of intelligent creature, such as dragons, goblins, or vampires.\n\nThe target now causes either antipathy or sympathy for the specified creatures for the duration of the spell. When a designated creature successfully saves against the effects of this spell, it immediately understands it was under a magical effect and is immune to this spell's effects for 1 minute.\n\n* **Antipathy:** When a designated creature can see the target or comes within 60 feet of it, the creature makes a Wisdom saving throw or becomes frightened. While frightened the creature must use its movement to move away from the target to the nearest safe spot from which it can no longer see the target. If the creature moves more than 60 feet from the target and can no longer see it, the creature is no longer frightened, but the creature becomes frightened again if it regains sight of the target or moves within 60 feet of it.\n* **Sympathy:** When a designated creature can see the target or comes within 60 feet of it, the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature uses its movement on each of its turns to enter the area or move within reach of the target, and is unwilling to move away from the target.  \nIf the target damages or otherwise harms an affected creature, the affected creature can make a Wisdom saving throw to end the effect. An affected creature can also make a saving throw once every 24 hours while within the area of the spell, and whenever it ends its turn more than 60 feet from the target and is unable to see the target.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 days",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_arcane-eye",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Eye",
            "desc": "You create an invisible, magical eye within range that hovers in the air for the duration. You mentally receive visual information from the eye, which has normal vision and darkvision out to 30 feet. The eye can look in every direction. As an action, you can move the eye up to 30 feet in any direction. There is no limit to how far away from you the eye can move, but it can't enter another plane of existence. A solid barrier blocks the eye's movement, but the eye can pass through an opening as small as 1 inch in diameter.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "30 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A bit of bat fur.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_arcane-eye",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Eye",
            "desc": "Until the spell ends, you create an invisible, floating magical eye that hovers in the air and sends you visual information. The eye has normal vision, darkvision to a range of 30 feet, and it can look in every direction.\n\nYou can use an action to move the eye up to 30 feet in any direction as long as it remains on the same plane of existence. The eye can pass through openings as small as 1 inch across but otherwise its movement is blocked by solid barriers.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_arcane-hand",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Hand",
            "desc": "You create a Large hand of shimmering, translucent force in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The hand lasts for the spell's duration, and it moves at your command, mimicking the movements of your own hand. The hand is an object that has AC 20 and hit points equal to your hit point maximum. If it drops to 0 hit points, the spell ends. It has a Strength of 26 (+8) and a Dexterity of 10 (+0). The hand doesn't fill its space. When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns, you can move the hand up to 60 feet and then cause one of the following effects with it.\n\n**Clenched Fist.** The hand strikes one creature or object within 5 feet of it. Make a melee spell attack for the hand using your game statistics. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 force damage.\n\n**Forceful Hand.** The hand attempts to push a creature within 5 feet of it in a direction you choose. Make a check with the hand's Strength contested by the Strength (Athletics) check of the target. If the target is Medium or smaller, you have advantage on the check. If you succeed, the hand pushes the target up to 5 feet plus a number of feet equal to five times your spellcasting ability modifier. The hand moves with the target to remain within 5 feet of it.\n\n**Grasping Hand.** The hand attempts to grapple a Huge or smaller creature within 5 feet of it. You use the hand's Strength score to resolve the grapple. If the target is Medium or smaller, you have advantage on the check. While the hand is grappling the target, you can use a bonus action to have the hand crush it. When you do so, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier\n\n **Interposing Hand.** The hand interposes itself between you and a creature you choose until you give the hand a different command. The hand moves to stay between you and the target, providing you with half cover against the target. The target can't move through the hand's space if its Strength score is less than or equal to the hand's Strength score. If its Strength score is higher than the hand's Strength score, the target can move toward you through the hand's space, but that space is difficult terrain for the target.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage from the clenched fist option increases by 2d8 and the damage from the grasping hand increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range": "120 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "An eggshell and a snakeskin glove.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "4d8",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_arcane-hand",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Hand",
