list: API endpoint for returning a list of creatures. retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular creature.

GET /v2/creatures/?format=api&ordering=weight&page=9
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_black-sun-orc",
            "name": "Black Sun Orc",
            "size": "",
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic evil",
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                    "name": "Greatclub",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Greatclub attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
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                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The orc makes two attacks with its greatclub or with its sling."
                    "name": "Sling",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Sling attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
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                            "range_ft": 30,
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                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
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            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_black-sun-priestess",
            "name": "Black Sun Priestess",
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                    "name": "Greatclub",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Greatclub attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
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                                "amount": 1,
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            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_blood-elemental",
            "name": "Blood Elemental",
            "size": "",
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            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Blood Drain ",
                    "desc": "Each creature in the elemental's space must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage and, if it is Large or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 13). A grappled creature is restrained and unable to breathe. If the saving throw is successful, the creature is pushed out of the elemental's space. The elemental can grapple one Large creature or up to two Medium or smaller creatures at one time.\n\nAt the start of the elemental's turn, each target grappled by it takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. A creature within 5 feet of the elemental can use its action to make a DC 15 Strength check, freeing a grappled creature on a success. When Blood Drain deals 30 or more necrotic damage, the elemental grows in size as though affected by an enlarge/reduce spell. This increase in size lasts until the blood elemental finishes a long rest.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 4
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The elemental makes two slam attacks."
                    "name": "Slam",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Slam attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_blood-giant",
            "name": "Blood Giant",
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful neutral",
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            "armor_class": 15,
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            "hit_dice": "12d12+48",
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                "constitution": 7,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Blood Magic ",
                    "desc": "The blood giant uses one of the following:\nImpale. The blood giant causes 10-foot-high blood spikes to burst from the ground within 15 feet of it. Each creature in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 26 (4d12) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\nDrown. The blood giant sends blood pouring down the throat of one creature within 30 feet, which must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is incapacitated until the end of its next turn as it coughs up the blood and is poisoned for 1 minute after that.\nVaporize. A red mist surrounds the blood giant in a 20-foot-radius sphere. The mist spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It moves with the blood giant and doesn't impede the giant's vision. The mist dissipates after 1d4 rounds.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Blood Spear",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) cold damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Blood Spear attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 9,
                            "range_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "cold"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The blood giant makes two blood spear attacks."
                    "name": "Rock",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Rock attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 9,
                            "range_ft": 60,
                            "long_range_ft": 240,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_blood-ooze",
            "name": "Blood Ooze",
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            "type": "",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Pseudopod",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 16 (3d10) necrotic damage. The ooze gains temporary hp equal to the necrotic damage taken.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Pseudopod attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
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                                "amount": 16,
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                                "die_type": "D10",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "necrotic"
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            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_blood-zombie",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Slam",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 4 (1d8) necrotic damage. The zombie gains temporary hp equal to the necrotic damage taken.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Slam attack",
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                                "amount": 4,
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                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "necrotic"
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            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_bloody-bones",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Dark Stare",
                    "desc": "The bloody bones stares balefully at one creature it can see within 60 feet. That creature must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on all attacks until the end of its next turn."
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The bloody bones makes two claw attacks. It can use its Dark Stare in place of one claw attack."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_bone-golem",
            "name": "Bone Golem",
            "size": "",
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            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
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                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 60,
            "hit_dice": "8d8+24",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "7.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "7",
            "experience_points": 2900,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 10,
                "dexterity": 16,
                "constitution": 17,
                "intelligence": 3,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 1
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 0,
                "dexterity": 3,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": -4,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": -5
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 0,
                "dexterity": 3,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": -4,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": -5
            "skill_bonuses": {},
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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            "damage_immunities": [
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            "damage_resistances": [
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            "condition_immunities": [
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bone Shard",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bone Shard attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "range_ft": 60,
                            "long_range_ft": 240,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "necrotic"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "necrotic"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The bone golem makes two attacks."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_bookkeeper",
            "name": "Bookkeeper",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 20.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 30.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
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                "crawl": 10.0,
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                "fly": 30.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 10.0,
                "swim": 10.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 12,
            "hit_points": 5,
            "hit_dice": "2d4",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "0.125",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1/8",
            "experience_points": 25,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 8,
                "dexterity": 14,
                "constitution": 10,
                "intelligence": 6,
                "wisdom": 8,
                "charisma": 3
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": -1,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 0,
                "intelligence": -2,
                "wisdom": -1,
                "charisma": -4
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            "saving_throws_all": {
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            "passive_perception": 11,
            "damage_immunities": [
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            "damage_resistances": [
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            "darkvision_range": null,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage plus 1 poison damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "poison"
                    "name": "Elusive Pages",
                    "desc": "While inside its book, the bookkeeper magically turns its book invisible until it attacks, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). The bookkeeper is also invisible while inside the invisible book"
                    "name": "Ink Splash",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Ink Splash attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "range_ft": 20,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "poison"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_boot-grabber",
            "name": "Boot Grabber",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 20.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 20.0,
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                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 10.0,
                "swim": 10.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 11,
            "hit_points": 22,
            "hit_dice": "4d6+8",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "0.500",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1/2",
            "experience_points": 100,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 17,
                "dexterity": 12,
                "constitution": 14,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 12,
                "charisma": 2
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 2,
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                "wisdom": 1,
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                "nature": -3,
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                "performance": -4,
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                "survival": 1
            "passive_perception": 13,
            "damage_immunities": [],
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            "damage_resistances": [
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            "darkvision_range": null,
            "blindsight_range": 60.0,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Adhesive Hands",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage and the target is subjected to its Adhesive trait. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the boot grabber can't make adhesive hands attacks against other targets.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Adhesive Hands attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                    "name": "Unearthly Hum",
                    "desc": "The boot grabber targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. It emits a high frequency humming noise which can only be heard by the target. The target must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or move toward the boot grabber on its turn by the shortest and most direct route, ending its turn when it comes within 5 feet of the boot grabber."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_bronze-golem",
            "name": "Bronze Golem",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 13,
            "hit_points": 57,
            "hit_dice": "6d10+24",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "3.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "3",
            "experience_points": 700,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 17,
                "dexterity": 6,
                "constitution": 18,
                "intelligence": 1,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 1
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": -2,
                "constitution": 4,
                "intelligence": -5,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": -5
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": -2,
                "constitution": 4,
                "intelligence": -5,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": -5
            "skill_bonuses": {
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            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": -2,
                "animal_handling": 0,
                "arcana": -5,
                "athletics": 3,
                "deception": -5,
                "history": -5,
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                "medicine": 0,
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                "perception": 4,
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                "stealth": -2,
                "survival": 0
            "passive_perception": 14,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": true,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Brazen Bull",
                    "desc": "The golem makes a slam attack against a target it is grappling as it opens a plate in its chest and exposes its arcane boiler. If the attack hits, the target is forced into the golem's boiler, and the grapple ends. While inside the boiler, the target is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the boiler, and it takes 14 (4d6) fire damage at the start of each of its turns. To escape, it or another creature must succeed on a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check to open the boiler, freeing the target, which falls prone in a space within 5 feet of the golem. A bronze golem can only have one creature in its boiler at a time."
