list: API endpoint for returning a list of creatures. retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular creature.

GET /v2/creatures/?format=api&ordering=alignment&page=35
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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    "next": "",
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            "document": "",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 11,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 17,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 6,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.\n\nFire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in an 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 45 (13d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nSleep Breath. The dragon exhales sleep gas in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 11,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 13,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 6,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Frightful Presence",
                    "desc": "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 11,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 15,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 6,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_adult-copper-dragon",
            "name": "Adult Copper Dragon",
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                "fly": 80.0,
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                "climb": 40.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Metallic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 18,
            "hit_points": 184,
            "hit_dice": "16d12+80",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "14.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "14",
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                "strength": 23,
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                "constitution": 5,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 3
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                "dexterity": 6,
                "constitution": 10,
                "wisdom": 7,
                "charisma": 8
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 6,
                "dexterity": 6,
                "constitution": 10,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 7,
                "charisma": 8
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "deception": 8,
                "perception": 12,
                "stealth": 6
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 1,
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                "nature": 4,
                "perception": 12,
                "performance": 3,
                "persuasion": 3,
                "religion": 4,
                "sleight_of_hand": 1,
                "stealth": 6,
                "survival": 2
            "passive_perception": 22,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
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            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": 60.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 11,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 17,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 6,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.\n\nAcid Breath. The dragon exhales acid in an 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nSlowing Breath. The dragon exhales gas in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 11,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 13,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 6,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Frightful Presence",
                    "desc": "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 11,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 15,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 6,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_ancient-brass-dragon",
            "name": "Ancient Brass Dragon",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 40.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 40.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Metallic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 20,
            "hit_points": 297,
            "hit_dice": "17d20+119",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "20.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "20",
            "experience_points": 25000,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 27,
                "dexterity": 10,
                "constitution": 25,
                "intelligence": 16,
                "wisdom": 15,
                "charisma": 19
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 8,
                "dexterity": 0,
                "constitution": 7,
                "intelligence": 3,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 4
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 6,
                "constitution": 13,
                "wisdom": 8,
                "charisma": 10
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 8,
                "dexterity": 6,
                "constitution": 13,
                "intelligence": 3,
                "wisdom": 8,
                "charisma": 10
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "history": 9,
                "perception": 14,
                "persuasion": 10,
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                "acrobatics": 0,
                "animal_handling": 2,
                "arcana": 3,
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                "history": 9,
                "insight": 2,
                "intimidation": 4,
                "investigation": 3,
                "medicine": 2,
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                "perception": 14,
                "performance": 4,
                "persuasion": 10,
                "religion": 3,
                "sleight_of_hand": 0,
                "stealth": 6,
                "survival": 2
            "passive_perception": 24,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": 60.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 14,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 19,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons:\n\nFire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in a 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nSleep Breath. The dragon exhales sleep gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Change Shape",
                    "desc": "The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon's choice).\n\nIn a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary actions of that form.\n"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 14,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 15,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Frightful Presence",
                    "desc": "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 14,
                            "reach_ft": 20,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 17,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_ancient-copper-dragon",
            "name": "Ancient Copper Dragon",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 80.0,
                "climb": 40.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 40.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Metallic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 21,
            "hit_points": 350,
            "hit_dice": "20d20+140",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "21.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "21",
            "experience_points": 33000,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 27,
                "dexterity": 12,
                "constitution": 25,
                "intelligence": 20,
                "wisdom": 17,
                "charisma": 19
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 8,
                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 7,
                "intelligence": 5,
                "wisdom": 3,
                "charisma": 4
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 8,
                "constitution": 14,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 11
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 8,
                "dexterity": 8,
                "constitution": 14,
                "intelligence": 5,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 11
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "deception": 11,
                "perception": 17,
                "stealth": 8
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 1,
                "animal_handling": 3,
                "arcana": 5,
                "athletics": 8,
                "deception": 11,
                "history": 5,
                "insight": 3,
                "intimidation": 4,
                "investigation": 5,
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                "nature": 5,
                "perception": 17,
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                "religion": 5,
                "sleight_of_hand": 1,
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                "survival": 3
            "passive_perception": 27,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": 60.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 15,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 19,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.\n\nAcid Breath. The dragon exhales acid in an 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 63 (14d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nSlowing Breath. The dragon exhales gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Change Shape",
                    "desc": "The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon's choice).\n\nIn a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary actions of that form.\n"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 15,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 15,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Frightful Presence",
                    "desc": "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 15,
                            "reach_ft": 20,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 17,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_brass-dragon-wyrmling",
            "name": "Brass Dragon Wyrmling",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 60.0,
                "burrow": 15.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 60.0,
                "burrow": 15.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Metallic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 16,
            "hit_dice": "3d8+3",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "1.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1",
            "experience_points": 200,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 15,
                "dexterity": 10,
                "constitution": 13,