            "desc": "You create a Large hand of shimmering, translucent force that mimics the appearance and movements of your own hand.\n\nThe hand doesn't fill its space and has AC 20, Strength 26 (+8), Dexterity 10 (+0), maneuver DC 18, and hit points equal to your hit point maximum. The spell ends early if it is dropped to 0 hit points.\n\nWhen you cast the spell and as a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can move the hand up to 60 feet and then choose one of the following.\n\n* **_Shove:_** The hand makes a Strength saving throw against the maneuver DC of a creature within 5 feet of it, with advantage if the creature is Medium or smaller. On a success, the hand pushes the creature in a direction of your choosing for up to 5 feet plus a number of feet equal to 5 times your spellcasting ability modifier, and remains within 5 feet of it.\n* **_Smash:_** Make a melee spell attack against a creature or object within 5 feet of the hand. On a hit, the hand deals 4d8 force damage.\n* **_Snatch:_** The hand makes a Strength saving throw against the maneuver DC of a creature within 5 feet of it, with advantage if the creature is Medium or smaller. On a success, the creature is grappled by the hand. You can use a bonus action to crush a creature grappled by the hand, dealing bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.\n* **_Stop:_** Until the hand is given another command it moves to stay between you and a creature of your choice, providing you with three-quarters cover against the chosen creature. A creature with a Strength score of 26 or less cannot move through the hand's space, and stronger creatures treat the hand as difficult terrain.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "The damage from Smash increases by 2d8 and the damage from Snatch increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 5th.",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "120 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_arcane-lock",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Lock",
            "desc": "You touch a closed door, window, gate, chest, or other entryway, and it becomes locked for the duration. You and the creatures you designate when you cast this spell can open the object normally. You can also set a password that, when spoken within 5 feet of the object, suppresses this spell for 1 minute. Otherwise, it is impassable until it is broken or the spell is dispelled or suppressed. Casting knock on the object suppresses arcane lock for 10 minutes. While affected by this spell, the object is more difficult to break or force open; the DC to break it or pick any locks on it increases by 10.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "Gold dust worth at least 25gp, which the spell consumes.",
            "material_cost": "25.00",
            "material_consumed": true,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "until dispelled",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_arcane-lock",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_3",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Lock",
            "desc": "The target is sealed to all creatures except those you designate (who can open the object normally). Alternatively, you may choose a password that suppresses this spell for 1 minute when it is spoken within 5 feet of the target. The spell can also be suppressed for 10 minutes by casting _knock_ on the target. Otherwise, the target cannot be opened normally and it is more difficult to break or force open, increasing the DC to break it or pick any locks on it by 10 (minimum DC 20).",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "Increase the DC to force open the object or pick any locks on the object by an additional 2 for each slot level above 2nd. Only a knock spell cast at a slot level equal to or greater than your arcane lock suppresses it.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_arcane-muscles",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Muscles",
            "desc": "Your muscles swell with arcane power. They're too clumsy to effectively wield weapons but certainly strong enough for a powerful punch. Until the spell ends, you can choose to use your spellcasting ability score for Athletics checks, and for the attack and damage rolls of unarmed strikes. In addition, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage and count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.",
            "level": 0,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_arcane-riposte",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_2",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_3",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Riposte",
            "desc": "You respond to an incoming attack with a magically-infused attack of your own. Make a melee spell attack against the creature that attacked you. If you hit, the creature takes 3d6 acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "The spell deals an extra 1d6 damage for each slot level above 1st. When using a 4th-level spell slot, you may choose to deal psychic, radiant, or necrotic damage. When using a 6th-level spell slot, you may choose to deal force damage.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "reaction",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "3d6",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_arcane-sight",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Sight",
            "desc": "The recipient of this spell gains the benefits of both [true seeing]( and [detect magic]( until the spell ends, and also knows the name and effect of every spell he or she witnesses during the spell’s duration.",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a piece of clear quartz",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_arcane-sword",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Sword",