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The golem makes two slam attacks."
                    "name": "Slam",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage and, if the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 13). The golem can only grapple one creature at a time.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Slam attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_cacus-giant",
            "name": "Cacus Giant",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 138,
            "hit_dice": "12d12+60",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "6.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "6",
            "experience_points": 2300,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 21,
                "dexterity": 11,
                "constitution": 20,
                "intelligence": 7,
                "wisdom": 14,
                "charisma": 10
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 5,
                "dexterity": 0,
                "constitution": 5,
                "intelligence": -2,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 0
            "saving_throws": {
                "strength": 8,
                "constitution": 8,
                "wisdom": 5
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 8,
                "dexterity": 0,
                "constitution": 8,
                "intelligence": -2,
                "wisdom": 5,
                "charisma": 0
            "skill_bonuses": {
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                "survival": 5
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 0,
                "animal_handling": 2,
                "arcana": -2,
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            "passive_perception": 15,
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            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Fire Breath ",
                    "desc": "The cacus giant exhales fire in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 4
                    "name": "Greatclub",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Greatclub attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 8,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The cacus giant makes two greatclub attacks."
                    "name": "Rock",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (4d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Rock attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 8,
                            "range_ft": 30,
                            "long_range_ft": 120,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_carbuncle",
            "name": "Carbuncle",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "climb": 20.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic good",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 12,
            "hit_points": 36,
            "hit_dice": "8d6+8",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "1.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1",
            "experience_points": 200,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 8,
                "dexterity": 14,
                "constitution": 12,
                "intelligence": 11,
                "wisdom": 16,
                "charisma": 12
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": -1,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 3,
                "charisma": 1
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": -1,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 3,
                "charisma": 1
            "skill_bonuses": {
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            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [
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            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Light Beam ",
                    "desc": "The carbuncle shoots a 30-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line of scintillating light from the garnet on its forehead. Each creature in that line must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The carbuncle makes one bite attack and one claw attack."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_cats-of-ulthar",
            "name": "Cats of Ulthar",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 40.0,
                "crawl": 20.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 14,
            "hit_points": 55,
            "hit_dice": "10d10",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "4.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "4",
            "experience_points": 1100,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 9,
                "dexterity": 18,
                "constitution": 10,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 14,
                "charisma": 3
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": -1,
                "dexterity": 4,
                "constitution": 0,
                "intelligence": -4,
                "wisdom": 2,
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            "saving_throws": {},
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            "damage_resistances": [
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            "condition_immunities": [
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            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bites",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft., up to two creatures in the swarm's space. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage, or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bites attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_cauldronborn",
            "name": "Cauldronborn",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 20.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 20.0,
                "crawl": 10.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
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                "climb": 10.0,
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 13,
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            "hit_dice": "3d6+3",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "2.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "2",
            "experience_points": 450,
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                "strength": 14,
                "dexterity": 7,
                "constitution": 12,
                "intelligence": 3,
                "wisdom": 6,
                "charisma": 1
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": -2,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": -4,
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            "saving_throws_all": {
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            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Call Potion ",
                    "desc": "The cauldronborn releases a hungry screech, magically reaching out to nearby potions. All potions within 10 feet of the cauldronborn magically move toward the cauldronborn by rolling out of backpacks, hopping off of belts, unburying themselves, etc. A creature wearing or carrying a potion must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or its potion moves to within 5 feet of the cauldronborn. The target must make a separate saving throw for each potion it is attempting to keep in its possession.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The cauldronborn makes two slam attacks."
                    "name": "Slam",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Slam attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_cave-giant",
            "name": "Cave Giant",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
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                "fly": 0.0,
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 200,
            "hit_dice": "16d12+96",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "10.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "10",
            "experience_points": 5900,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 27,
                "dexterity": 10,
                "constitution": 22,
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                "wisdom": 13,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Handaxe",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d6 + 8) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Handaxe attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 12,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "range_ft": 20,
                            "long_range_ft": 60,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The giant makes three attacks: two with its handaxe and one with its tusks."