                "intelligence": 10,
                "wisdom": 11,
                "charisma": 13
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 0,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": 1
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 3,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 3
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 3
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "perception": 4,
                "stealth": 2
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 0,
                "animal_handling": 0,
                "arcana": 0,
                "athletics": 2,
                "deception": 1,
                "history": 0,
                "insight": 0,
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                "investigation": 0,
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                "nature": 0,
                "perception": 4,
                "performance": 1,
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                "religion": 0,
                "sleight_of_hand": 0,
                "stealth": 2,
                "survival": 0
            "passive_perception": 14,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": 10.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 2,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.\n\nFire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in an 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nSleep Breath. The dragon exhales sleep gas in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 minute. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_copper-dragon-wyrmling",
            "name": "Copper Dragon Wyrmling",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 60.0,
                "climb": 30.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 60.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 30.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Metallic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 22,
            "hit_dice": "4d8+4",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "1.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1",
            "experience_points": 200,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 15,
                "dexterity": 12,
                "constitution": 13,
                "intelligence": 14,
                "wisdom": 11,
                "charisma": 13
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": 1
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 3,
                "constitution": 3,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 3
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 3,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 3
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "perception": 4,
                "stealth": 3
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 1,
                "animal_handling": 0,
                "arcana": 2,
                "athletics": 2,
                "deception": 1,
                "history": 2,
                "insight": 0,
                "intimidation": 1,
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                "medicine": 0,
                "nature": 2,
                "perception": 4,
                "performance": 1,
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                "religion": 2,
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                "survival": 0
            "passive_perception": 14,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": 10.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 2,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.\n\nAcid Breath. The dragon exhales acid in an 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nSlowing Breath. The dragon exhales gas in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_djinni",
            "name": "Djinni",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 90.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 90.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters; Genies",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 17,
            "hit_points": 161,
            "hit_dice": "14d10+84",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "11.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "11",
            "experience_points": 7200,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 21,
                "dexterity": 15,
                "constitution": 22,
                "intelligence": 15,
                "wisdom": 16,
                "charisma": 20
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 5,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 6,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 3,
                "charisma": 5
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 6,
                "wisdom": 7,
                "charisma": 9
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 5,
                "dexterity": 6,
                "constitution": 6,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 7,
                "charisma": 9
            "skill_bonuses": {},
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 2,
                "animal_handling": 3,
                "arcana": 2,
                "athletics": 5,
                "deception": 5,
                "history": 2,
                "insight": 3,
                "intimidation": 5,
                "investigation": 2,
                "medicine": 3,
                "nature": 2,
                "perception": 3,
                "performance": 5,
                "persuasion": 5,
                "religion": 2,
                "sleight_of_hand": 2,
                "stealth": 2,
                "survival": 3
            "passive_perception": 13,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
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            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Create Whirlwind",
                    "desc": "A 5-foot-radius, 30-foot-tall cylinder of swirling air magically forms on a point the djinni can see within 120 feet of it. The whirlwind lasts as long as the djinni maintains concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). Any creature but the djinni that enters the whirlwind must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be restrained by it. The djinni can move the whirlwind up to 60 feet as an action, and creatures restrained by the whirlwind move with it. The whirlwind ends if the djinni loses sight of it.\n\nA creature can use its action to free a creature restrained by the whirlwind, including itself, by succeeding on a DC 18 Strength check. If the check succeeds, the creature is no longer restrained and moves to the nearest space outside the whirlwind.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The djinni makes three scimitar attacks.\n"
                    "name": "Scimitar",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) lightning or thunder damage (djinni's choice).\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Scimitar attack (lightning damage)",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 9,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 12,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 5,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 3,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "name": "Scimitar attack (thunder damage)",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 9,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 12,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 5,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 3,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "slashing"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_pegasus",
            "name": "Pegasus",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 60.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 90.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 60.0,
                "crawl": 30.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 90.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 30.0,
                "swim": 30.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 12,
            "hit_points": 59,
            "hit_dice": "7d10+21",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "2.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "2",
            "experience_points": 450,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 18,
                "dexterity": 15,
                "constitution": 16,
                "intelligence": 10,
                "wisdom": 15,
                "charisma": 13
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 4,
                "dexterity": 2,
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                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 1
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                "wisdom": 4,
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            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
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            "darkvision_range": null,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Hooves",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Hooves attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 11,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 4,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_storm-giant",
            "name": "Storm Giant",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 50.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "swim": 50.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 50.0,
                "crawl": 25.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 25.0,
                "swim": 50.0
            "category": "Monsters; Giants",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 230,
            "hit_dice": "20d12+100",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "13.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "13",
            "experience_points": 10000,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 29,
                "dexterity": 14,
                "constitution": 20,
                "intelligence": 16,
                "wisdom": 18,
                "charisma": 18
            "modifiers": {
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                "wisdom": 4,
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                "charisma": 9
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                "wisdom": 9,
                "charisma": 9
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            "damage_resistances": [
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            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
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            "darkvision_range": null,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Greatsword",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (6d6 + 9) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Greatsword attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 14,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 30,
