list: API endpoint for returning a list of creatures. retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular creature.

GET /v2/creatures/?format=api&ordering=blindsight_range&page=63
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 3210,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_ancient-gold-dragon",
            "name": "Ancient Gold Dragon",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 80.0,
                "swim": 40.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 40.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Metallic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 22,
            "hit_points": 546,
            "hit_dice": "28d20+252",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "24.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "24",
            "experience_points": 62000,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 30,
                "dexterity": 14,
                "constitution": 29,
                "intelligence": 18,
                "wisdom": 17,
                "charisma": 28
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 10,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 9,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 3,
                "charisma": 9
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 9,
                "constitution": 16,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 16
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 10,
                "dexterity": 9,
                "constitution": 16,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 16
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "insight": 10,
                "perception": 17,
                "persuasion": 16,
                "stealth": 9
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 2,
                "animal_handling": 3,
                "arcana": 4,
                "athletics": 10,
                "deception": 9,
                "history": 4,
                "insight": 10,
                "intimidation": 9,
                "investigation": 4,
                "medicine": 3,
                "nature": 4,
                "perception": 17,
                "performance": 9,
                "persuasion": 16,
                "religion": 4,
                "sleight_of_hand": 2,
                "stealth": 9,
                "survival": 3
            "passive_perception": 27,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": 60.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 17,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 21,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 10,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.\n\nFire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 71 (13d10) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nWeakening Breath. The dragon exhales gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 24 Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength-based attack rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Change Shape",
                    "desc": "The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon's choice).\n\nIn a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary actions of that form.\n"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 17,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 17,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 10,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Frightful Presence",
                    "desc": "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 17,
                            "reach_ft": 20,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 19,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 10,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_ancient-green-dragon",
            "name": "Ancient Green Dragon",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 80.0,
                "swim": 40.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 40.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Chromatic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 21,
            "hit_points": 385,
            "hit_dice": "22d20+154",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "22.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "22",
            "experience_points": 41000,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 27,
                "dexterity": 12,
                "constitution": 25,
                "intelligence": 20,
                "wisdom": 17,
                "charisma": 19
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                "strength": 8,
                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 7,
                "intelligence": 5,
                "wisdom": 3,
                "charisma": 4
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                "dexterity": 8,
                "constitution": 14,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 11
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 8,
                "dexterity": 8,
                "constitution": 14,
                "intelligence": 5,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 11
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                "deception": 11,
                "insight": 10,
                "perception": 17,
                "persuasion": 11,
                "stealth": 8
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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                "arcana": 5,
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                "performance": 4,
                "persuasion": 11,
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                "sleight_of_hand": 1,
                "stealth": 8,
                "survival": 3
            "passive_perception": 27,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": 60.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 15,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 19,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 10,
                                "die_count": 3,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 15,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 22,
                                "die_count": 4,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Frightful Presence",
                    "desc": "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
                    "name": "Poison Breath",
                    "desc": "The dragon exhales poisonous gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, taking 77 (22d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 15,
                            "reach_ft": 20,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 17,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_ancient-red-dragon",
            "name": "Ancient Red Dragon",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 80.0,
                "climb": 40.0
            "speed_all": {
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                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 40.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Chromatic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 22,
            "hit_points": 546,
            "hit_dice": "28d20+252",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "24.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "24",
            "experience_points": 62000,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 30,
                "dexterity": 10,
                "constitution": 29,
                "intelligence": 18,
                "wisdom": 15,
                "charisma": 23
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 10,
                "dexterity": 0,
                "constitution": 9,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 6
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 7,
                "constitution": 16,
                "wisdom": 9,
                "charisma": 13
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 10,
                "dexterity": 7,
                "constitution": 16,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 9,
                "charisma": 13
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "perception": 16,
                "stealth": 7
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 0,
                "animal_handling": 2,
                "arcana": 4,
                "athletics": 10,
                "deception": 6,
                "history": 4,
                "insight": 2,
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                "investigation": 4,
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                "nature": 4,
                "perception": 16,
                "performance": 6,
                "persuasion": 6,
                "religion": 4,
                "sleight_of_hand": 0,
                "stealth": 7,
                "survival": 2
            "passive_perception": 26,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": 60.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) fire damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 17,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 21,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 10,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 14,
                                "die_count": 4,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 17,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 17,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 10,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Fire Breath",
                    "desc": "The dragon exhales fire in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 91 (26d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Frightful Presence",
                    "desc": "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 17,
                            "reach_ft": 20,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 19,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 10,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_ancient-silver-dragon",