                    "name": "Rock",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Rock attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 12,
                            "range_ft": 60,
                            "long_range_ft": 240,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                    "name": "Tusks",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) slashing damage, and if the target is a Large or smaller creature it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Tusks attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 12,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_centaur-chieftain",
            "name": "Centaur Chieftain",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 50.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 50.0,
                "crawl": 25.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 25.0,
                "swim": 25.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic neutral",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 110,
            "hit_dice": "17d8+34",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "5.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "5",
            "experience_points": 1800,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 19,
                "dexterity": 12,
                "constitution": 14,
                "intelligence": 9,
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                "dexterity": 1,
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                "intelligence": -1,
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                "dexterity": 4,
                "constitution": 5,
                "wisdom": 5
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                "dexterity": 4,
                "constitution": 5,
                "intelligence": -1,
                "wisdom": 5,
                "charisma": 2
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                "survival": 5
            "passive_perception": 15,
            "damage_immunities": [],
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            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
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            "darkvision_range": null,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Hooves",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Hooves attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                    "name": "Leadership ",
                    "desc": "For 1 minute, the centaur chieftain can utter a special command or warning whenever a nonhostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand the centaur chieftain. A creature can benefit from only one",
                    "recharge_after_rest": true
                    "name": "Leadership die at a time",
                    "desc": "This effect ends if the centaur chieftain is incapacitated."
                    "name": "Longbow",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Longbow attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "range_ft": 150,
                            "long_range_ft": 600,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The centaur chieftain makes two attacks: one with its pike and one with its hooves or two with its longbow."
                    "name": "Pike",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Pike attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Rearing Strike ",
                    "desc": "The centaur chieftain rears back on its hind legs and makes a powerful stomp with its hooves. Each creature within 15 feet of the chieftain must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The attack leaves the centaur chieftain vulnerable, reducing its\nArmor Class by 2 until the start of its next turn.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_chaos-spawn-goblin",
            "name": "Chaos-Spawn Goblin",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 13,
            "hit_points": 22,
            "hit_dice": "5d6+5",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "0.500",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1/2",
            "experience_points": 100,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 10,
                "dexterity": 14,
                "constitution": 12,
                "intelligence": 10,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 6
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 0,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": -2
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            "saving_throws_all": {
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            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The chaos-spawn goblin makes two attacks with its scimitar."
                    "name": "Psychic Stab ",
                    "desc": "The chaos-spawn goblin targets one creature that it can sense within 30 feet of it. The target must make a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 6
                    "name": "Scimitar",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Scimitar attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_child-of-yggdrasil",
            "name": "Child of Yggdrasil",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 20.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "climb": 20.0
            "speed_all": {
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                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 10.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 14,
            "hit_points": 112,
            "hit_dice": "15d10+30",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "6.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "6",
            "experience_points": 2300,
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                "strength": 16,
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                "constitution": 14,
                "intelligence": 10,
                "wisdom": 18,
                "charisma": 8
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                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": 0,
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                "intelligence": 0,
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            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
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            "blindsight_range": null,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "acid"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The child of Yggdrasil makes three claw attacks."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_chuhaister",
            "name": "Chuhaister",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
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                "hover": false,
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                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 157,
            "hit_dice": "15d10+75",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "7.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "7",
            "experience_points": 2900,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 22,
                "dexterity": 9,
                "constitution": 20,
                "intelligence": 10,
                "wisdom": 11,
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            "modifiers": {
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            "damage_resistances": [],
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            "condition_immunities": [
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            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
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            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Greatclub",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (5d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Greatclub attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 9,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The chuhaister makes two greatclub attacks."
                    "name": "Rock",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (5d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Rock attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 2,
                            "range_ft": 30,
                            "long_range_ft": 120,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_chupacabra",
            "name": "Chupacabra",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 13,
            "hit_points": 36,
            "hit_dice": "8d6+8",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "0.500",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1/2",
            "experience_points": 100,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 16,
                "dexterity": 15,
                "constitution": 12,
                "intelligence": 3,
                "wisdom": 12,
                "charisma": 6
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": -4,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": -2
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": -4,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": -2
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "acrobatics": 4,
                "perception": 3,
                "stealth": 4
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 4,
                "animal_handling": 1,
                "arcana": -4,
                "athletics": 3,
                "deception": -2,
                "history": -4,
                "insight": 1,
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                "investigation": -4,
                "medicine": 1,
                "nature": -4,
                "perception": 3,
                "performance": -2,
                "persuasion": -2,
                "religion": -4,
                "sleight_of_hand": 2,
                "stealth": 4,
                "survival": 1
            "passive_perception": 13,
            "damage_immunities": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the chupacabra attaches to the target. While attached, the chupacabra doesn't attack. Instead, at the start of each of the chupacabra's turns, the target loses 6 (1d6 + 3) hp due to blood loss. The chupacabra can detach itself by spending 5 feet of its movement. It does so after the target is reduced to 0 hp. A creature, including the target, can use its action to detach the chupacabra.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Fearful Gaze",
                    "desc": "The chupacabra fixes its gaze on one creature it can see within 10 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A paralyzed creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the chupacabra's Fearful Gaze for the next 24 hours."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_cipactli",
            "name": "Cipactli",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 20.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "swim": 30.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 20.0,
                "crawl": 10.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 10.0,
                "swim": 30.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 15,
            "hit_points": 78,
            "hit_dice": "12d8+24",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "5.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "5",
            "experience_points": 1800,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 16,
                "dexterity": 14,
                "constitution": 14,
                "intelligence": 10,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 10
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 2,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": 0
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 2,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": 0
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "stealth": 5
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 2,
                "animal_handling": 0,
                "arcana": 0,
                "athletics": 3,
                "deception": 0,
                "history": 0,
                "insight": 0,
                "intimidation": 0,
                "investigation": 0,
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                "nature": 0,
                "perception": 0,
                "performance": 0,
                "persuasion": 0,
                "religion": 0,
                "sleight_of_hand": 2,
                "stealth": 5,
                "survival": 0
            "passive_perception": 10,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [
            "condition_immunities": [
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Ancient Lullaby ",
                    "desc": "A cipactli sings a soporific, primordial song of eternal rest and divine repose from its many mouths. Each creature within 100 feet of the cipactli that can hear the song must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or fall asleep and remain unconscious for 10 minutes. A creature awakens if it takes damage or another creature takes an action to wake it. This song has no effect on constructs and undead.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Devouring Embrace",
                    "desc": "The cipactli devours a Medium or smaller creature grappled by it. The devoured target is blinded, restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the cipactli, and it takes 14 (4d6) piercing damage at the start of each of the cipactli's turns as the fiend's lesser mouths slowly consume it.\n\nIf the cipactli moves, the devoured target moves with it. The cipactli can only devour one target at a time. A creature, including the devoured target, can take its action to pry the devoured target out of the cipactli's many jaws by succeeding on a DC 14 Strength check."