            "desc": "You create a sword-shaped plane of force that hovers within range. It lasts for the duration. When the sword appears, you make a melee spell attack against a target of your choice within 5 feet of the sword. On a hit, the target takes 3d10 force damage. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to move the sword up to 20 feet to a spot you can see and repeat this attack against the same target or a different one.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A miniature platinum sword with a grip and pommel of copper and zinc, worth 250 gp.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "3d10",
            "damage_types": [
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_arcane-sword",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "evocation",
                "name": "Evocation",
                "desc": "**Evocation** spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcane Sword",
            "desc": "You summon an insubstantial yet deadly sword to do your bidding.\n\nMake a melee spell attack against a target of your choice within 5 feet of the sword, dealing 3d10 force damage on a hit.\n\nUntil the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on subsequent turns to move the sword up to 20 feet to a space you can see and make an identical melee spell attack against a target.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": true,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_arcanists-magic-aura",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcanist's Magic Aura",
            "desc": "You place an illusion on a creature or an object you touch so that divination spells reveal false information about it. The target can be a willing creature or an object that isn't being carried or worn by another creature. When you cast the spell, choose one or both of the following effects. The effect lasts for the duration. If you cast this spell on the same creature or object every day for 30 days, placing the same effect on it each time, the illusion lasts until it is dispelled.\n\n**False Aura.** You change the way the target appears to spells and magical effects, such as detect magic, that detect magical auras. You can make a nonmagical object appear magical, a magical object appear nonmagical, or change the object's magical aura so that it appears to belong to a specific school of magic that you choose. When you use this effect on an object, you can make the false magic apparent to any creature that handles the item.\n\n**Mask.** You change the way the target appears to spells and magical effects that detect creature types, such as a paladin's Divine Sense or the trigger of a symbol spell. You choose a creature type and other spells and magical effects treat the target as if it were a creature of that type or of that alignment.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A small square of silk.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_arcanists-magic-aura",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_3",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "illusion",
                "name": "Illusion",
                "desc": "**Illusion** spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Arcanist's Magic Aura",
            "desc": "You craft an illusion to deceive others about the target's true magical properties.\n\nChoose one or both of the following effects. When cast upon the same target with the same effect for 30 successive days, it lasts until it is dispelled.\n\n* **False Aura:** A magical target appears nonmagical, a nonmagical target appears magical, or you change a target's magical aura so that it appears to belong to a school of magic of your choosing. Additionally, you can choose to make the false magic apparent to any creature that handles the item.\n* **Masking Effect:** Choose a creature type. Spells and magical effects that detect creature types (such as a herald's Divine Sense or the trigger of a symbol spell) treat the target as if it were a creature of that type. Additionally, you can choose to mask the target's alignment trait (if it has one).",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "When cast using a 6th-level spell slot or higher the effects last until dispelled with a bonus action.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "24 hours",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_armored-formation",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Armored Formation",
            "desc": "You bolster the defenses of those nearby. Choose up to twelve willing creatures in range. When an affected creature is within 5 feet of at least one other affected creature, they create a formation. The formation must be a contiguous grouping of affected creatures, and each affected creature must be within 5 feet of at least one other affected creature within the formation. If the formation ever has less than two affected creatures, it ends, and an affected creature that moves further than 5 feet from other creatures in formation is no longer in that formation. Affected creatures don't have to all be in the same formation, and they can create or end as many formations of various sizes as they want for the duration of the spell. Each creature in a formation gains a bonus depending on how many affected creatures are in that formation.\n  ***Two or More Creatures.*** Each creature gains a +2 bonus to AC.\n  ***Four or More Creatures.*** Each creature gains a +2 bonus to AC, and when it hits with any weapon, it deals an extra 1d6 damage of the weapon's type.\n  ***Six or More Creatures.*** Each creature gains a +3 bonus to AC, and when it hits with any weapon, it deals an extra 2d6 damage of the weapon's type.",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_armored-heart",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Armored Heart",
            "desc": "Deep Magic: clockwork The targeted creature gains resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage. This resistance can be overcome with adamantine or magical weapons.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 round",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepmx_armored-shell",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_2",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_3",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "conjuration",