            "name": "Ancient Silver Dragon",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 80.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters; Dragons, Metallic",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 22,
            "hit_points": 487,
            "hit_dice": "25d20+225",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "23.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "23",
            "experience_points": 50000,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 30,
                "dexterity": 10,
                "constitution": 29,
                "intelligence": 18,
                "wisdom": 15,
                "charisma": 23
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 10,
                "dexterity": 0,
                "constitution": 9,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 6
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 7,
                "constitution": 16,
                "wisdom": 9,
                "charisma": 13
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 10,
                "dexterity": 7,
                "constitution": 16,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 9,
                "charisma": 13
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "arcana": 11,
                "history": 11,
                "perception": 16,
                "stealth": 7
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 0,
                "animal_handling": 2,
                "arcana": 11,
                "athletics": 10,
                "deception": 6,
                "history": 11,
                "insight": 2,
                "intimidation": 6,
                "investigation": 4,
                "medicine": 2,
                "nature": 4,
                "perception": 16,
                "performance": 6,
                "persuasion": 6,
                "religion": 4,
                "sleight_of_hand": 0,
                "stealth": 7,
                "survival": 2
            "passive_perception": 26,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": 60.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 17,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 21,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 10,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Breath Weapons",
                    "desc": "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.\n\nCold Breath. The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24 Constitution saving throw, taking 67 (15d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nParalyzing Breath. The dragon exhales paralyzing gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Change Shape",
                    "desc": "The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon's choice).\n\nIn a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary actions of that form.\n"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 17,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 17,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 10,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Frightful Presence",
                    "desc": "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 17,
                            "reach_ft": 20,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 19,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 10,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_ancient-white-dragon",
            "name": "Ancient White Dragon",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 80.0,
                "burrow": 40.0,
                "swim": 40.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 80.0,
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            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic evil",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) cold damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 14,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 19,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 9,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 14,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 15,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Cold Breath",
                    "desc": "The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, taking 72 (16d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Frightful Presence",
                    "desc": "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\n"
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 14,
                            "reach_ft": 20,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 17,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 8,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
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            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_animated-armor",
            "name": "Animated Armor",
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            "category": "Monsters; Animated Objects",
            "type": "",
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            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 18,
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            "challenge_rating_text": "1",
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                "intelligence": 1,
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            "darkvision_range": null,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The armor makes two melee attacks.\n"
                    "name": "Slam",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Slam attack",
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                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 5,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 2,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
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                    "name": "Pseudopod",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 18 (4d8) acid damage. In addition, nonmagical armor worn by the target is partly dissolved and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Pseudopod attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 6,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 3,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 18,
                                "die_count": 4,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_darkmantle",
            "name": "Darkmantle",
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            "speed": {
                "walk": 10.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 30.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 10.0,
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                "hover": false,
                "fly": 30.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 5.0,
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 11,
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            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Crush",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the darkmantle attaches to the target. If the target is Medium or smaller and the darkmantle has advantage on the attack roll, it attaches by engulfing the target's head, and the target is also blinded and unable to breathe while the darkmantle is attached in this way.\n\nWhile attached to the target, the darkmantle can attack no other creature except the target but has advantage on its attack rolls. The darkmantle's speed also becomes 0, it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed, and it moves with the target.\n\nA creature can detach the darkmantle by making a successful DC 13 Strength check as an action. On its turn, the darkmantle can detach itself from the target by using 5 feet of movement.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Crush attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": true,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 6,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 3,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                    "name": "Darkness Aura",
                    "desc": "A 15-foot radius of magical darkness extends out from the darkmantle, moves with it, and spreads around corners. The darkness lasts as long as the darkmantle maintains concentration, up to 10 minutes (as if concentrating on a spell). Darkvision can't penetrate this darkness, and no natural light can illuminate it. If any of the darkness overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell creating the light is dispelled.\n",
                    "uses_per_day": 1
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_flying-sword",
            "name": "Flying Sword",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 0.0,
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                "fly": 50.0,
                "hover": true
            "speed_all": {
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                "fly": 50.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
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            "category": "Monsters; Animated Objects",
            "type": "",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Longsword",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Longsword attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 3,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 5,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_gelatinous-cube",
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                "hover": false,
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            "category": "Monsters; Oozes",
            "type": "",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Engulf",