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The cipactli makes two bite attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller target, the target is grappled (escape DC 14), and the cipactli uses its Devouring Embrace."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_clacking-skeleton",
            "name": "Clacking Skeleton",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 14,
            "hit_points": 45,
            "hit_dice": "10d8",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "2.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "2",
            "experience_points": 450,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 14,
                "dexterity": 12,
                "constitution": 11,
                "intelligence": 6,
                "wisdom": 8,
                "charisma": 5
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 0,
                "intelligence": -2,
                "wisdom": -1,
                "charisma": -3
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 0,
                "intelligence": -2,
                "wisdom": -1,
                "charisma": -3
            "skill_bonuses": {},
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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                "survival": -1
            "passive_perception": 9,
            "damage_immunities": [
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            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [
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            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Glaive",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Glaive attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Gore",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Gore attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The clacking skeleton makes two attacks: one with its glaive and one with its gore or two with its shortbow."
                    "name": "Shortbow",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Shortbow attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 3,
                            "range_ft": 80,
                            "long_range_ft": 320,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_clockwork-assassin",
            "name": "Clockwork Assassin",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "climb": 30.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 30.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 99,
            "hit_dice": "18d8+18",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "6.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "6",
            "experience_points": 2300,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 14,
                "dexterity": 17,
                "constitution": 12,
                "intelligence": 12,
                "wisdom": 12,
                "charisma": 7
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 3,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": 1,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": -2
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 6,
                "constitution": 4
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 6,
                "constitution": 4,
                "intelligence": 1,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": -2
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "acrobatics": 6,
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            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 6,
                "animal_handling": 1,
                "arcana": 1,
                "athletics": 2,
                "deception": -2,
                "history": 1,
                "insight": 1,
                "intimidation": -2,
                "investigation": 4,
                "medicine": 1,
                "nature": 1,
                "perception": 4,
                "performance": -2,
                "persuasion": -2,
                "religion": 1,
                "sleight_of_hand": 3,
                "stealth": 9,
                "survival": 4
            "passive_perception": 14,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
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            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Disassembly",
                    "desc": "The assassin breaks its body down into a snakelike, segmented cylinder, which allows it to move through a space as narrow as 6 inches wide. It can reassemble itself into its true form by using this action again. While disassembled into its snake form, the assassin can't attack and attack rolls against it have advantage."
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The clockwork assassin makes two rapier attacks."
                    "name": "Rapier",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 11 (2d10) poison damage and be poisoned for 1 minute.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Rapier attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "poison"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_clockwork-servant",
            "name": "Clockwork Servant",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 25.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 25.0,
                "crawl": 12.5,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 12.5,
                "swim": 12.5
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 11,
            "hit_points": 22,
            "hit_dice": "4d8+4",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "0.125",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1/8",
            "experience_points": 25,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 14,
                "dexterity": 12,
                "constitution": 13,
                "intelligence": 8,
                "wisdom": 12,
                "charisma": 7
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": -1,
                "wisdom": 1,
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            "saving_throws_all": {
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                "survival": 1
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            "damage_immunities": [
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            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
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            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Slam",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Slam attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "bludgeoning"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_clockwork-soldier",
            "name": "Clockwork Soldier",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 12,
            "hit_points": 45,
            "hit_dice": "6d8+18",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "1.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1",
            "experience_points": 200,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 13,
                "dexterity": 13,
                "constitution": 16,
                "intelligence": 5,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 1
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 1,
                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": -3,
                "wisdom": 0,
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            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
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                "dexterity": 1,
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                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": -5
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            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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                "perception": 0,
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                "sleight_of_hand": 1,
                "stealth": 1,
                "survival": 0
            "passive_perception": 10,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [
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            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Halberd",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Halberd attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 3,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Overdrive Flurry ",
                    "desc": "The soldier makes four halberd attacks. After taking this action, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 6
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_corpse-thief",
            "name": "Corpse Thief",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 13,
            "hit_points": 30,
            "hit_dice": "4d8+12",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "0.500",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1/2",
            "experience_points": 100,
            "ability_scores": {
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                "intelligence": 11,
                "wisdom": 13,
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                "dexterity": 3,
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            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
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            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
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            "blindsight_range": null,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The corpse thief makes two claw attacks."