                "name": "Conjuration",
                "desc": "**Conjuration** spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Armored Shell",
            "desc": "Deep Magic: clockwork This spell creates a suit of magical studded leather armor (AC 12). It does not grant you proficiency in its use. Casters without the appropriate armor proficiency suffer disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity and cannot cast spells.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "Casting armored shell using a higher-level spell slot creates stronger armor: a chain shirt (AC 13) at level 2, scale mail (AC 14) at level 3, chain mail (AC 16) at level 4, and plate armor (AC 18) at level 5.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_as-you-were",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "As You Were",
            "desc": "When cast on a dead or undead body, **as you were** returns that creature to the appearance it had in life while it was healthy and uninjured. The target must have a physical body; the spell fails if the target is normally noncorporeal.\n\nIf as you were is cast on a corpse, its effect is identical to that of [gentle repose](, except that the corpse’s appearance is restored to that of a healthy, uninjured (albeit dead) person.\n\nIf the target is an undead creature, it also is restored to the appearance it had in life, even if it died from disease or from severe wounds, or centuries ago. The target looks, smells, and sounds (if it can speak) as it did in life. Friends and family can tell something is wrong only with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check against your spell save DC, and only if they have reason to be suspicious. (Knowing that the person should be dead is sufficient reason.) Spells and abilities that detect undead are also fooled, but the creature remains susceptible to Turn Undead as normal.\n\nThis spell doesn’t confer the ability to speak on undead that normally can’t speak. The creature eats, drinks, and breathes as a living creature does; it can mimic sleep, but it has no more need for it than it had before.\n\nThe effect lasts for a number of hours equal to your caster level. You can use an action to end the spell early. Any amount of radiant or necrotic damage dealt to the creature, or any effect that reduces its Constitution, also ends the spell.\n\nIf this spell is cast on an undead creature that isn’t your ally or under your control, it makes a Charisma saving throw to resist the effect.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a piece of flesh from a creature of the target’s race",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "wisdom",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_ashen-memories",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Ashen Memories",
            "desc": "You touch the ashes, embers, or soot left behind by a fire and receive a vision of one significant event that occurred in the area while the fire was burning. For example, if you were to touch the cold embers of a campfire, you might witness a snippet of a conversation that occurred around the fire. Similarly, touching the ashes of a burned letter might grant you a vision of the person who destroyed the letter or the contents of the letter. You have no control over what information the spell reveals, but your vision usually is tied to the most meaningful event related to the fire. The GM determines the details of what is revealed.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "area",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_aspect-of-the-dragon",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Aspect of the Dragon",
            "desc": "This spell draws out the ancient nature within your blood, allowing you to assume the form of any dragon-type creature of challenge 10 or less.\n\nYou assume the hit points and Hit Dice of the new form. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. If you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn’t reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren’t knocked unconscious.\n\nYou retain the benefits of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them, provided that your new form is physically capable of doing so. You can speak only if the dragon can normally speak.\n\nWhen you transform, you choose whether your equipment falls to the ground, merges into the new form, or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions normally, but equipment doesn’t change shape or size to match the new form. Any equipment that the new form can’t wear must either fall to the ground or merge into the new form. The GM has final say on whether the new form can wear or use a particular piece of equipment. Equipment that merges has no effect in that state.",
            "level": 7,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a dragon scale",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_aspect-of-the-moon",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Aspect of the Moon",
            "desc": "You throw your head back and howl like a beast, embracing your most basic impulses. Until the spell ends your hair grows, your features become more feral, and sharp claws grow on your fingers. You gain a +1 bonus to AC, your Speed increases by 10 feet, you have advantage on Perception checks, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 slashing damage. You may use your Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes, and treat your unarmed strikes as weapons with the finesse property. You gain an additional action on your turn, which may only be used to make a melee attack with your unarmed strike. If you are hit by a silvered weapon, you have disadvantage on your Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration.",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_aspect-of-the-serpent",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Aspect of the Serpent",