                    "desc": "The cube moves up to its speed. While doing so, it can enter Large or smaller creatures' spaces. Whenever the cube enters a creature's space, the creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.\n\nOn a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the side of the cube. A creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw.\n\nOn a failed save, the cube enters the creature's space, and the creature takes 10 (3d6) acid damage and is engulfed. The engulfed creature can't breathe, is restrained, and takes 21 (6d6) acid damage at the start of each of the cube's turns. When the cube moves, the engulfed creature moves with it.\n\nAn engulfed creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a DC 12 Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the cube.\n"
                    "name": "Pseudopod",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) acid damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Pseudopod attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": true,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 10,
                                "die_count": 3,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "acid"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "acid"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_giant-bat",
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 13,
            "hit_points": 22,
            "hit_dice": "4d10",
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            "challenge_rating_text": "1/4",
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            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_giant-scorpion",
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            "armor_class": 15,
            "hit_points": 52,
            "hit_dice": "7d10+14",
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            "challenge_rating_text": "3",
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            "document": "",
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            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 13,
            "hit_points": 126,
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            "document": "",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Pseudopod",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage, and if the target is wearing nonmagical metal armor, its armor is partly corroded and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Pseudopod attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 3,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 4,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_ice-devil",
            "name": "Ice Devil",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet"
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                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
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                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters; Devils",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 18,
            "hit_points": 180,
            "hit_dice": "19d10+76",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "14.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "14",
            "experience_points": 11500,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 21,
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                "intelligence": 18,
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            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 5,
                "dexterity": 2,
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                "strength": 5,
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            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) cold damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 10,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 12,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 5,
                                "type": "piercing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 10,
                                "die_count": 3,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Claws",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) cold damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claws attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 10,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 10,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D4",
                                "bonus": 5,
                                "type": "slashing"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 10,
                                "die_count": 3,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The devil makes three attacks: one with its bite, one with its claws, and one with its tail.\n"
                    "name": "Tail",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) cold damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tail attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 10,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 12,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 5,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 10,
                                "die_count": 3,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                    "name": "Wall of Ice",
                    "desc": "The devil magically forms an opaque wall of ice on a solid surface it can see within 60 feet of it. The wall is 1 foot thick and up to 30 feet long and 10 feet high, or it's a hemispherical dome up to 20 feet in diameter.\n\nWhen the wall appears, each creature in its space is pushed out of it by the shortest route. The creature chooses which side of the wall to end up on, unless the creature is incapacitated. The creature then makes a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\n\nThe wall lasts for 1 minute or until the devil is incapacitated or dies. The wall can be damaged and breached; each 10-foot section has AC 5, 30 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to acid, cold, necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. If a section is destroyed, it leaves behind a sheet of frigid air in the space the wall occupied. Whenever a creature finishes moving through the frigid air on a turn, willingly or otherwise, the creature must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The frigid air dissipates when the rest of the wall vanishes.\n",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 6
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_ochre-jelly",
            "name": "Ochre Jelly",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 10.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "climb": 10.0
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                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 10.0,
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            "category": "Monsters; Oozes",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
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            "armor_class": 8,
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                "intelligence": -4,
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                "performance": -5,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Pseudopod",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) acid damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Pseudopod attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
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                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 9,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 2,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 3,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "srd_rug-of-smothering",
            "name": "Rug of Smothering",
            "size": "",
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                "unit": "feet"
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                "fly": 0.0,
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            "category": "Monsters; Animated Objects",
            "type": "",
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            "languages": [],
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            "damage_resistances": [],
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                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Medium or smaller creature. Hit: The creature is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, blinded, and at risk of suffocating, and the rug can't smother another target. In addition, at the start of each of the target's turns, the target takes 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Smother attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
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                    "name": "Engulf",
                    "desc": "The shambling mound engulfs a Medium or smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed target is blinded, restrained, and unable to breathe, and it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of the mound's turns or take 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the mound moves, the engulfed target moves with it. The mound can have only one creature engulfed at a time.\n"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The shambling mound makes two slam attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller target, the target is grappled (escape DC 14), and the shambling mound uses its Engulf on it.\n"
                    "name": "Slam",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.\n",
                    "attacks": [
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                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
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                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "damage": {
                                "amount": 13,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 4,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
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            "document": "",
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