                    "name": "Steal",
                    "desc": "The corpse thief targets one creature within 5 feet of it and attempts to steal one small item. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or lose one non-weapon, non-armor object that is small enough to fit in one hand."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_crimson-mist",
            "name": "Crimson Mist",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 60.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "hover": true
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 60.0,
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                "hover": true,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 30.0,
                "swim": 30.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 15,
            "hit_points": 68,
            "hit_dice": "8d8+32",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "6.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "6",
            "experience_points": 2300,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 17,
                "dexterity": 15,
                "constitution": 18,
                "intelligence": 3,
                "wisdom": 20,
                "charisma": 18
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 4,
                "intelligence": -4,
                "wisdom": 5,
                "charisma": 4
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 8,
                "wisdom": 4,
                "charisma": 2
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 3,
                "dexterity": 8,
                "constitution": 4,
                "intelligence": -4,
                "wisdom": 4,
                "charisma": 2
            "skill_bonuses": {},
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 2,
                "animal_handling": 5,
                "arcana": -4,
                "athletics": 3,
                "deception": 4,
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                "nature": -4,
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                "performance": 4,
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                "religion": -4,
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                "stealth": 2,
                "survival": 5
            "passive_perception": 11,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": true,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
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            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Engulf",
                    "desc": "The mist moves up to its speed. While doing so, it can enter a Medium or smaller creature's space. When the mist enters a creature's space, the creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the side of the mist. A creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw.\n\nOn a failed save, the mist enters the creature's space, and the creature takes 15 (4d6) necrotic damage and is engulfed. The engulfed creature can't breathe, is restrained, and takes 15 (4d6) necrotic damage at the start of each of the mist's turns. When the mist moves, the engulfed creature doesn't move with it, and is freed. An engulfed creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a DC 14 Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the mist. A creature within 5 feet of the mist can take an action to pull a creature out of the mist. Doing so requires a DC 14 Strength check, and the creature making the attempt takes 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. The mist can only engulf one Medium or smaller creature at a time."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_crypt-spider",
            "name": "Crypt Spider",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
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                "unit": "feet",
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            "speed_all": {
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                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
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                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 15,
            "hit_points": 38,
            "hit_dice": "7d8+7",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "2.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "2",
            "experience_points": 450,
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                "dexterity": 16,
                "constitution": 12,
                "intelligence": 10,
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                "wisdom": 0,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage, and the creature must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the creature to 0 hp, the creature is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hp, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "poison"
                    "name": "Create Zombie",
                    "desc": "The crypt spider creates a swarm of spiders statistics). The crypt spider can have no more than four zombies under its control at one time."
                    "name": "Web ",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The creature is restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained creature can make a DC 13 Strength check, escaping from the webbing on a success. The effect also ends if the webbing is destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, 5 hp, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5,
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Web  attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "range_ft": 30,
                            "long_range_ft": 60,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "psychic"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_cueyatl",
            "name": "Cueyatl",
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful evil",
            "languages": [],
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            "hit_dice": "6d6",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "0.500",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Spear",
                    "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage or 4 (1d8) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Spear attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 2,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
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                            "long_range_ft": 60,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "poison"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_cueyatl-moon-priest",
            "name": "Cueyatl Moon Priest",
            "size": "",
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 13,
            "hit_points": 81,
            "hit_dice": "18d6+18",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "5.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "5",
            "experience_points": 1800,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Morningstar",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Morningstar attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 3,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "poison"
                    "name": "Night's Chill ",
                    "desc": "The cueyatl moon priest harnesses moonlight, dispelling magical light in a 30-foot radius. In addition, each hostile creature within 30 feet must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) cold damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that has total cover from the moon priest is not affected.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_cueyatl-sea-priest",
            "name": "Cueyatl Sea Priest",
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            "type": "",
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            "armor_class": 12,
            "hit_points": 45,
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            "challenge_rating_decimal": "1.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Trident",
                    "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage, or 4 (1d8) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Trident attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 2,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "range_ft": 20,
                            "long_range_ft": 60,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "poison"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_cueyatl-warrior",
            "name": "Cueyatl Warrior",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
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                "unit": "feet",
                "climb": 20.0,
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful evil",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 13,
            "hit_points": 36,
            "hit_dice": "8d6+8",
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            "challenge_rating_text": "1",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Battleaxe",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage, or 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage if used with two hands.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Battleaxe attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 3,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "poison"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_darakhul-high-priestess",
            "name": "Darakhul High Priestess",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
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                "unit": "feet"
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 17,
            "hit_points": 112,
            "hit_dice": "15d8+45",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "9.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "9",
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                "strength": 16,
                "dexterity": 14,
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            "damage_immunities": [
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            "damage_resistances": [
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [
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            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic damage and, if the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 9,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "necrotic"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a creature other than an undead, it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a humanoid is paralyzed for more than 2 rounds, it contracts darakhul fever.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The darakhul high priestess makes two claw attacks and one bite attack."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_darakhul-shadowmancer",
            "name": "Darakhul Shadowmancer",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
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                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 12,
            "hit_points": 52,
            "hit_dice": "8d8+16",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "4.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "4",
            "experience_points": 1100,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 12,
                "dexterity": 16,
                "constitution": 14,
                "intelligence": 18,
                "wisdom": 13,
                "charisma": 9
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 1,
                "dexterity": 3,
                "constitution": 2,
                "intelligence": 4,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": -1
            "saving_throws": {
                "intelligence": 6,
                "wisdom": 3
            "saving_throws_all": {
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                "constitution": 2,
                "intelligence": 6,
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                "charisma": -1
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            "damage_resistances": [
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            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) piercing damage, and, if the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Dagger",
                    "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Dagger attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "range_ft": 20,
                            "long_range_ft": 60,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The darakhul shadowmancer makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its dagger."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_dark-eye",
            "name": "Dark Eye",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
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                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
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                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [
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            "hit_points": 71,
            "hit_dice": "11d8+22",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "3.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "3",
            "experience_points": 700,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 10,
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                "wisdom": 13,
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            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 0,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Dagger",
                    "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Dagger attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "range_ft": 20,
                            "long_range_ft": 60,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 4,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D8",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "cold"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dark eye makes two attacks with its dagger."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_dark-father",
            "name": "Dark Father",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 40.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 20.0,
                "hover": true
            "speed_all": {
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                "fly": 20.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 20.0,
                "swim": 20.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful neutral",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 18,
            "hit_points": 65,
            "hit_dice": "10d8+18",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "4.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "4",
            "experience_points": 1100,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 6,
                "dexterity": 14,
                "constitution": 15,
                "intelligence": 8,
                "wisdom": 14,
                "charisma": 8
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": -2,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 2,
                "intelligence": -1,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": -1
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                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": -1
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                "arcana": -1,
                "athletics": -2,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Final Curtain",
                    "desc": "The dark father targets a corpse it can see within 30 feet that has been dead for no longer than 1 hour. A stream of dark energy flows between the corpse and the dark father. At the end of the dark father's next turn, the dark father absorbs the corpse and it vanishes completely. Any worn items or possessions are unaffected. A corpse destroyed in this manner can't be retrieved other than by a wish spell or similar magic."