            "desc": "A creature you touch takes on snakelike aspects for the duration of the spell. Its tongue becomes long and forked, its canine teeth become fangs with venom sacs, and its pupils become sharply vertical. The target gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet and blindsight with a range of 30 feet. As a bonus action when you cast the spell, the target can make a ranged weapon attack with a normal range of 60 feet that deals 2d6 poison damage on a hit.\n\nAs an action, the target can make a bite attack using either Strength or Dexterity (Melee Weapon Attack: range 5 ft., one creature; Hit: 2d6 piercing damage), and the creature must make a successful DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature paralyzed in this way repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success).\n",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, both the ranged attack and bite attack damage increase by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a dried snakeskin",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "strength",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_astral-projection",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Astral Projection",
            "desc": "You and up to eight willing creatures within range project your astral bodies into the Astral Plane (the spell fails and the casting is wasted if you are already on that plane). The material body you leave behind is unconscious and in a state of suspended animation; it doesn't need food or air and doesn't age. Your astral body resembles your mortal form in almost every way, replicating your game statistics and possessions. The principal difference is the addition of a silvery cord that extends from between your shoulder blades and trails behind you, fading to invisibility after 1 foot. This cord is your tether to your material body. As long as the tether remains intact, you can find your way home. If the cord is cut-something that can happen only when an effect specifically states that it does-your soul and body are separated, killing you instantly. Your astral form can freely travel through the Astral Plane and can pass through portals there leading to any other plane. If you enter a new plane or return to the plane you were on when casting this spell, your body and possessions are transported along the silver cord, allowing you to re-enter your body as you enter the new plane. Your astral form is a separate incarnation. Any damage or other effects that apply to it have no effect on your physical body, nor do they persist when you return to it. The spell ends for you and your companions when you use your action to dismiss it. When the spell ends, the affected creature returns to its physical body, and it awakens. The spell might also end early for you or one of your companions. A successful dispel magic spell used against an astral or physical body ends the spell for that creature. If a creature's original body or its astral form drops to 0 hit points, the spell ends for that creature. If the spell ends and the silver cord is intact, the cord pulls the creature's astral form back to its body, ending its state of suspended animation. If you are returned to your body prematurely, your companions remain in their astral forms and must find their own way back to their bodies, usually by dropping to 0 hit points.",
            "level": 9,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "10 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "For each creature you affect with this spell, you must provide one jacinth worth at least 1,000gp and one ornately carved bar of silver worth at least 100gp, all of which the spell consumes.",
            "material_cost": "1000.00",
            "material_consumed": true,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "special",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_astral-projection",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Astral Projection",
            "desc": "Until the spell ends, the targets leave their material bodies (unconscious and in a state of suspended animation, not aging or requiring food or air) and project astral forms that resemble their mortal forms in nearly all ways, keeping their game statistics and possessions.\n\nWhile in this astral form you trail a tether, a silvery-white cord that sprouts from between your shoulder blades and fades into immateriality a foot behind you. As long as the tether remains intact you can find your way back to your material body. When it is cut—which requires an effect specifically stating that it cuts your tether —your soul and body are separated and you immediately die. Damage against and other effects on your astral form have no effect on your material body either during this spell or after its duration ends. Your astral form travels freely through the Astral Plane and can pass through interplanar portals on the Astral Plane leading to any other plane. When you enter a new plane or return to the plane you were on when casting this spell, your material body and possessions are transported along the tether, allowing you to return fully intact with all your gear as you enter the new plane.\n\nThe spell ends for all targets when you use an action to dismiss it, for an individual target when a successful dispel magic is cast upon its astral form or material body, or when either its material body or its astral form drops to 0 hit points. When the spell ends for a target and the tether is intact, the tether pulls the target's astral form back to its material body, ending the suspended animation.\n\nIf the spell ends for you prematurely, other targets remain in their astral forms and must find their own way back to their bodies (usually by dropping to 0 hit points).",
            "level": 9,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "special",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_augury",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Augury",