                                "die_count": 6,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 9,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Lightning Strike",
                    "desc": "The giant hurls a magical lightning bolt at a point it can see within 500 feet of it. Each creature within 10 feet of that point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The giant makes two greatsword attacks.\n"
                    "name": "Rock",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (4d12 + 9) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Rock attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 14,
                            "range_ft": 60,
                            "long_range_ft": 240,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 35,
                                "die_count": 4,
                                "die_type": "D12",
                                "bonus": 9,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_treant",
            "name": "Treant",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 138,
            "hit_dice": "12d12+60",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "9.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "9",
            "experience_points": 5000,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 23,
                "dexterity": 8,
                "constitution": 21,
                "intelligence": 12,
                "wisdom": 16,
                "charisma": 12
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 6,
                "dexterity": -1,
                "constitution": 5,
                "intelligence": 1,
                "wisdom": 3,
                "charisma": 1
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 6,
                "dexterity": -1,
                "constitution": 5,
                "intelligence": 1,
                "wisdom": 3,
                "charisma": 1
            "skill_bonuses": {},
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": -1,
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                "arcana": 1,
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                "survival": 3
            "passive_perception": 13,
            "damage_immunities": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": null,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Animate Trees",
                    "desc": "The treant magically animates one or two trees it can see within 60 feet of it. These trees have the same statistics as a treant, except they have Intelligence and Charisma scores of 1, they can't speak, and they have only the Slam action option. An animated tree acts as an ally of the treant. The tree remains animate for 1 day or until it dies; until the treant dies or is more than 120 feet from the tree; or until the treant takes a bonus action to turn it back into an inanimate tree. The tree then takes root if possible.\n",
                    "uses_per_day": 1
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The treant makes two slam attacks.\n"
                    "name": "Rock",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Rock attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 10,
                            "range_ft": 60,
                            "long_range_ft": 180,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 28,
                                "die_count": 4,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 6,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                    "name": "Slam",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Slam attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 10,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 16,
                                "die_count": 3,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 6,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_young-brass-dragon",
            "name": "Young Brass Dragon",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
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                "burrow": 20.0
            "speed_all": {
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                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 20.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Metallic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 17,
            "hit_points": 110,
            "hit_dice": "13d10+39",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "6.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "6",
            "experience_points": 2300,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 19,
                "dexterity": 10,
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                "wisdom": 3,
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            "damage_immunities": [
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            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
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            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 15,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 4,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.\n\nFire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in a 40-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nSleep Breath. The dragon exhales sleep gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 5 minutes. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 11,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 4,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_young-copper-dragon",
            "name": "Young Copper Dragon",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 80.0,
                "climb": 40.0
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                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 40.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Metallic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 17,
            "hit_points": 119,
            "hit_dice": "14d10+42",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "7.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "7",
            "experience_points": 2900,
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                "strength": 19,
                "dexterity": 12,
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                "intelligence": 16,
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            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 4,
                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": 3,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": 2
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                "dexterity": 4,
                "constitution": 6,
                "wisdom": 4,
                "charisma": 5
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                "strength": 4,
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                "perception": 7,
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                "performance": 2,
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                "stealth": 4,
                "survival": 1
            "passive_perception": 17,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": 30.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 15,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 4,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.\n\nAcid Breath. The dragon exhales acid in an 40-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 40 (9d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nSlowing Breath. The dragon exhales gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 11,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 4,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "tob_bearfolk",
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            "document": "",
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                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage, and if the target is Large or smaller, the cloaker attaches to it. If the cloaker has advantage against the target, the cloaker attaches to the target's head, and the target is blinded and unable to breathe while the cloaker is attached. While attached, the cloaker can make this attack only against the target and has advantage on the attack roll. The cloaker can detach itself by spending 5 feet of its movement. A creature, including the target, can take its action to detach the cloaker by succeeding on a DC 16 Strength check.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": true,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 10,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 3,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Moan",
                    "desc": "Each creature within 60 feet of the cloaker that can hear its moan and that isn't an aberration must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the end of the cloaker's next turn. If a creature's saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to the cloaker's moan for the next 24 hours\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The cloaker makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.\n"
                    "name": "Phantasms",
                    "desc": "The cloaker magically creates three illusory duplicates of itself if it isn't in bright light. The duplicates move with it and mimic its actions, shifting position so as to make it impossible to track which cloaker is the real one. If the cloaker is ever in an area of bright light, the duplicates disappear.\n\nWhenever any creature targets the cloaker with an attack or a harmful spell while a duplicate remains, that creature rolls randomly to determine whether it targets the cloaker or one of the duplicates. A creature is unaffected by this magical effect if it can't see or if it relies on senses other than sight.\n\nA duplicate has the cloaker's AC and uses its saving throws. If an attack hits a duplicate, or if a duplicate fails a saving throw against an effect that deals damage, the duplicate disappears.\n",
                    "recharge_after_rest": true
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": true,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 3,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
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                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) fire damage. If the target is a creature or a flammable object, it ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes 3 (1d6) fire damage at the end of each of its turns.\n",
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                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
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                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
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                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "fire"
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                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "fire"
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