                    "name": "Life Drain",
                    "desc": "Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its hp maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hp maximum to 0.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Life Drain attack",
                            "attack_type": "SPELL",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "necrotic"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_dark-servant",
            "name": "Dark Servant",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 12,
            "hit_points": 55,
            "hit_dice": "10d8+10",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "1.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1",
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                "intelligence": 10,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Light Crossbow",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Light Crossbow attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 3,
                            "range_ft": 80,
                            "long_range_ft": 320,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dark servant makes two attacks with its sickle."
                    "name": "Sickle",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Sickle attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_dark-voice",
            "name": "Dark Voice",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
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                "fly": 0.0,
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 91,
            "hit_dice": "14d8+28",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "5.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "5",
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                "strength": 14,
                "dexterity": 10,
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Heavy Crossbow",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) cold damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Heavy Crossbow attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 3,
                            "range_ft": 100,
                            "long_range_ft": 400,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "cold"
                    "name": "Mace",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) cold damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Mace attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 5,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "cold"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dark voice makes two attacks with its mace."
                    "name": "Whispers of Shadow ",
                    "desc": "The dark voice speaks in Umbral, whispering of what it sees beyond the dark. The area within 30 feet of the dark voice becomes dimly lit until the end of the dark voice's next turn. Only sunlight can illuminate the area brightly during this time. Each non-dark folk creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or take 13 (3d8) psychic damage and be frightened until the start of its next turn.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_deathsworn-elf",
            "name": "Deathsworn Elf",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
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                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic neutral",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 82,
            "hit_dice": "15d8+15",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "6.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "6",
            "experience_points": 2300,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 14,
                "dexterity": 19,
                "constitution": 12,
                "intelligence": 11,
                "wisdom": 13,
                "charisma": 14
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 4,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": 2
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
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                "dexterity": 4,
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                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": 2
            "skill_bonuses": {
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            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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            "passive_perception": 17,
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            "darkvision_range": null,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Longbow",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Longbow attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "range_ft": 150,
                            "long_range_ft": 600,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The deathsworn makes two melee attacks or four ranged attacks."
                    "name": "Scimitar",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Scimitar attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Volley ",
                    "desc": "The deathsworn shoots a rain of fiery arrows in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) piercing damage and 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_desert-troll",
            "name": "Desert Troll",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
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                "burrow": 30.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
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                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 30.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 15,
            "hit_points": 105,
            "hit_dice": "10d10+50",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "6.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "6",
            "experience_points": 2300,
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                "strength": 20,
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                "intelligence": 9,
                "wisdom": 12,
                "charisma": 7
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 5,
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                "constitution": 5,
                "intelligence": -1,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": -2
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
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                "wisdom": 1,
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                "survival": 1
            "passive_perception": 14,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
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            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 8,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Claws",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claws attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 8,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The desert troll makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_devil-bough",
            "name": "Devil Bough",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 10.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
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            "challenge_rating_text": "6",
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            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) piercing damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the devil bough can't make bite attacks against other targets.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The devil bough makes one claw attack and one bite attack."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_devil-shark",
            "name": "Devil Shark",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 0.0,
                "unit": "feet",
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                "fly": 0.0,
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            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 198,
            "hit_dice": "12d20+72",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "13.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "13",
            "experience_points": 10000,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 24,
                "dexterity": 14,
                "constitution": 22,
                "intelligence": 14,
                "wisdom": 20,
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            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 7,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 6,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 5,
                "charisma": 2
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 7,
                "constitution": 11,
                "wisdom": 10
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 7,
                "dexterity": 7,
                "constitution": 11,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 2
            "skill_bonuses": {
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                "survival": 10
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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            "damage_resistances": [
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
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            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 29 (4d10 + 7) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 18).",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 12,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Freezing Breath ",
                    "desc": "The devil shark exhales a 60-foot cone of supernaturally cold water. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 54 (12d8) cold damage and is pushed 20 feet away from the devil shark. On a success, a target takes half the damage but isn't pushed.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Swallow",
                    "desc": "The devil shark makes one bite attack against a Large or smaller target it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target is also swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the target is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the devil shark, and it takes 21 (6d6) acid damage at the start of each of the devil shark's turns. A devil shark can have two Large, four Medium, or six Small creatures swallowed at a time. \n\nIf the devil shark takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from a swallowed creature, the devil shark must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone within 10 feet of the devil shark. If the devil shark dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape by using 20 feet of movement, exiting prone."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_dhampir",
            "name": "Dhampir",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "any alignment",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 15,
            "hit_points": 32,
            "hit_dice": "5d8+10",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "1.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "1",
            "experience_points": 200,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 12,
                "dexterity": 15,
                "constitution": 14,
                "intelligence": 10,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 16
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 1,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 2,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": 3
            "saving_throws": {
                "dexterity": 4,
                "charisma": 5
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            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
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            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
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            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Dark Thirst",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature that is grappled by the dhampir, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 1 piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage. The dhampir regains hp equal to the amount of necrotic damage dealt.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Dark Thirst attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 3,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "necrotic"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dhampir makes two rapier or two shortbow attacks. It can make a grapple attack or Dark Thirst attack in place of any attack."