            "desc": "By casting gem-inlaid sticks, rolling dragon bones, laying out ornate cards, or employing some other divining tool, you receive an omen from an otherworldly entity about the results of a specific course of action that you plan to take within the next 30 minutes. The DM chooses from the following possible omens: \n- Weal, for good results \n- Woe, for bad results \n- Weal and woe, for both good and bad results \n- Nothing, for results that aren't especially good or bad The spell doesn't take into account any possible circumstances that might change the outcome, such as the casting of additional spells or the loss or gain of a companion. If you cast the spell two or more times before completing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each casting after the first that you get a random reading. The DM makes this roll in secret.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "Specially marked sticks, bones, or similar tokens worth at least 25gp.",
            "material_cost": "25.00",
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_augury",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Augury",
            "desc": "With the aid of a divining tool, you receive an omen from beyond the Material Plane about the results of a specific course of action that you intend to take within the next 30 minutes. The Narrator chooses from the following:\n\n* Fortunate omen (good results)\n* Calamity omen (bad results)\n* Ambivalence omen (both good and bad results)\n* No omen (results that aren't especially good or bad)\n\nThis omen does not account for possible circumstances that could change the outcome, such as making additional preparations.\n\nWhen you cast this spell again before finishing a long rest, the chance of getting a random reading from the above options increases. The Narrator makes the following roll in secret: second casting—25%, third casting—50%, fourth casting—75%, fifth casting—100%.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_aura-of-protection-or-destruction",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "1 round",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "2 rounds",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "3 rounds",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "4 rounds",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "5 rounds",
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": "6 rounds",
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Aura of Protection or Destruction",
            "desc": "When you cast this spell, you radiate an otherworldly energy that warps the fate of all creatures within 30 feet of you. Decide whether to call upon either a celestial or a fiend for aid. Choosing a celestial charges a 30-foot-radius around you with an aura of nonviolence; until the start of your next turn, every attack roll made by or against a creature inside the aura is treated as a natural 1. Choosing a fiend charges the area with an aura of violence; until the start of your next turn, every attack roll made by or against a creature inside the aura, including you, is treated as a natural 20.\n",
            "level": 3,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can extend the duration by 1 round for each slot level above 3rd.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_auspicious-warning",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Auspicious Warning",
            "desc": "Just in time, you call out a fortunate warning to a creature within range. The target rolls a d4 and adds the number rolled to an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw that it has just made and uses the new result for determining success or failure.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "30 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "wz_avert-evil-eye",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Avert Evil Eye",
            "desc": "The evil eye takes many forms. Any incident of bad luck can be blamed on it, especially if a character recently displayed arrogance or selfishness. When avert evil eye is cast, the recipient has a small degree of protection against the evil eye for up to 1 hour. While the spell lasts, the target of the spell has advantage on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, cursed, and frightened. During the spell's duration, the target can also cancel disadvantage on one d20 roll the target is about to make, but doing so ends the spell's effect.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_avoid-grievous-injury",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Avoid Grievous Injury",
            "desc": "You cast this spell when a foe strikes you with a critical hit but before damage dice are rolled. The critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Self",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_avronins-astral-assembly",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "ritual",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "necromancy",
                "name": "Necromancy",
                "desc": "**Necromancy** spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.\r\nCreating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Avronin’s Astral Assembly",
            "desc": "You alert a number of creatures that you are familiar with, up to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 1), of your intent to communicate with them through spiritual projection. The invitation can extend any distance and even cross to other planes of existence. Once notified, the creatures can choose to accept this communication at any time during the duration of the spell.\n\nWhen a creature accepts, its spirit is projected into one of the gems used in casting the spell. The material body it leaves behind falls unconscious and doesn't need food or air. The creature's consciousness is present in the room with you, and its normal form appears as an astral projection within 5 feet of the gem its spirit occupies. You can see and hear all the creatures who have joined in the assembly, and they can see and hear you and each other as if they were present (which they are, astrally). They can't interact with anything physically.\n\nA creature can end the spell's effect on itself voluntarily at any time, as can you. When the effect ends or the duration expires, a creature's spirit returns to its body and it regains consciousness. A creature that withdraws voluntarily from the assembly can't rejoin it even if the spell is still active. If a gem is broken while occupied by a creature's astral self, the spirit in the gem returns to its body and the creature suffers two levels of exhaustion.",
            "level": 6,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Unlimited",
            "ritual": true,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a spool of fine copper wire and a gem worth at least 100 gp for each target",
            "material_cost": "100.00",
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 hour",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_awaken",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Awaken",
            "desc": "After spending the casting time tracing magical pathways within a precious gemstone, you touch a Huge or smaller beast or plant. The target must have either no Intelligence score or an Intelligence of 3 or less. The target gains an Intelligence of 10. The target also gains the ability to speak one language you know. If the target is a plant, it gains the ability to move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, and so forth, and it gains senses similar to a human's. Your DM chooses statistics appropriate for the awakened plant, such as the statistics for the awakened shrub or the awakened tree. The awakened beast or plant is charmed by you for 30 days or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. When the charmed condition ends, the awakened creature chooses whether to remain friendly to you, based on how you treated it while it was charmed.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "An agate worth at least 1,000 gp, which the spell consumes.",
            "material_cost": "1000.00",
            "material_consumed": true,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_awaken",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Awaken",
            "desc": "You impart sentience in the target, granting it an Intelligence of 10 and proficiency in a language you know. A plant targeted by this spell gains the ability to move, as well as senses identical to those of a human. The Narrator assigns awakened plant statistics (such as an awakened shrub or awakened tree).\n\nThe target is charmed by you for 30 days or until you or your companions harm it. Depending on how you treated the target while it was charmed, when the condition ends the awakened creature may choose to remain friendly to you.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "Target an additional creature for each slot level above 5th. Each target requires its own material component.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_awaken-object",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "transmutation",
                "name": "Transmutation",
                "desc": "**Transmutation** spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Awaken Object",
            "desc": "After spending the casting time enchanting a ruby along with a Large or smaller nonmagical object in humanoid form, you touch the ruby to the object. The ruby dissolves into the object, which becomes a living construct imbued with sentience. If the object has no face, a humanoid face appears on it in an appropriate location. The awakened object's statistics are determined by its size, as shown on the table below. An awakened object can use an action to make a melee weapon attack against a target within 5 feet of it. It has free will, acts independently, and speaks one language you know. It is initially friendly to anyone who assisted in its creation.\n\nAn awakened object's speed is 30 feet. If it has no apparent legs or other means of moving, it gains a flying speed of 30 feet and it can hover. Its sight and hearing are equivalent to a typical human's senses. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma can be adjusted up or down by the GM to fit unusual circumstances. A beautiful statue might awaken with increased Charisma, for example, or the bust of a great philosopher could have surprisingly high Wisdom.\n\nAn awakened object needs no air, food, water, or sleep. Damage to an awakened object can be healed or mechanically repaired.\n\n| Size | HP | AC | Attack | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha |\n|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|\n| T | 20 | 18 | +8 to hit, 1d4 + 4 damage | 4 | 18 | 10 | 2d6 | 2d6 | 2d6 |\n| S | 25 | 16 | +6 to hit, 1d8 + 2 damage | 6 | 14 | 10  | 3d6 | 2d6 | 2d6 |\n| M | 40 | 13 | +5 to hit, 2d6 + 1 damage | 10 | 12  | 10 | 3d6 | 3d6 | 2d6 |\n| L | 50 | 10 | +6 to hit, 2d10 + 2 damage | 14 | 10 | 10 | 3d6 | 3d6 | 2d6 + 2 |\n\n",
            "level": 8,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "object",
            "range": "Touch",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "a ruby worth at least 1,000 gp, which the spell consumes",
            "material_cost": "1000.00",
            "material_consumed": true,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "permanent",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "toh_babble",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Babble",
            "desc": "This spell causes the speech of affected creatures to sound like nonsense. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw when you cast this spell or be affected by it.\n  An affected creature cannot communicate in any spoken language that it knows. When it speaks, the words come out as gibberish. Spells with verbal components cannot be cast. The spell does not affect telepathic communication, nonverbal communication, or sounds emitted by any creature that does not have a spoken language. As an action, a creature under the effect of this spell can attempt another Intelligence saving throw against the effect. On a successful save, the spell ends.",