                    "name": "Predatory Charm",
                    "desc": "The dhampir magically beguiles the mind of one humanoid it can see within 30 feet for 1 hour. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or the dhampir has advantage on Charisma checks against the target. If the dhampir or any of its allies damage the target, the effect ends. If the target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends, the target is immune to this dhampir's Predatory Charm for the next 24 hours. A creature immune to being charmed is immune to this effect. A dhampir can have only one target affected by its Predatory Charm at a time. If it uses its Predatory Charm on another target, the effect on the previous target ends."
                    "name": "Rapier",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Rapier attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Shortbow",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Shortbow attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "range_ft": 80,
                            "long_range_ft": 320,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_dhampir-commander",
            "name": "Dhampir Commander",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "any alignment",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 17,
            "hit_points": 97,
            "hit_dice": "13d8+39",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "7.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "7",
            "experience_points": 2900,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 14,
                "dexterity": 17,
                "constitution": 16,
                "intelligence": 14,
                "wisdom": 12,
                "charisma": 19
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 3,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": 4
            "saving_throws": {
                "strength": 5,
                "dexterity": 6,
                "wisdom": 4,
                "charisma": 7
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 5,
                "dexterity": 6,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 4,
                "charisma": 7
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "athletics": 5,
                "deception": 7,
                "intimidation": 7,
                "persuasion": 7,
                "stealth": 6
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 3,
                "animal_handling": 1,
                "arcana": 2,
                "athletics": 5,
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                "nature": 2,
                "perception": 1,
                "performance": 4,
                "persuasion": 7,
                "religion": 2,
                "sleight_of_hand": 3,
                "stealth": 6,
                "survival": 1
            "passive_perception": 11,
            "damage_immunities": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Dark Thirst",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature that is grappled by the dhampir, incapactitated, or restrained. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The dhampir commander regains hp equal to the amount of necrotic damage dealt.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Dark Thirst attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "necrotic"
                    "name": "Leadership ",
                    "desc": "For 1 minute, the dhampir can utter a special command or warning whenever a nonhostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand the dhampir. A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the dhampir is incapacitated. Dinosaur",
                    "recharge_after_rest": true
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dhampir makes four rapier or four shortbow attacks. It can make a grapple attack or Dark Thirst attack in place of any attack."
                    "name": "Predatory Charm",
                    "desc": "The dhampir magically beguiles the mind of one humanoid it can see within 30 feet for 1 hour. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or the dhampir has advantage on Charisma checks against the target. If the dhampir or any of its allies damage the target, the effect ends. If the target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends, the target is immune to this dhampir's Predatory Charm for the next 24 hours. A creature immune to being charmed is immune to this effect. A dhampir can have only one target affected by its Predatory Charm at a time. If it uses its Predatory Charm on another target, the effect on the previous target ends."
                    "name": "Rapier",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Rapier attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Shortbow",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Shortbow attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "range_ft": 80,
                            "long_range_ft": 320,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_doom-golem",
            "name": "Doom Golem",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
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                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "unaligned",
            "languages": [],
            "armor_class": 17,
            "hit_points": 153,
            "hit_dice": "18d10+54",
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            "challenge_rating_text": "10",
            "experience_points": 5900,
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                "dexterity": 13,
                "constitution": 16,
                "intelligence": 3,
                "wisdom": 10,
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                "dexterity": 1,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": -4,
                "wisdom": 0,
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            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
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                "charisma": -5
            "skill_bonuses": {},
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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                "athletics": 7,
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            "condition_immunities": [
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 120.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (3d10 + 7) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 11,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Doom Claw",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) cold damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Doom Claw attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 11,
                            "reach_ft": 10,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "cold"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The doom golem makes one bite attack and one doom claw attack."
                    "name": "Wind of Boreas ",
                    "desc": "The doom golem releases an arctic wind in a 15-foot radius around itself or in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 38 (11d6) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_dracotaur",
            "name": "Dracotaur",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 50.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "burrow": 20.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 50.0,
                "crawl": 25.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 20.0,
                "climb": 25.0,
                "swim": 25.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "chaotic neutral",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 17,
            "hit_points": 110,
            "hit_dice": "13d10+39",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "6.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "6",
            "experience_points": 2300,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 21,
                "dexterity": 17,
                "constitution": 16,
                "intelligence": 10,
                "wisdom": 13,
                "charisma": 15
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 5,
                "dexterity": 3,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": 2
            "saving_throws": {
                "constitution": 6,
                "charisma": 5
            "saving_throws_all": {
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                "constitution": 6,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 1,
                "charisma": 5
            "skill_bonuses": {
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                "survival": 4
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": 3,
                "animal_handling": 1,
                "arcana": 0,
                "athletics": 8,
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                "nature": 0,
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                "performance": 2,
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                "sleight_of_hand": 3,
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                "survival": 4
            "passive_perception": 14,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Bite",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) lightning damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Bite attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 8,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 7,
                                "die_count": 2,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "lightning"
                    "name": "Claws",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Claws attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 8,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "slashing"
                    "name": "Lightning Arrow ",
                    "desc": "The dracotaur shoots an arrow at a point it can see within 150 feet where it explodes into a 20-foot-radius sphere of lightning. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as damage much on a successful one.",
                    "recharge_after_rest": true
                    "name": "Lightning Breath ",
                    "desc": "The dracotaur exhales lightning in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 33 (6d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Longbow",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Longbow attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 6,
                            "range_ft": 150,