            "level": 5,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "intelligence",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "10 minutes",
            "shape_type": "sphere",
            "shape_magnitude": 30,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "deepm_bad-timing",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "divination",
                "name": "Divination",
                "desc": "**Divination** spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Bad Timing",
            "desc": "You point toward a creature that you can see and twist strands of chaotic energy around its fate. If the target gets a failure on a Charisma saving throw, the next attack roll or ability check the creature attempts within 10 minutes is made with disadvantage.",
            "level": 2,
            "higher_level": "",
            "target_type": "point",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": false,
            "material": false,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "instantaneous",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": false,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_bane",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_2",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 4,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_3",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 5,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 6,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 7,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 8,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 9,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 10,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 11,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Bane",
            "desc": "Up to three creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "30 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "A drop of blood.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 3,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "a5e-ag_bane",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_2",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_3",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_4",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "enchantment",
                "name": "Enchantment",
                "desc": "**Enchantment** spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Bane",
            "desc": "The senses of the targets are filled with phantom energies that make them more vulnerable and less capable. Until the spell ends, a d4 is subtracted from attack rolls and saving throws made by a target.",
            "level": 1,
            "higher_level": "You target an additional creature for each slot level above 1st.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "30 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 3,
            "saving_throw_ability": "",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""
            "url": "",
            "key": "srd_banishment",
            "casting_options": [
                    "type": "default",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": null,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_5",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 2,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_6",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 3,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_7",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 4,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_8",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 5,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
                    "type": "slot_level_9",
                    "damage_roll": null,
                    "target_count": 6,
                    "duration": null,
                    "range": null
            "school": {
                "key": "abjuration",
                "name": "Abjuration",
                "desc": "**Abjuration** spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.",
                "document": "srd"
            "name": "Banishment",
            "desc": "You attempt to send one creature that you can see within range to another plane of existence. The target must succeed on a charisma saving throw or be banished. If the target is native to the plane of existence you're on, you banish the target to a harmless demiplane. While there, the target is incapacitated. The target remains there until the spell ends, at which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. If the target is native to a different plane of existence than the one you're on, the target is banished with a faint popping noise, returning to its home plane. If the spell ends before 1 minute has passed, the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. Otherwise, the target doesn't return.",
            "level": 4,
            "higher_level": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 4th.",
            "target_type": "creature",
            "range": "60 feet",
            "ritual": false,
            "casting_time": "action",
            "verbal": true,
            "somatic": true,
            "material": true,
            "material_specified": "An item distasteful to the target.",
            "material_cost": null,
            "material_consumed": false,
            "target_count": 1,
            "saving_throw_ability": "charisma",
            "attack_roll": false,
            "damage_roll": "",
            "damage_types": [],
            "duration": "1 minute",
            "shape_type": null,
            "shape_magnitude": null,
            "concentration": true,
            "document": ""