                            "long_range_ft": 600,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "piercing"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dracotaur makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws or two with its longbow."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_dream-squire",
            "name": "Dream Squire",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 30.0,
                "unit": "feet"
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 30.0,
                "crawl": 15.0,
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                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 15.0,
                "swim": 15.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 15,
            "hit_points": 71,
            "hit_dice": "13d8+13",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "2.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "2",
            "experience_points": 450,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 15,
                "dexterity": 14,
                "constitution": 12,
                "intelligence": 10,
                "wisdom": 10,
                "charisma": 8
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 2,
                "dexterity": 2,
                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 0,
                "charisma": -1
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                "wisdom": 2
            "saving_throws_all": {
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                "constitution": 1,
                "intelligence": 0,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": -1
            "skill_bonuses": {
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            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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                "athletics": 4,
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                "performance": -1,
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            "damage_immunities": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [],
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
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            "condition_immunities": [
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Light Crossbow",
                    "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) psychic damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Light Crossbow attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "range_ft": 80,
                            "long_range_ft": 320,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 3,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "psychic"
                    "name": "Mace",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) psychic damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Mace attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 4,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 3,
                                "die_count": 1,
                                "die_type": "D6",
                                "bonus": 0,
                                "type": "psychic"
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The dream squire makes two melee attacks."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_dream-wraith",
            "name": "Dream Wraith",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 0.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "fly": 60.0,
                "hover": true
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 0.0,
                "crawl": 0.0,
                "hover": true,
                "fly": 60.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 0.0,
                "swim": 0.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "neutral evil",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 14,
            "hit_points": 60,
            "hit_dice": "8d8+24",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "5.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "5",
            "experience_points": 1800,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 6,
                "dexterity": 18,
                "constitution": 17,
                "intelligence": 12,
                "wisdom": 15,
                "charisma": 16
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": -2,
                "dexterity": 4,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": 1,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 3
            "saving_throws": {},
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": -2,
                "dexterity": 4,
                "constitution": 3,
                "intelligence": 1,
                "wisdom": 2,
                "charisma": 3
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "stealth": 7
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
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                "animal_handling": 2,
                "arcana": 1,
                "athletics": -2,
                "deception": 3,
                "history": 1,
                "insight": 2,
                "intimidation": 3,
                "investigation": 1,
                "medicine": 2,
                "nature": 1,
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                "performance": 3,
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                "religion": 1,
                "sleight_of_hand": 4,
                "stealth": 7,
                "survival": 2
            "passive_perception": 12,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": true,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [
            "condition_immunities": [
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": 60.0,
            "blindsight_range": null,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Sleep Touch",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) psychic damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or fall unconscious.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Sleep Touch attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 7,
                            "reach_ft": 5,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "psychic"
                    "name": "Steal Dreams",
                    "desc": "The dream wraith targets an unconscious or sleeping creature within 5 feet of it. The creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be reduced to 0 hp. The dream wraith gains temporary hp for 1 hour equal to the amount of hp the creature lost."
            "creaturesets": []
            "url": "",
            "document": "",
            "key": "ccdx_droth",
            "name": "Droth",
            "size": "",
            "speed": {
                "walk": 20.0,
                "unit": "feet",
                "climb": 10.0
            "speed_all": {
                "unit": "feet",
                "walk": 20.0,
                "crawl": 10.0,
                "hover": false,
                "fly": 0.0,
                "burrow": 0.0,
                "climb": 10.0,
                "swim": 10.0
            "category": "Monsters",
            "type": "",
            "alignment": "lawful neutral",
            "languages": [
            "armor_class": 16,
            "hit_points": 230,
            "hit_dice": "20d12+100",
            "challenge_rating_decimal": "12.000",
            "challenge_rating_text": "12",
            "experience_points": 8400,
            "ability_scores": {
                "strength": 18,
                "dexterity": 9,
                "constitution": 20,
                "intelligence": 14,
                "wisdom": 16,
                "charisma": 20
            "modifiers": {
                "strength": 4,
                "dexterity": -1,
                "constitution": 5,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 3,
                "charisma": 5
            "saving_throws": {
                "constitution": 9,
                "wisdom": 7,
                "charisma": 9
            "saving_throws_all": {
                "strength": 4,
                "dexterity": -1,
                "constitution": 9,
                "intelligence": 2,
                "wisdom": 7,
                "charisma": 9
            "skill_bonuses": {
                "perception": 7
            "skill_bonuses_all": {
                "acrobatics": -1,
                "animal_handling": 3,
                "arcana": 2,
                "athletics": 4,
                "deception": 5,
                "history": 2,
                "insight": 3,
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                "investigation": 2,
                "medicine": 3,
                "nature": 2,
                "perception": 7,
                "performance": 5,
                "persuasion": 5,
                "religion": 2,
                "sleight_of_hand": -1,
                "stealth": -1,
                "survival": 3
            "passive_perception": 17,
            "damage_immunities": [
            "nonmagical_attack_immunity": false,
            "damage_resistances": [
            "nonmagical_attack_resistance": false,
            "damage_vulnerabilities": [],
            "condition_immunities": [],
            "normal_sight_range": 10560.0,
            "darkvision_range": null,
            "blindsight_range": 60.0,
            "tremorsense_range": null,
            "truesight_range": null,
            "actions": [
                    "name": "Acid Wave ",
                    "desc": "The droth rises up and crashes down, releasing a 20-foot-radius wave of acidic ooze. Each creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 45 (10d8) acid damage and is knocked prone. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't knocked prone.",
                    "recharge_on_roll": 5
                    "name": "Merge",
                    "desc": "A shoth with less than half its maximum hp can merge with any other shoth creature within 10 feet, adding its remaining hp to that creature's. The hp gained this way can exceed the normal maximum of that creature. A shoth can accept one such merger every 24 hours."
                    "name": "Multiattack",
                    "desc": "The droth makes two oozing crush attacks."
                    "name": "Oozing Crush",
                    "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d12 + 4) bludgeoning damage and 7 (2d6) acid damage.",
                    "attacks": [
                            "name": "Oozing Crush attack",
                            "attack_type": "WEAPON",
                            "to_hit_mod": 8,
                            "reach_ft": 15,
                            "target_creature_only": false,
                            "extra_damage": {
                                "amount": 1,
                                "type": "acid"
            "creaturesets": []